ALEX Learning Activity Resources

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics in a variety of time frames.

a. Describe main ideas, identify characters, and state details found in a variety of informational and literary texts.

b. Use background knowledge to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Evaluate the importance of current events in target culture.

b. Present a concept studied in another academic subject.

c. Debate global issues as represented in target language news sources.

[WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames.

a. Compare characteristics of countries where target language is spoken.

b. Present information on topics across disciplines.

c. Describe the importance of influential figures from the target culture, past and present.

Subject: World Languages (7 - 12)
Title: Indigenous Voices: Cultural Identity and Challenges (Phase 2)

This activity expands students’ knowledge of the cultural identity and challenges facing indigenous groups in Latin America. Using the technology platform Padlet and the jigsaw classroom strategy, students will explore and take ownership of content. Interpersonal and presentational communication is used to engage in and share information between students.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 5 :
5) Analyze perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to government, education, religion, and economics.

b. Interact with music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and analyze the function of products used in selected texts.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Write a critical analysis of audio or visual media.

b. Report on contributions of the culture in science, government, or medicine.

c. Describe the importance of historical events from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Evaluate the importance of current events in target culture.

b. Present a concept studied in another academic subject.

c. Debate global issues as represented in target language news sources.

Subject: World Languages (7 - 12)
Title: What Would They Do?

This activity is part research and part role play in order for students to learn about an important historical/current figure in the target culture.

This activity was created as a result of the World Languages Course of Study Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 2

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