ALEX Resources

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Classroom Resources (2)

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (4) 21 :
21. Explain how relevant details support the implied or explicit main idea of a text.

a. Determine the central idea or theme of a text.

b. Explain the difference between implied and explicit details.

c. Summarize the key supporting details by citing evidence from a text.
[ELA2021] (4) 28 :
28. Write clear and coherent responses to texts, using explicit or implicit evidence that supports a particular point.
[ELA2021] (5) 22 :
22. Determine the implied and/or explicit main idea in literary and informational texts.
[ELA2021] (5) 27 :
27. Review the key ideas expressed in a text and draw conclusions, using facts to support them.
Subject: English Language Arts (4 - 5)
Title: Drawing Conclusions and Comparing/Contrasting - The Everglades

Students take notes to determine the most important information given in a video segment and written text. They compare the information and draw written conclusions about the importance of studying the pig frog and the Everglades.

This resource supports students as they discover explicit and implicit meaning from an informational text.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (4) 16 :
16. Describe how authors use literary devices and text features to convey meaning in prose, poetry, and drama.

a. Identify clues in the text to recognize implicit meanings.

b. Apply prior knowledge to textual clues to draw conclusions about the author's meaning.

c. Make an inference about the meaning of a text and support it with textual evidence.
[ELA2021] (5) 27 :
27. Review the key ideas expressed in a text and draw conclusions, using facts to support them.
Subject: English Language Arts (4 - 5)
Title: Blue Ribbon Readers: The Detective's Notebook Game

This WPSU interactive The Detective's Notebook Game is designed to get students to think about what they are reading and to answer questions that require inferencing. In the game, the student has access to an amateur detective's notebook in which several clues or events have been observed. From these clues, some inferences or predictions can be made. The game is part of Blue Ribbon Readers, a collection of games designed to help elementary school students learn to read. This game is best for students in grades 3 - 6)

This resource allows students the opportunity to practice drawing conclusions based on text evidence.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 2

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