ALEX Classroom Resources

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods.

a. Initiate, maintain, and conclude a conversation on various topics.

b. Use the target language to communicate about subjects of particular interest to students.

c. Use the target language to handle tasks that may contain a complication.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

a. Give main ideas, supporting details, and justify inferences in selected texts.

b. Identify themes, settings, characters, and plot lines found in literary texts.

c. Use background knowledge from other disciplines to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain characteristics of countries where target language is spoken.

b. Present information on topics across disciplines in a variety of time frames and moods.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Talk about daily activities and personal preferences in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

b. Complete a task that requires multiple steps.

c. Exchange information about areas of mutual interest.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 2 :
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

Subject: World Languages (7 - 12)
Title: Gustavo Bécquer: amor y dolor (Rima LIII)

This Spanish intermediate mid to intermediate-high activity introduces students to Gustavo Becquer's Rima LIII, a poem on the College Board's suggested reading list for the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam. This activity includes both the English and Spanish texts. There are links to 2 sets of Quizlet cards, one that focuses on Spanish language literary terms and another that focuses on vocabulary from the poem. A 10 question multiple-choice Quizziz quiz is provided along with comprehension questions and discussion questions that encourage interpersonal conversations about the content in the poem.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods.

a. Initiate, maintain, and conclude a conversation on various topics.

b. Use the target language to communicate about subjects of particular interest to students.

c. Use the target language to handle tasks that may contain a complication.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

a. Give main ideas, supporting details, and justify inferences in selected texts.

b. Identify themes, settings, characters, and plot lines found in literary texts.

c. Use background knowledge from other disciplines to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on familiar and new topics in various time frames and aspects using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Express needs, wants and preferences with supporting reasons.

b. Present information on academic and work-related topics.

c. Present information about common age-appropriate issues.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 4 :
4) Investigate perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Explain how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through role-play in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Plan hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 5 :
5) Investigate perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to arts, crafts, and graphic representations.

b. Analyze the cultural elements of music and short video clips.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain characteristics of countries where target language is spoken.

b. Present information on topics across disciplines in a variety of time frames and moods.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain how current events are reported in target culture and at home.

b. Compare and contrast advertisements from target culture and local media.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the perspective of the target culture.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Compare and contrast personal experiences of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Explain cultural practices in the target culture.

c. Compare products in the target culture to the native culture.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Talk about daily activities and personal preferences in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

b. Complete a task that requires multiple steps.

c. Exchange information about areas of mutual interest.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 2 :
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on a wide variety of both familiar and new topics using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure in various time frames and moods.

a. Present information about personal and social events, experiences, and activities.

b. Present information on a topic studied or researched.

c. Present points of view and provide reasons to support them.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 4 :
4) Analyze perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Analyze how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through simulated real-world situations in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Design hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 5 :
5) Analyze perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to government, education, religion, and economics.

b. Interact with music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and analyze the function of products used in selected texts.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Write a critical analysis of audio or visual media.

b. Report on contributions of the culture in science, government, or medicine.

c. Describe the importance of historical events from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Evaluate the importance of current events in target culture.

b. Present a concept studied in another academic subject.

c. Debate global issues as represented in target language news sources.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Compare and contrast customs and traditions of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Compare and contrast behaviors related to health and wellness.

c. Compare and contrast the importance placed on individual needs versus community needs.

Subject: World Languages (7 - 12)
Title: Las Ciencias y Tecnología: Puerto Rico

This unique set of activities is geared toward intermediate mid to intermediate high Spanish students working toward the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. The goal of this unit is to reinforce the theme of Science and Technology as students practice each proficiency skill. The geographical region of emphasis is Puerto Rico. This lesson includes an interactive PowerPoint that walks students through each individual activity as they click on icons within the slide. (Be sure to open the slide show in presentational view in order to take full advantage of the interactive activities.) Tasks include writing, listening, reading, speaking, and cultural explorations. Cultural topics referenced in these tasks include: food, celebrations, sports, geography, and art.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods.

a. Initiate, maintain, and conclude a conversation on various topics.

b. Use the target language to communicate about subjects of particular interest to students.

c. Use the target language to handle tasks that may contain a complication.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

a. Give main ideas, supporting details, and justify inferences in selected texts.

b. Identify themes, settings, characters, and plot lines found in literary texts.

c. Use background knowledge from other disciplines to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on familiar and new topics in various time frames and aspects using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Express needs, wants and preferences with supporting reasons.

b. Present information on academic and work-related topics.

c. Present information about common age-appropriate issues.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 4 :
4) Investigate perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Explain how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through role-play in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Plan hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 5 :
5) Investigate perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to arts, crafts, and graphic representations.

b. Analyze the cultural elements of music and short video clips.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain characteristics of countries where target language is spoken.

b. Present information on topics across disciplines in a variety of time frames and moods.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain how current events are reported in target culture and at home.

b. Compare and contrast advertisements from target culture and local media.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the perspective of the target culture.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Compare and contrast personal experiences of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Explain cultural practices in the target culture.

c. Compare products in the target culture to the native culture.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Talk about daily activities and personal preferences in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

b. Complete a task that requires multiple steps.

c. Exchange information about areas of mutual interest.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 2 :
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on a wide variety of both familiar and new topics using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure in various time frames and moods.

a. Present information about personal and social events, experiences, and activities.

b. Present information on a topic studied or researched.

c. Present points of view and provide reasons to support them.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 4 :
4) Analyze perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Analyze how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through simulated real-world situations in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Design hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 5 :
5) Analyze perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to government, education, religion, and economics.

b. Interact with music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and analyze the function of products used in selected texts.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Write a critical analysis of audio or visual media.

b. Report on contributions of the culture in science, government, or medicine.

c. Describe the importance of historical events from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Evaluate the importance of current events in target culture.

b. Present a concept studied in another academic subject.

c. Debate global issues as represented in target language news sources.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Compare and contrast customs and traditions of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Compare and contrast behaviors related to health and wellness.

c. Compare and contrast the importance placed on individual needs versus community needs.

Subject: World Languages (7 - 12)
Title: Los Desafíos Mundiales: Chile

This unique set of activities is geared toward intermediate mid to intermediate high Spanish students working toward the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. The goal of this unit is to reinforce the theme of Global Challenges as students practice each proficiency skill. The geographical region of emphasis is Chile. This unit includes an interactive PowerPoint that walks students through each individual activity as they click on icons within the slide. (Be sure to open the slide show in presentational view in order to take full advantage of the interactive activities.) Tasks include writing, listening, reading, speaking, and cultural explorations. Cultural topics referenced in these tasks include: food, celebrations, sports, geography, and art.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods.

a. Initiate, maintain, and conclude a conversation on various topics.

b. Use the target language to communicate about subjects of particular interest to students.

c. Use the target language to handle tasks that may contain a complication.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

a. Give main ideas, supporting details, and justify inferences in selected texts.

b. Identify themes, settings, characters, and plot lines found in literary texts.

c. Use background knowledge from other disciplines to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on familiar and new topics in various time frames and aspects using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Express needs, wants and preferences with supporting reasons.

b. Present information on academic and work-related topics.

c. Present information about common age-appropriate issues.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 4 :
4) Investigate perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Explain how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through role-play in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Plan hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 5 :
5) Investigate perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to arts, crafts, and graphic representations.

b. Analyze the cultural elements of music and short video clips.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines while using the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain characteristics of countries where target language is spoken.

b. Present information on topics across disciplines in a variety of time frames and moods.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain how current events are reported in target culture and at home.

b. Compare and contrast advertisements from target culture and local media.

c. Explain the importance of influential figures from the perspective of the target culture.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Compare and contrast personal experiences of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Explain cultural practices in the target culture.

c. Compare products in the target culture to the native culture.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 1 :
1) Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Talk about daily activities and personal preferences in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

b. Complete a task that requires multiple steps.

c. Exchange information about areas of mutual interest.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 2 :
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 3 :
3) Present information on a wide variety of both familiar and new topics using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure in various time frames and moods.

a. Present information about personal and social events, experiences, and activities.

b. Present information on a topic studied or researched.

c. Present points of view and provide reasons to support them.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 4 :
4) Analyze perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

a. Analyze how behaviors in the target culture relate to and reflect different types of relationships.

b. Interact through simulated real-world situations in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments.

c. Design hands-on activities related to cultural practices.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 5 :
5) Analyze perspectives through products of the target cultures.

a. Analyze the importance of products of the target culture, related to government, education, religion, and economics.

b. Interact with music and short video clips.

c. Listen to, read, and analyze the function of products used in selected texts.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 6 :
6) Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Write a critical analysis of audio or visual media.

b. Report on contributions of the culture in science, government, or medicine.

c. Describe the importance of historical events from the target culture, past and present.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 7 :
7) Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Evaluate the importance of current events in target culture.

b. Present a concept studied in another academic subject.

c. Debate global issues as represented in target language news sources.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 9 :
9) Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Compare and contrast customs and traditions of the target culture to the native culture.

b. Compare and contrast behaviors related to health and wellness.

c. Compare and contrast the importance placed on individual needs versus community needs.

Subject: World Languages (7 - 12)
Title: Los Identidades Públicas y Privadas: Honduras

This unique set of lessons is geared toward intermediate mid to intermediate high Spanish students working toward the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. The goal of this unit is to reinforce the theme of Personal and Public Identities as students practice each proficiency skill. The geographical region of emphasis is Honduras.  This unit includes an interactive PowerPoint that walks students through each individual activity as they click on icons within the slide. (Be sure to open the slide show in presentational view in order to take full advantage of the interactive activities.) Tasks include writing, listening, reading, speaking, and cultural explorations. Cultural topics referenced in these tasks include: food, celebrations, sports, geography, and art.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize everyday words and phrases on topics related to personal experiences.

Examples: Places to go, careers, leisure time activities

b. Identify cognates.

c. Categorize vocabulary in predictable topic areas.

d. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Report on content of a brief written or spoken message on familiar topics.

Examples: Emails, personal notes, letters, text messages

b. Identify the main idea in various media such as texts, posters, videos, etc.

c. Identify the main characters of a story.

d. Recall details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare similarities and differences in writing systems of native and target languages.

b. Recognize idiomatic expressions in the target and native languages.

c. Compare and contrast patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and register.

d.Compare and contrast patterns of written communication such as style, syntax, and audience.

[WLAN] WILP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. React to news clips, articles, or reports on current issues.

b. Describe main themes with significant details on topics of current interest.

c. Find basic information in an announcement, article, or other text.

[WLAN] WILP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate and analyze similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.

b. Hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of cognates and idioms.

c. Analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.

[WLAN] WIMP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Interpret/retell stories or events in one's own words.

b. Identify principal characters and explain main ideas and themes in selected texts.

c. Determine the main idea of a text with unfamiliar vocabulary.

[WLAN] WIMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare how different time frames are expressed.

b. Describe shades of meaning expressed by different time frames.

c. Identify and compare language appropriate to specific social settings.

[WLAN] WIHP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Restate information from short texts.

b. Relate main ideas and significant details on unfamiliar topics.

c. Use knowledge acquired in other settings to comprehend texts in the target language.

[WLAN] WIHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and synthesize similarities and differences between the target and native language.

a. Compare syntax functions.

b. Explain discrepancies between sound and writing systems in the target and native languages.

c. Hypothesize about the origins of idioms.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

a. Identify main characters, themes, and ideas from narrative text.

b. Recognize words, phrases and simple sentences in an informational text.

c. Interpret visual and auditory cues.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the past tense.

a. Restate information from audio and visual documents in the target language.

b. Locate key information from announcements and messages connected to daily activities in the target culture.

c. Relate the main themes and significant details on topics from other subjects and products of the cultures.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Use formal and informal forms of language.

b. Compare word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Use high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Use cognates.

[WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics in a variety of time frames.

a. Describe main ideas, identify characters, and state details found in a variety of informational and literary texts.

b. Use background knowledge to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames.

a. Compare idiomatic expressions of the target language and the native language.

b. Compare formal and informal registers of language.

c. Compare the use of different time frames in the target and native cultures.

d. Make connections between target language and native language based on knowledge of cognates.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 2 :
2) Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

a. Give main ideas, supporting details, and justify inferences in selected texts.

b. Identify themes, settings, characters, and plot lines found in literary texts.

c. Use background knowledge from other disciplines to understand spoken and written information in the target language.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 2 :
2) Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

a. Relate main themes and significant details in ads, reports, or announcements presented on TV, radio, video, or in live presentations.

b. Describe the main themes and significant details on topics found in print media.

c. Follow short instructions to complete a task.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: Spanish Proficiency Excercises

This resource provides a large variety of authentic audio and video clips by native speakers from around the Spanish-speaking world. Clips are organized by proficiency level (beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced, and superior) and by topic. Each video clip provides resources to assist in interpretive listening activities including a Spanish language transcript, an optional English translation, a list of related vocabulary, and review of covered grammar points. These audio and video clips make it easy for students to analyze spoken language as they explore various dialects and compare language usage with their own.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates and hypothesize about why languages might need to borrow words.

b. Compare word order of native and target languages.

c. Compare patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and pronunciation.

[WLAN] WNHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare similarities and differences in writing systems of native and target languages.

b. Recognize idiomatic expressions in the target and native languages.

c. Compare and contrast patterns of spoken communication such as intonation and register.

d.Compare and contrast patterns of written communication such as style, syntax, and audience.

[WLAN] WILP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate and analyze similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.

b. Hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of cognates and idioms.

c. Analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.

[WLAN] WIMP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Compare how different time frames are expressed.

b. Describe shades of meaning expressed by different time frames.

c. Identify and compare language appropriate to specific social settings.

[WLAN] WIHP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and synthesize similarities and differences between the target and native language.

a. Compare syntax functions.

b. Explain discrepancies between sound and writing systems in the target and native languages.

c. Hypothesize about the origins of idioms.

[WLAN] WL1 (7-12) 8 :
8) Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Observe formal and informal forms of language.

b. Identify word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Identify high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Identify cognates.

[WLAN] WL2 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language.

a. Use formal and informal forms of language.

b. Compare word order for dates and placement of descriptors.

c. Use high-frequency idiomatic expressions.

d. Use cognates.

[WLAN] WL3 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames.

a. Compare idiomatic expressions of the target language and the native language.

b. Compare formal and informal registers of language.

c. Compare the use of different time frames in the target and native cultures.

d. Make connections between target language and native language based on knowledge of cognates.

[WLAN] WL4 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames and moods.

a. Explain idiomatic expressions appropriately.

b. Compare and contrast formal and informal registers of language.

[WLAN] WL5 (7-12) 8 :
8) Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

a. Compare choice and use of prepositions.

b. Analyze elements of the target language related to time and tense.

c. Compare the writing system of the target language and the native language.

Subject: World Languages (K - 12)
Title: French Grammar Games: Play, Learn, Improve

This free online site offers a variety of online French grammar games that can be used to review grammar concepts at all levels of instruction. An organized guide provides a well-organized list of grammar topics. Topics include Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Possessives, Demonstratives, Indefinites, Prepositions, Verb Conjugations (Present, Past, Future, Conditional, Subjunctive, Imperatives, Participles & Gerunds), Questions, Negations, Comparisons, Conjunctions, Passive Voice, Expressing Time, and more. As an added bonus, most topics include a printable resource or study guide explaining each specific grammar topic. This PDF file is available in both French and English.

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