ALEX Resources

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ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 3 :
3) Present material in oral and written form.

a. Present information about selves with one word or simple learned phrases.

Examples: I'm tired. I have a headache. I'm thirsty, hungry, and sleepy.

b. Sing songs in the target language.

c. Label familiar people, places and objects.

Subject: World Languages (K - 8)
Title: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Students will draw a snowman and identify colors, clothing, and body parts of the snowman. Students will answer simple questions about the drawing.

This activity was created as a result of the World Language COS Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 5 :
5) Link target language and other subject areas to acquire information and develop diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Listen to and acquire vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.

Examples: Modes of transportation, the planets, and time-telling.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 5 :
5) Link target language and other subject areas to acquire information and begin to develop diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Acquire vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines while using the target language.

a. Use math skills to convert English measurements to metric system and to convert currencies.

b. Locate cities, states, and countries where the target language is spoken.

c. Describe weather in different locations around the world.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Map of Paris Arrondissements

This printable map illustrates the numbered arrondissements in Paris. The pdf can be printed individually for students or enlarged to create a poster to hang in the room. It is a great tool for novice French learners as they learn numbers as well as the key landmarks throughout Paris. A suggested activity is to have students work in pairs. One student asks where is a certain landmark. The second student replies with the correct number of the arrondissement. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 5 :
5) Link target language and other subject areas to acquire information and develop diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Listen to and acquire vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.

Examples: Modes of transportation, the planets, and time-telling.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 5 :
5) Link target language and other subject areas to acquire information and begin to develop diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Acquire vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: A La Fac - School Supplies

This novice low to novice mid French activity includes 2 interactive games that review  vocabulary related to school supplies. First a Kahoot game is prepared allowing students to use their phones, ipads, chromebooks or other devices to play against each other in the classroom to see who can identify each classroom item the fastest. In the second game, the teacher uses a prepared slide presentation to show pictures of individual items. Students look through their own personal belongings to see if they can locate the item. The first person to locate and correctly provide the French name for the item gets the point.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 4 :
4) Investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures.

a. Use appropriate gestures and oral expressions.

b. Identify typical activities, events, and celebrations of the target cultures.

Examples: Christmas, Carnival

c. Identify children's songs, poetry and rhymes from the target culture.

d. Observe and imitate simple patterns of behavior.

Examples: Table manners, greetings

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Compare gestures used to greet family, friends, and acquaintances.

b. Compare and contrast tangible products of the native and target cultures.

Examples: Food, clothing, toys, and children's stories

c. Compare simple behavior patterns in the native and target cultures.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the present time frame.

a. Greet and leave people in a polite way.

b. Exchange basic information about self and others.

c. Exchange basic information about their everyday lives.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: French Greetings and Introductions

This novice low French activity guides students through a series of greetings and introductions. Students start with a warm up that asks them to create a conversation using a series of pre-printed cards. Once students decide the correct order of the cards they are to act out the conversation presented on the cards. Students are then asked to each select a card that identifies the role they will play in the activity. Pretending to be the person on the card, students will move around the room introducing themselves and greeting others. Students are also given the opportunity to select a 'time of day' card to indicate whether the conversation should take place in the morning, noon, or evening. This allows students to vary their conversations as they move around the room. As an extension activity, teachers can demonstrate proper gestures used in greetings and have students include these in their conversations.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 5 :
5) Link target language and other subject areas to acquire information and develop diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Listen to and acquire vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.

Examples: Modes of transportation, the planets, and time-telling.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Printable Chinese Clock

This printable resource contains a printed clock labeled with Chinese numbers. Students can use this as a resource when learning to tell time in the target language. One option is to print a page for each student and attach clock hands using a brad. The teacher should call out a time and have students set their clocks to the corresponding time. Teachers can look at the clocks to easily check for understanding of the topic. Another option is to print the clock and insert it into a page protector. Using a dry-erase marker, students can draw the clock hands to match a time called out by the teacher. These hands can then be erased so that the teacher can call out more times, or have students take turns calling out times. This resource is most useful for novice low Chinese learners.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 3 :
3) Present material in oral and written form.

a. Present information about selves with one word or simple learned phrases.

Examples: I'm tired. I have a headache. I'm thirsty, hungry, and sleepy.

b. Sing songs in the target language.

c. Label familiar people, places and objects.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 5 :
5) Link target language and other subject areas to acquire information and develop diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Listen to and acquire vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content.

Examples: Modes of transportation, the planets, and time-telling.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the present time frame.

a. Greet and leave people in a polite way.

b. Exchange basic information about self and others.

c. Exchange basic information about their everyday lives.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the present time frame.

a. Present basic information orally and in writing.

b. Give simple instructions.

c. Tell about familiar objects, experiences, and daily routines.

d. Recite short memorized phrases, poems, and/or rhymes.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Printable Student Schedule in Chinese

This printable resource is perfect for writing out classroom schedules in Chinese. The printout has space for students to write out 7 classes that they attend at school. There is enough room for added descriptions such as teacher's name, room number, or adjectives describing the class. This activity is particularly useful for novice low language learners as they learn school-related vocabulary and descriptions. Teachers can choose to print a copy for each student and have each student write out their current schedule. Another option is to have students work in pairs and discuss their classes. Each student can write down the schedule of their partner as they listen to the information provided in the target language.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Spelling Names - German Alphabet Practice

This novice low German activity allows students to practice their listening skills as well as the German alphabet. Students will listen to an audio file that spells out 6 different names in German. Students can complete this activity individually by entering their answers on the site or teachers can download the file to play the activity offline in class. Those who complete the activity online will be able to check their work using the automatic grading feature.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 4 :
4) Investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures.

a. Use appropriate gestures and oral expressions.

b. Identify typical activities, events, and celebrations of the target cultures.

Examples: Christmas, Carnival

c. Identify children's songs, poetry and rhymes from the target culture.

d. Observe and imitate simple patterns of behavior.

Examples: Table manners, greetings

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 8 :
8) Acquire the ability to interact in the target culture beyond the classroom and set goals for life- long learning.

Examples: Foster a student-centered learning process by creating can-do statements with the help of their teachers.
Collect evidence to demonstrate achievement of goals such as self-assessment checklists, portfolios.
Perform for school or community celebrations.
Identify places in the community where the target language is used.
Listen to music and sing songs from the target culture.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Compare and contrast intangible products of the native and target cultures.

Examples: Songs, rhymes, folktales

b. Analyze the daily routines and celebrations (holidays) of the native and target cultures.

c. Observe and identify cultural patterns of meal times.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the present time frame.

a. Present basic information orally and in writing.

b. Give simple instructions.

c. Tell about familiar objects, experiences, and daily routines.

d. Recite short memorized phrases, poems, and/or rhymes.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 5 :
5) Identify products of the target cultures.

a. Recognize arts, crafts or graphic representations of the target culture.

b. Identify the cultural elements found in music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and identify the products from the target culture.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: German Counting Rhymes

This novice low to novice mid activity introduces German students to children's counting rhymes. Students listen to four different audio files. As they do, they fill in the missing words in the accompanying cloze activity. Once finished students are able to check their work automatically. Teachers can also choose to download the file so that the activity can be completed offline or in class as a whole. To achieve presentational speaking standards students can recite their favorite rhyme.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Chinese Radical Bingo

This novice low to novice mid-Chinese activity reviews common radicals with students. Students start by watching a short video that shows how radicals are used to form other words. Then, students play Bingo to practice the radicals that they have learned. The teacher holds up one of the 24 pre-printed radical cards. Students each have one of 10 different pre-printed bingo boards. All necessary resources to play this game are included except for Bingo card markers. Beans, buttons, coins, or any other small item will work as a game marker. Teachers can also put the cards in sheet protectors so students can write on them with dry-erase markers. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Compare gestures used to greet family, friends, and acquaintances.

b. Compare and contrast tangible products of the native and target cultures.

Examples: Food, clothing, toys, and children's stories

c. Compare simple behavior patterns in the native and target cultures.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Compare and contrast intangible products of the native and target cultures.

Examples: Songs, rhymes, folktales

b. Analyze the daily routines and celebrations (holidays) of the native and target cultures.

c. Observe and identify cultural patterns of meal times.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Report on content of a brief written or spoken message on familiar topics.

Examples: Emails, personal notes, letters, text messages

b. Identify the main idea in various media such as texts, posters, videos, etc.

c. Identify the main characters of a story.

d. Recall details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Hypothesize about relationships between cultural practices and cultural perspectives.

b. Identify cultural patterns of behavior in a variety of settings.

c. Speculate as to why certain products originate in a particular culture.

Subject: World Languages (K - 8)
Title: French and Family

This French lesson is geared toward novice low and novice mid learners in grades K-5. This unit consists of 3 separate lessons. In the first, students identify locations around the world where French is spoken. In the second, students examine photos of French family life and compare visible customs to those they see at home. Finally, students are introduced to French vocabulary used to identify family members. As an optional activity, students can create a family tree to present their own (or make-believe) family.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Vocabulary Bingo

Vocabulary Bingo is a common activity for any novice level language classroom. This printable game board is ready to be used for any vocabulary topic. An additional printout is posted in the comment section for those who would like to print smaller boards, two to a page. To play Bingo, students should write a vocabulary word from their current unit in each box on the board. Teachers of novice low students show photos of items and students mark off the corresponding vocabulary word if it appears on their board. Teachers of novice mid or high students should read a sentence describing a vocabulary word. Students use the definitions to identify the vocabulary word and mark it off if the word appears on their board.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Scattergories Game Card

This activity is popular among novice low and novice mid students who are learning lots of vocabulary across a wide variety of topics. This printable game card is fashioned after the popular board game Scattergories. Each student or student team is provided a card. The teacher calls out a letter of the alphabet and students write down a vocabulary word that starts with that letter and that represents the categories on the game card. After two to three minutes the teacher calls time and students stop writing. Students share their words with others. If any other student has the same word then that word does not count. Only students with unique words that were not written by others will receive a point. This challenges students to think about more advanced vocabulary rather than using the most common words. The categories on the card include the following: Names, Food, Places, Clothing, Animals, Body, House, School, and City. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 3 :
3) Present material in oral and written form.

a. Present information about selves with one word or simple learned phrases.

Examples: I'm tired. I have a headache. I'm thirsty, hungry, and sleepy.

b. Sing songs in the target language.

c. Label familiar people, places and objects.

Subject: World Languages (K - 8)
Title: La Familia

This novice-low Spanish activity is specifically aimed at elementary students who are beginning their Spanish journey. In this activity, students will learn about families in various Spanish cultures and gain a preliminary knowledge of the Spanish language, learning the Spanish names for various family members. Students will start by identifying some of the locations where Spanish is spoken. They will then examine differences between Hispanic families and their own. Finally, they will learn some vocabulary words associated with describing their family. Detailed activities and guided questions are included along with possible extension activities that focus on Spanish exploration and immigration. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

Subject: World Languages (K - 8)
Title: De Colores

This novice low to novice mid Spanish activity is geared toward those in grades K-5. This activity teaches students 10 key colors in Spanish by using "De Colores" a traditional folk song sung throughout Latin America and the US. Students start by examining the lyrics of the song and identifying key vocabulary words. Students are then asked to complete a series of 3 worksheets that guide them through identification and use of the target vocabulary words. An assessment is included as well as an optional extension activity that encourages students to connect their color vocabulary to clothing items that have been previously learned.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Compare gestures used to greet family, friends, and acquaintances.

b. Compare and contrast tangible products of the native and target cultures.

Examples: Food, clothing, toys, and children's stories

c. Compare simple behavior patterns in the native and target cultures.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Cognates - First Day of Spanish

This Spanish language video was created specifically for novice low beginning students. It introduces students to 50 cognates, showing them that there are lots of similarities between Spanish and English. This is a great way to activate previous knowledge before introducing new material to students. A printable transcript is provided for teacher or student use. The provided link relies on Latin American Spanish but an option to view a Spain version is included. A set of printable activities is included to accompany this video.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Common AR Verbs in Spanish

This useful resource provides a list of over 50 regular AR verbs along with a detailed Quizlet flashcard set that can be beneficial to helping beginning students memorize key vocabulary. Each Quizlet features a drawing to help students associate each action with an image rather than just a translation. This deck can be used for a variety of review activities such as matching and spelling. This link also provides a printable list of these common verbs.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Common ER Verbs in Spanish

This resource provides a list of over 24 ER verbs along with a detailed Quizlet flashcard set that can be beneficial to helping beginning students memorize key vocabulary words. This deck can be used for a variety of review activities such as matching and spelling. This link also provides a printable list of these common verbs as well as a fill-in-the-blank practice activity.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Common IR Verbs in Spanish

This resource provides a list of  20 IR verbs along with a  Quizlet flashcard set that can be beneficial to helping beginning students memorize key vocabulary words. This deck can be used for a variety of review activities such as matching and spelling. This link also provides a printable list of these common verbs as well as a fill-in-the-blank practice activity.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases.

b. Make simple statements in a conversation.

c. Recite high-frequency learned words.

d. Ask simple questions.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate and exchange information on familiar topics using simple sentences.

b. Engage in short social interactions with peers.

c. Exchange some personal information with peers.

d. Write simple descriptions and short messages on familiar topics.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Report on content of a brief written or spoken message on familiar topics.

Examples: Emails, personal notes, letters, text messages

b. Identify the main idea in various media such as texts, posters, videos, etc.

c. Identify the main characters of a story.

d. Recall details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the present time frame.

a. Greet and leave people in a polite way.

b. Exchange basic information about self and others.

c. Exchange basic information about their everyday lives.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Introductions in Germany

This link offers novice low to novice high German students an opportunity to hear a variety of people introduce themselves while sharing where they are from, the languages they speak, their age, occupation, and their nationalities. There are two different audio resources, each with 5 different interviews. As students listen to each they are challenged to write down the speaker's nationality, age, occupation, language, and country of origin. After completing the interpretive listening tasks, students are then asked to engage in interpersonal conversations using a provided list of basic introductory questions in German.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 4 :
4) Investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures.

a. Use appropriate gestures and oral expressions.

b. Identify typical activities, events, and celebrations of the target cultures.

Examples: Christmas, Carnival

c. Identify children's songs, poetry and rhymes from the target culture.

d. Observe and imitate simple patterns of behavior.

Examples: Table manners, greetings

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 8 :
8) Acquire the ability to interact in the target culture beyond the classroom and set goals for life- long learning.

Examples: Foster a student-centered learning process by creating can-do statements with the help of their teachers.
Collect evidence to demonstrate achievement of goals such as self-assessment checklists, portfolios.
Perform for school or community celebrations.
Identify places in the community where the target language is used.
Listen to music and sing songs from the target culture.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 4 :
4) Investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures.

a. Name practices observed in festivals, holidays, or daily life.

b. Identify landmarks and symbols of the target culture.

c. Identify similarities and differences between the target and home cultures.

d. Describe tangible products from the target culture.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 8 :
8) Acquire the ability to interact in the target culture beyond the classroom and set goals for life- long learning.

Examples: Interact with speakers of the target language.
Attend or use media to view cultural events in the target culture.
Consider realistic and responsible use of media to further target language learning.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Report on content of a brief written or spoken message on familiar topics.

Examples: Emails, personal notes, letters, text messages

b. Identify the main idea in various media such as texts, posters, videos, etc.

c. Identify the main characters of a story.

d. Recall details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 4 :
4) Investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures.

a. Use appropriate gestures and etiquette from the target culture.

b. Observe and analyze patterns of behavior typical of the target culture.

c. Draw conclusions about target culture values based on authentic materials.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare similarities and differences in writing systems of native and target languages.

b. Recognize idiomatic expressions in the target and native languages.

c. Compare and contrast patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and register.

d.Compare and contrast patterns of written communication such as style, syntax, and audience.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 8 :
8) Acquire the ability to interact in the target culture beyond the classroom and set goals for life- long learning.

Examples: Conduct research and report on a cultural topic.
Identify professions that require proficiency in another language.
Determine the "what" and "how" of their future learning.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 5 :
5) Identify products of the target cultures.

a. Recognize arts, crafts or graphic representations of the target culture.

b. Identify the cultural elements found in music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and identify the products from the target culture.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 9 :
9) Identify products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture.

a. Identify daily routines in the target culture and the native culture.

b. Identify celebrations in the target culture and the native culture.

c. Identify games, stories, songs, and rhymes from the native culture and those from the target culture.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 11 :
11) Identify opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment.

a. Plan real or imaginary travel.

b. Attend or view cultural events in person or virtually.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the past tense.

a. Restate information from audio and visual documents in the target language.

b. Locate key information from announcements and messages connected to daily activities in the target culture.

c. Relate the main themes and significant details on topics from other subjects and products of the cultures.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 5 :
5) Identify perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Describe products of the target culture.

b. Describe arts, crafts, or graphic representations of the target culture.

c. Describe the cultural elements found in music and short video clips.

d. Listen to, read, and describe the products in a variety of texts.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Use formal and informal forms of language.

b. Compare word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Use high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Use cognates.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture.

a. Compare daily routines in the target culture and the native culture.

b. Compare celebrations in the target culture and the native culture.

c. Compare games, stories, songs, and rhymes from the native culture and those from the target culture.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 11 :
11) Describe opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment.

a. Participate in student exchange opportunities locally, globally, or virtually.

b. Explore the internet to find sites of personal interest where they can use the target language.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Les Deux Magots Menu

This novice-mid to novice-high French activity explores the online Menu for Paris's famous Les Deux Magots Cafe. Students explore authentic resources as they search through the cafe's website and menu looking for recognizable words and cognates. Students are asked to examine the menu and identify starters, main dishes, and desserts. As a follow-up activity, students are encouraged the print the menu and use it to role-play ordering a meal at Les Deux Magots.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Report on content of a brief written or spoken message on familiar topics.

Examples: Emails, personal notes, letters, text messages

b. Identify the main idea in various media such as texts, posters, videos, etc.

c. Identify the main characters of a story.

d. Recall details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare similarities and differences in writing systems of native and target languages.

b. Recognize idiomatic expressions in the target and native languages.

c. Compare and contrast patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and register.

d.Compare and contrast patterns of written communication such as style, syntax, and audience.

[WLAN] WILP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. React to news clips, articles, or reports on current issues.

b. Describe main themes with significant details on topics of current interest.

c. Find basic information in an announcement, article, or other text.

[WLAN] WILP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate and analyze similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.

b. Hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of cognates and idioms.

c. Analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.

[WLAN] WIMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Interpret/retell stories or events in one's own words.

b. Identify principal characters and explain main ideas and themes in selected texts.

c. Determine the main idea of a text with unfamiliar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WIMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare how different time frames are expressed.

b. Describe shades of meaning expressed by different time frames.

c. Identify and compare language appropriate to specific social settings.

[WLAN] WIHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Restate information from short texts.

b. Relate main ideas and significant details on unfamiliar topics.

c. Use knowledge acquired in other settings to comprehend texts in the target language.

[WLAN] WIHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and synthesize similarities and differences between the target and native language.

a. Compare syntax functions.

b. Explain discrepancies between sound and writing systems in the target and native languages.

c. Hypothesize about the origins of idioms.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the past tense.

a. Restate information from audio and visual documents in the target language.

b. Locate key information from announcements and messages connected to daily activities in the target culture.

c. Relate the main themes and significant details on topics from other subjects and products of the cultures.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Use formal and informal forms of language.

b. Compare word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Use high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Use cognates.

[WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics in a variety of time frames.

a. Describe main ideas, identify characters, and state details found in a variety of informational and literary texts.

b. Use background knowledge to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames.

a. Compare idiomatic expressions of the target language and the native language.

b. Compare formal and informal registers of language.

c. Compare the use of different time frames in the target and native cultures.

d. Make connections between target language and native language based on knowledge of cognates.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

a. Give main ideas, supporting details, and justify inferences in selected texts.

b. Identify themes, settings, characters, and plot lines found in literary texts.

c. Use background knowledge from other disciplines to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 2 :
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Spanish Proficiency Excercises

This resource provides a large variety of authentic audio and video clips by native speakers from around the Spanish-speaking world. Clips are organized by proficiency level (beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced, and superior) and by topic. Each video clip provides resources to assist in interpretive listening activities including a Spanish language transcript, an optional English translation, a list of related vocabulary, and review of covered grammar points. These audio and video clips make it easy for students to analyze spoken language as they explore various dialects and compare language usage with their own.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases.

b. Make simple statements in a conversation.

c. Recite high-frequency learned words.

d. Ask simple questions.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare similarities and differences in writing systems of native and target languages.

b. Recognize idiomatic expressions in the target and native languages.

c. Compare and contrast patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and register.

d.Compare and contrast patterns of written communication such as style, syntax, and audience.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the past time frame.

a. Use the language to meet basic survival needs.

b. Participate in conversations on familiar topics using a variety of phrases and simple sentences.

c. Ask and answer questions on factual information.

d. Narrate incidents in the past time frame.

e. Describe activities and personal preferences in the past time frame.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Spanish Question Word Posters

This set of printable posters features the key question words taught in novice Spanish courses. Each printable highlights one single question word and includes an image so that students can make connections with the new vocabulary without relying on direct translations. Included words are: ¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Quiénes?, ¿Cuándo?, ¿Por qué?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuáles?, ¿Cuántos?, ¿Dónde?

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare similarities and differences in writing systems of native and target languages.

b. Recognize idiomatic expressions in the target and native languages.

c. Compare and contrast patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and register.

d.Compare and contrast patterns of written communication such as style, syntax, and audience.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: French Prepositions Printable

This two-page full-color printable resource illustrates French prepositions, making it easy for students to recall each vocabulary word. This prepared handout uses an emoji face and a box to help elementary, middle school, and high school students make visual connections with this grammar topic.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 22

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