ALEX Classroom Resources

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [DLIT] (0) 4 :
R4) Identify and employ appropriate troubleshooting techniques used to solve computing or connectivity issues.

[DLIT] (0) 7 :
1) List the sequence of events required to solve problems.

Examples: Tying shoes, making a sandwich, brushing teeth.

[DLIT] (0) 19 :
13) Use a design process in a guided setting to create an artifact or solve a problem.

Example: Problem - understanding locations on the school campus. Solution - draw paper or digital maps of the school.

Subject: Digital Literacy and Computer Science (K)
Title: Computer Science Fundamentals Unit 2 Course A Lesson 9: Happy Loops (2018)

This activity revisits concepts from Happy Maps (CSF Unit 2 Lesson 5). This time, students will be solving bigger, longer puzzles with their code, leading them to see the utility in structures that let them write longer code in an easier way.

This lesson serves as an introduction to loops. Loops allow for students to simplify their code by grouping commands that need to be repeated. Students will develop critical thinking skills by noticing repetition in movements of their classmates and determining how many times to repeat commands. By seeing "Happy Maps" again, students will get the chance to relate old concepts such as sequencing to the new concept of repeat loops.

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