Courses of Study : English Language Arts

Number of Standards matching query: 48
Recurring Standards
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 12
Learning Activities: 3
Classroom Resources: 9
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
R2. Use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar spoken or written words.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 3
Classroom Resources: 1
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 20
Classroom Resources: 20
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
R5. Identify and explain literary devices in prose and poetry.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
R6. Assess the formality of occasions in order to speak or write using appropriate language and tone.
Literacy Foundations
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
1. Apply phonics and word analysis skills to encode and decode words in grade-level texts.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
2. Use combined knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, appropriate blending, syllabication patterns, morphology, and word attack skills to read unfamiliar multisyllabic, grade-level words accurately in context and in isolation.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
3. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
4. Write familiar and unfamiliar multisyllabic, grade-level appropriate words accurately in context and in isolation.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 6
Classroom Resources: 6
5. Demonstrate fluency when independently reading, writing, and speaking in response to grade-level literary and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 4
Classroom Resources: 4
6. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, automaticity, appropriate prosody or expression, purpose, and understanding, self-correcting and rereading as necessary.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
7. Write routinely and independently for varied amounts of time.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
8. Orally present information and original ideas clearly.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 8
Learning Activities: 3
Classroom Resources: 5
9. Express ideas clearly and effectively to diverse partners or groups.

a. Pose and respond to explicit questions in ways that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.

b. Verbally summarize information read aloud or presented in diverse media and formats.

c. Report orally on a topic or text, sequencing ideas logically and supporting main ideas with appropriate facts and relevant details.

d. Speak clearly at an understandable rate.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
10. Respond directly to specific information shared by others in classroom discussion, using facts to support the ideas being discussed.

a. Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from discussion.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 9
Learning Activities: 6
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 2
11. Acquire and use grade-level vocabulary, clarifying the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases in text, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 27
Learning Activities: 12
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 14
12. Interpret the meaning of words, phrases, and patterns as they are used in texts, including domain-specific and academic vocabulary and figurative language.

a. Locate similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and idioms and interpret their meanings in context.

b. Explain the meanings of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.

c. Use the relationships between synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to increase understanding of word meanings.

d. Explain how an author's vocabulary and style influence the tone and mood of a text and support his/her purpose for writing.

e. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meanings of words.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Learning Activities: 3
13. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 2
14. Write using grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases accurately, including those that signal contrasting ideas, additional information, and other logical relationships.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
15. Use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases during presentations and discussion.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 13
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 10
Unit Plans: 1
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 8
Learning Activities: 8
17. Demonstrate comprehension of text by asking and responding to questions about literary elements used in the text.

Examples: theme, plot, point of view
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
18. Explain the relationships among events, people, or concepts in informational texts, supported by textual evidence.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 6
Classroom Resources: 6
19. Interpret how authors use literary elements throughout a text, including character, setting, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
20. Explain how the author's use of character types throughout a narrative helps drive its plot.

Examples: static, dynamic, and stock characters
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
21. Compare and contrast characters, points of view, or events in two or more literary texts.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 5
Classroom Resources: 5
22. Determine the implied and/or explicit main idea in literary and informational texts.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 4
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 3
23. Determine and analyze themes of various culturally-diverse literary texts, supporting analysis with textual evidence.

a. Analyze common themes of diverse texts with support from textual evidence.

b. Summarize a story or drama, describing how the plot unfolds and how characters respond to challenges or change their thoughts and actions and citing textual evidence.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
24. Determine and evaluate the effectiveness of digital and print text features and structures, including comparison and contrast, problem and solution, and cause and effect.

a. Identify various text features used in diverse forms of text.

b. Compare and contrast the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in multiple texts.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
25. Determine credibility and appropriateness of a research source by distinguishing between fact and the author's opinion in informational text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 5
Learning Activities: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
Unit Plans: 1
26. Analyze how two or more texts address similar topics in diverse media and formats, including graphics, live and/or recorded performances, and written works.

a. Explain how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the overall meaning and tone of a text.

b. Compare and contrast the approaches to theme in several stories within a genre.

c. Locate information quickly within a text and apply information from multiple sources to analysis of the topics.

d. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.

e. Compare the approaches of several authors of articles about the same or similar topics.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
27. Review the key ideas expressed in a text and draw conclusions, using facts to support them.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 2
28. Use audio and/or visual sources of information to obtain the answer to a question.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 2
29. Summarize in writing a variety of texts, stating their implied and/or explicit main ideas.

a. Use textual evidence to support summarization.

b. Cite appropriately when summarizing.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
30. Quote literary and informational texts accurately to support conclusions and inferences drawn from them.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 3
Learning Activities: 2
Lesson Plans: 1
31. Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to enhance the development of main ideas or themes when appropriate.

Examples: graphics, sounds
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 13
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 12
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
33. Write fluently and legibly in cursive, using correctly formed letters with appropriate spacing and placing text elements correctly on the page.

Examples: headings, titles, paragraph indentions
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 30
Learning Activities: 6
Classroom Resources: 24
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 11
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 8
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 3
36. Write an argument to persuade the reader to take an action or adopt a position, stating a claim, supporting the claim with relevant evidence from sources, using connectives to link ideas, and presenting a strong conclusion.

Examples: first, as a result, therefore, in addition
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 9
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 6
37. Write about research findings independently over short and/or extended periods of time.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 9
Learning Activities: 2
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 4
Unit Plans: 1
38. Gather information on a topic or question, and share the results through various modes of writing, including projects and presentations.

a. Locate information in print and digital sources.

b. Summarize, quote, and paraphrase information in notes and finished work, providing a list of sources.

c. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic into presentations of research.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 20
Learning Activities: 5
Classroom Resources: 15
39. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing.

a. Evaluate the usage of pronouns for the proper case.

Examples: subjective, objective, possessive

b. Identify inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.

c. Use varied pronouns and their antecedents correctly in composing and revising writing.

d. Use subject-verb agreement correctly when composing and revising writing.

e. Use verb tenses to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.

f. Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense, including subject-verb agreement.

g. Use perfect verb tenses to compose and revise writing.

h. Use correlative conjunctions correctly when composing and revising writing.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 9
Learning Activities: 2
Classroom Resources: 7
40. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

a. Use commas to separate items in a series, separate introductory elements from the rest of a sentence, set off tag questions, and indicate direct address.

b. Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate the titles of different types of works.

c. Spell grade-level words correctly, consulting references as needed.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
41. Write using grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases accurately, including those that signal contrasting ideas, additional information, and other logical relationships.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 5
All Resources: 0
42. Consult print and digital reference materials to find the pronunciation and to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

Examples: dictionaries, glossaries