Courses of Study : World Languages

Number of Standards matching query: 11
Interpersonal Mode
World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 18
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 17
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Talk about daily activities and personal preferences in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

b. Complete a task that requires multiple steps.

c. Exchange information about areas of mutual interest.

Interpretive Mode
World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 36
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 35
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

Presentational Mode
World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 25
Learning Activities: 3
Classroom Resources: 22
3) Present information on a wide variety of both familiar and new topics using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure in various time frames and moods.

a. Present information about personal and social events, experiences, and activities.

b. Present information on a topic studied or researched.

c. Present points of view and provide reasons to support them.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 12
Classroom Resources: 12
4) Analyze perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Analyze how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through simulated real-world situations in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Design hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 20
Learning Activities: 2
Classroom Resources: 18
5) Analyze perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to government, education, religion, and economics.

b. Interact with music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and analyze the function of products used in selected texts.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 15
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 14
6) Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Write a critical analysis of audio or visual media.

b. Report on contributions of the culture in science, government, or medicine.

c. Describe the importance of historical events from the target culture, past and present.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 20
Learning Activities: 2
Classroom Resources: 18
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Evaluate the importance of current events in target culture.

b. Present a concept studied in another academic subject.

c. Debate global issues as represented in target language news sources.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 6
Classroom Resources: 6
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 10
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 9
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Compare and contrast customs and traditions of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Compare and contrast behaviors related to health and wellness.

c. Compare and contrast the importance placed on individual needs versus community needs.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
10) Interact using the target language within and beyond the classroom using complex sentence structure.

a. Use community resources to research a topic related to culture and/or language study.

b. Write and illustrate stories to present to others.

World Languages (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level V
All Resources: 6
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 5
11) Explore opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment in a variety of contexts.

a. Research target language resources for personal enrichment and entertainment.

b. Create or join school, community, or international groups that organize cultural events and/or social activities.

c. Explore the internet to find sites of personal interest where they can use the target language to maintain and increase communication skills.