Courses of Study : Digital Literacy and Computer Science (Grade K)

Safety, Privacy, and Security
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 8
Learning Activities: 3
Classroom Resources: 5
R1) Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • can use devices responsibly.
  • can use software responsibly with help.
  • can obey internet safety rules.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • information
  • devices
  • software
Students know:
  • how to identify responsible uses of devices.
  • how to identify responsible uses of software.
  • how to remember internet safety rules.
Students are able to:
  • identify responsible uses of devices: keeping them clean, correct methods for use.
  • identify responsible uses of software.
  • remember internet safety rules.
Students understand that:
  • they are responsible for using devices carefully to ensure they work and do not get broken.
  • there are correct ways to use software.
  • it is important to follow all rules when working on a computer.
  • they should only work on a computer when an adult is helping them.
Legal and Ethical Behavior
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
R2) Recognize and demonstrate age-appropriate responsible use of digital devices and resources as outlined in school/district rules.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will recognize when work belongs to someone else.
Students know:
  • how to recognize the work of others.
Students are able to:
  • identify that the work of others belongs to them.
Students understand that:
  • when a person creates something that work belongs to them.
Impact of Computing
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
R3) Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will identify ways to obtain information.
  • will understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • fiction
  • non-fiction
Students know:
  • how to identify sources of information.
  • the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
Students are able to:
  • identify sources as people, print, electronic.
  • understand the meaning of fiction and non-fiction.
Students understand that:
  • they may get information from people, books, computers, etc.
  • some information is real and some is not.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
R4) Identify and employ appropriate troubleshooting techniques used to solve computing or connectivity issues.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will alert an adult when a computing problem is recognized.
Students know:
  • to contact an adult when a computing issue arises.
Students are able to:
  • alert an adult when a computing issue arises.
Students understand that:
  • it is best to alert an adult when a computing issue arises.
Collaborative Research
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
R5) Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will find answers to a question or learn about a topic using a device.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • video
  • text
  • image
  • webpage
  • ebook
Students know:
  • computers give access to information.
  • devices can record pictures, videos, and text.
Students are able to:
  • find information about a specific topic or to answer a specific question using a digital resource such as a webpage, ebook, and/or video when given support and guidance from an adult.
Students understand that:
  • answers to questions can be found in digital resources such as a webpage, ebook, and/or video.
Digital Tools
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will will show ideas by using different applications on a device.
  • will change and fix those ideas on the device.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • text
  • image
Students know:
  • how to type or use speech to text to type basic letters and words.
  • how to delete letters and words.
  • how to resize an image.
  • how to move an image around.
Students are able to:
  • type and edit text.
  • resize and move images.
Students understand that:
  • an artifact created digitally can be reviewed and revised easily and in the same platform.
  • text and images can be used together to convey an idea or information.
Computational Thinker
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 15
Learning Activities: 2
Classroom Resources: 13
1) List the sequence of events required to solve problems.

Examples: Tying shoes, making a sandwich, brushing teeth.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will identify the order of events related to a specific task.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • sequence
Students know:
  • certain tasks require a specific sequence.
Students are able to:
  • tell the order of events for specific task.
  • identify what comes next for specific tasks.
  • identify a step that is not in the correct order.
Students understand that:
  • the order of events is important.
  • events are made up of several different steps.
Programming and Development
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 4
Learning Activities: 3
Classroom Resources: 1
2) Demonstrate use of input devices.

Examples: Mouse, touch screen, keyboard.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will use a mouse and keyboard to enter information.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • mouse
  • keyboard
  • screen
Students know:
  • input devices are used to manipulate computing devices or enter information.
Students are able to:
  • use a mouse, keyboard, or other input device to navigate on computing devices and enter information.
Students understand that:
  • they may need to use other pieces of equipment to navigate, select programs, or enter information into a computing device.
Citizen of a Digital Culture
Safety, Privacy, and Security
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
3) Distinguish between private and public information.

Example: Your birth date is private; your shirt color is public.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will use a password and understand not to share it.
  • will identify information should be kept private.
  • will identify information that is safe to share.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • password
  • private
  • public
Students know:
  • passwords protect private information.
  • birth date, phone number, address are private information you should not share with strangers.
Students are able to:
  • identify information that should remain private.
  • identify information that can be made public.
Students understand that:
  • keeping certain information private keeps them safe.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
4) Identify age-appropriate methods for keeping personal information private.

Example: Keeping passwords, name, address, and phone number confidential.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will keep my password and other private information about myself private.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • password
  • private
  • public
Students know:
  • how to keep their passwords private.
  • how to keep their personal information private.
Students are able to:
  • not tell others their private information such as passwords, address, and phone number.
Students understand that:
  • keeping certain information private keeps them safe.
  • some information about them help people find them.
Legal and Ethical Behavior
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 7
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 6
5) Demonstrate appropriate behaviors for working with others responsibly and kindly.

Examples: Face-to-face collaborative groups or interactions, online interactions, role play.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will work with others and follow rules.
  • will be respectful of others.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • respect
  • task
  • communicate
Students know:
  • taking turns is important to getting a task done on or off a computing device.
  • speaking/typing and behaving in a respectful way is important to getting a task done.
Students are able to:
  • take turns on and off a computing device.
  • speak/type and behave in a respectful way on and off a device.
Students understand that:
  • taking turns is necessary for positive and productive communication on and/or off a computing device.
  • being respectful on and/or off a computing device looks the same.
Impact of Computing
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
6) Recognize ways in which computing devices make certain tasks easier.

Examples: Communication, doctor's visits/medical records, maps and directions.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will identify ways that computers help people and make things easier.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • communicate
  • map
  • directions
  • research
Students know:
  • computing devices can be used to simplify many tasks in life.
Students are able to:
  • identify how computing devices can make tasks such as communicating, directions, and research easier.
Students understand that:
  • computing devices can make tasks easier.
Global Collaborator
Digital Tools
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 2
7) Locate letters and numbers on the keyboard.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will show where named letters and numbers are on a keyboard.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • keyboard
  • letters
  • numbers
Students know:
  • where letters and numbers are located on a keyboard.
Students are able to:
  • point to letters and numbers on a keyboard when prompted.
  • can type simple words using a keyboard.
Students understand that:
  • the letters and numbers on a keyboard are the same on every standard English keyboard.
Collaborative Research
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 0
8) Present information from a variety of digital resources.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will show and/or tell what I have learned from digital resources.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • digital
  • ebook
  • website
  • audio
  • onine
Students know:
  • information can be found in ebooks, websites, videos, audio files, and online articles.
  • how to share information they learned from digital resources.
Students are able to:
  • talk about a specific topic in which they gathered information from many different resources such as a digital book, website, video, and/or ebook.
Students understand that:
  • there are many different places to learn about ideas and topics such as the internet, books, videos, etc.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
9) Create a research-based product collaboratively using online digital tools, given specific guidance.

Examples: Find simple facts about a specific topic, create a slide that contains facts located in trade books or other sources as a group or with a partner.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will work with others to create an artifact on a device.
  • will collect information about a topic using a digital resource.
  • will show what I learned using a digital resource.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • digital
  • collaborative
Students know:
  • how to display information they learned on a digital platform.
  • how to work collaboratively on a digital platform.
Students are able to:
  • work with their peers to display information learned about a topic using a digital tool such as video or a slideshow when given support and guidance from an adult.
Students understand that:
  • working with others can make a presentation or project better.
  • working with others is a skill I can work on.
  • digital tools make presenting what I learned easier.
Computing Analyst
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 10
Learning Activities: 3
Classroom Resources: 7
10) Collect data and organize it in a chart or graph collaboratively.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will work collaboratively to collect data and create graphs or charts.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • graph
  • spreadsheet
  • data
Students know:
  • data can be collected in various ways.
  • results of data can be depicted in various ways.
Students are able to:
  • collect data using simple methods such as tally sheets, paper squares, voting.
  • as a group build simple graphs on paper.
  • as a group enter simple data into a spreadsheet.
Students understand that:
  • data can be collected in various ways.
  • results of data can be shared in various ways such as graphs, picture charts.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 0
11) Describe how digital devices save information.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will use appropriate methods to open a file or program.
  • will save my work to specific location identified by an adult.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • save
  • storage
Students know:
  • digital work can be saved.
Students are able to:
  • open saved work from a location such as desktop folder or online storage.
  • save work to a specified location such as desktop folder or online storage.
Students understand that:
  • digital work can be saved and retrieved.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 7
Learning Activities: 6
Classroom Resources: 1
12) Use a variety of digital devices, in both independent and collaborative settings.

Examples: Interactive boards, tablets, laptops, other handheld devices.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will use basic features of various types of devices both independently and collaboratively.
Students know:
  • basic features of various digital devices.
Students are able to:
  • use basic features of handheld/mobile devices collaboratively.
  • use basic features of handheld/mobile devices independently.
  • use basic features of desktops and laptops collaboratively.
  • use basic features of desktops and laptops independently.
Students understand that:
  • they can interact with apps on handheld devices via touch.
  • they can access programs and software on computing devices.
  • they can enter information in various ways.
Innovative Designer
Design Thinking
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018)
Grade(s): K
All Resources: 8
Classroom Resources: 8
13) Use a design process in a guided setting to create an artifact or solve a problem.

Example: Problem - understanding locations on the school campus. Solution - draw paper or digital maps of the school.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • will find and present solutions to problems.
  • will use different ways to find solutions.
  • will test possible solutions.
    Teacher Vocabulary:
    • define
    • strategy
    • visualize
    • perspective
    • pattern
    • cause
    • effect
    Students know:
    • solving a problem starts with finding and understanding the problem.
    • there can be more than one idea for a solution.
    • some ideas may or may not work.
    Students are able to:
    • find and define problems in a given context or scenerio such as story, video, in the classroom or school when given support and guidance from an adult.
    • use multiple strategies to find solutions to a problem when given support and guidance from an adult, such as visualizing, changing perspectives, finding patterns, stating cause and effect.
    Students understand that:
    • they can solve problems in their home, classroom, and school.
    • there is more than one way to think through a solution to a problem.