ALEX Classroom Resources

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (4) 13 :
13 ) Plan and carry out investigations to examine properties of soils and soil types (e.g., color, texture, capacity to retain water, ability to support growth of plants).

[DLIT] (0) 11 :
5) Demonstrate appropriate behaviors for working with others responsibly and kindly.

Examples: Face-to-face collaborative groups or interactions, online interactions, role play.

[DLIT] (0) 15 :
9) Create a research-based product collaboratively using online digital tools, given specific guidance.

Examples: Find simple facts about a specific topic, create a slide that contains facts located in trade books or other sources as a group or with a partner.

[DLIT] (1) 15 :
9) Use a variety of digital tools collaboratively to connect with other learners.

Examples: Video calling, blogs, collaborative documents.

[DLIT] (2) 15 :
9) Use a variety of digital tools to connect with other learners.

Examples: Online conferences, blogs, collaborative documents.

Subject: Science (4), Digital Literacy and Computer Science (K - 2)
Title: Steve Trash Science: The Dirty Truth About Soil / Super Collaborators

Steve Trash teaches kids about science with fun and magic. The show is filmed in Alabama.

Soil is not dirt, it’s so much much more. Steve illustrates the value and importance of soil to all living things on Earth. Then, Steve helps shine a light on digital collaboration, a great way to work digitally with your friends to solve problems.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 1

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