ALEX Resources

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Lesson Plans (7) A detailed description of the instruction for teaching one or more concepts or skills. Unit Plans (1)  Learning Activities (3) Building blocks of a lesson plan that include before, during, and after strategies to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill. Classroom Resources (20)

ALEX Lesson Plans  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 11 :
11 ) Construct an argument from evidence to explain the likelihood of an organism's ability to survive when compared to the resources in a certain habitat (e.g., freshwater organisms survive well, less well, or not at all in saltwater; desert organisms survive well, less well, or not at all in woodlands).

a. Construct explanations that forming groups helps some organisms survive.

b. Create models that illustrate how organisms and their habitats make up a system in which the parts depend on each other.

c. Categorize resources in various habitats as basic materials (e.g., sunlight, air, freshwater, soil), produced materials (e.g., food, fuel, shelter), or as nonmaterial (e.g., safety, instinct, nature-learned behaviors).

[SC2015] (4) 9 :
9 ) Examine evidence to support an argument that the internal and external structures of plants (e.g., thorns, leaves, stems, roots, colored petals, xylem, phloem) and animals (e.g., heart, stomach, lung, brain, skin) function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) -4 :
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (3) 35 :
35. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from various sources, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (5) -4 :
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (4) 37 :
37. Write an argument to persuade the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from relevant sources, and linking words to connect their argument to the evidence.
[ELA2021] (5) 36 :
36. Write an argument to persuade the reader to take an action or adopt a position, stating a claim, supporting the claim with relevant evidence from sources, using connectives to link ideas, and presenting a strong conclusion.

Examples: first, as a result, therefore, in addition
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (3) 35 :
35. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from various sources, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (4) -4 :
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) 37 :
37. Write an argument to persuade the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from relevant sources, and linking words to connect their argument to the evidence.
[ELA2021] (5) -4 :
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 36 :
36. Write an argument to persuade the reader to take an action or adopt a position, stating a claim, supporting the claim with relevant evidence from sources, using connectives to link ideas, and presenting a strong conclusion.

Examples: first, as a result, therefore, in addition
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5), or Science (3 - 4)
Title: Animal Adaptions for Grades 3-5

HyperSlides are digital lessons/units that help students learn the material in a way that is engaging and inquiry-based. Students will work together to complete a HyperSlides unit centering around animal adaptations for standards in grades 3-5. Students will work creatively and collaboratively with a variety of Course of Study standards that engage students through using Google Slides and Hyperlinks to assist in the understanding of animal adaptations. This project will take several class periods to complete. After an introduction to the Hyperslides, students are encouraged to work at their own pace, but Hyperslides can be assigned on a daily basis.

This Lesson Plan was created in partnership with the Birmingham Zoo.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 15 :
15 ) Evaluate a design solution (e.g., flood barriers, wind resistant roofs, lightning rods) that reduces the impact of a weather-related hazard.*

[ELA2021] (3) 1 :
1. Contribute meaningful ideas to discussions with groups and peers utilizing agreed upon rules.

a. Elaborate on responses in conversations and discussions.

Examples: use precise, descriptive language; build upon previously expressed ideas
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: English Language Arts (3), or Science (3)
Title: Diverting Disaster With Lightning Rods

Students will use a Venn diagram to compare lightning and static electricity. Then, students will experiment with static electricity and read nonfiction passages about lightning and lightning rods. Finally, they will apply their learning to construct a model of a lightning rod system that protects a house from a lightning-induced fire.

This lesson results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 8 :
8 ) Engage in argument from evidence to justify that traits can be influenced by the environment (e.g., stunted growth in normally tall plants due to insufficient water, change in an arctic fox's fur color due to light and/or temperature, stunted growth of a normally large animal due to malnourishment).

[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 35 :
35. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from various sources, and a conclusion.
Subject: English Language Arts (3), or Science (3)
Title: Can an Animal's Traits be Influenced by the Environment?

The lesson will begin with the teacher leading a discussion related to animal traits and the environment using a T-chart graphic organizer. The students will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas with a partner, and then the teacher will introduce the essential question of the lesson: “Can an animal's traits be influenced by the environment?” Next, the teacher will show students a video clip and nonfiction text related to the arctic fox, which is an animal that experiences a seasonal change in its fur color, and record information about the fox’s traits and habitat on a T-chart graphic organizer. Then, students will research a different animal to determine how its traits can be influenced by its environment using digital or print sources and take brief notes. Lastly, students will develop an explanatory text in a claim-evidence-reasoning format that includes an illustration to help convey their scientific ideas clearly.

This lesson results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: English Language Arts (3)
Title: Primary Sources: Making Meaning From Photographs

This lesson introduces students to the world of primary sources.  Students will analyze two photographs concerning Alabama's second governor, Thomas Bibb, in order to construct meaning.  Students will analyze a primary source from their past and present it to the class. 

This lesson was created in partnership with the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SS2010] GHS (3) 2 :
2 ) Locate the continents on a map or globe

•  Using vocabulary associated with geographical features of Earth, including hill, plateau, valley, peninsula, island, isthmus, ice cap, and glacier
•  Locating major mountain ranges, oceans, rivers, and lakes throughout the world (Alabama)
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: English Language Arts (3), or Social Studies (3)
Title: Mapping the Travels of Paul Bunyan Through Alabama, Too!

During this lesson, students will recount a Paul Bunyan tall tale, an entertaining way to identify bodies of water and landforms in the United States. Although Paul Bunyan's Tales did not focus on Alabama, students will create their own narratives after viewing photographs of major mountain ranges, rivers, and lakes throughout Alabama (ACOS 3.2). This lesson will utilize older maps of the United States and Alabama, which are used to remind us that this folk tale was handed down orally until the early 1900s when a newspaper printed several accounts of the tall tale.

This lesson was created in partnership with the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) -2 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically for research and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 2 :
2. Present information orally using complex sentence structures, appropriate volume, and clear pronunciation.

a. Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to clarify, and to respond.
[ELA2021] (3) 3 :
3. Apply oral literacy skills by participating in a variety of oral language activities.

Examples: plays, dramas, choral readings, oral reports
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 35 :
35. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from various sources, and a conclusion.
[SC2015] (3) 15 :
15 ) Evaluate a design solution (e.g., flood barriers, wind resistant roofs, lightning rods) that reduces the impact of a weather-related hazard.*

[DLIT] (3) 6 :
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

Subject: Digital Literacy and Computer Science (3), or English Language Arts (3), or Science (3)
Title: Engineered Solution Dam Evaluation Journal and Presentation

Students will create a Google Doc utilizing their school-based account or the class-created account provided by the teacher. Students will electronically journal their thinking throughout the process of the hands-on group science activity about designing and evaluating a dam to reduce the impact of a flood. Once the activity is complete, students will share their Google Docs with a peer or assigned group in order to discuss the findings of the experiment and clarify any unclear statements claimed in his/her journaling. Students will compile journal entries to create sequential writing appropriate to the task. Students will then create a presentation of their journaling with Google Slides, Prezi, Animoto, or a similar electronic presentation tool.

This unit was created as part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[SC2015] (3) 14 :
14 ) Collect information from a variety of sources to describe climates in different regions of the world.

[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 39 :
39. Gather and evaluate information about a topic from a variety of sources, including digital sources, and utilize it to create a project, report, or presentation.

a. Avoid plagiarism by using their own words and utilizing digital sources ethically.
Subject: English Language Arts (3), or Science (3)
Title: Exploring Nonfiction Texts to Determine How Climate Impacts Different Weather Phenomenon

The lesson will begin with students accessing their prior knowledge of weather and climates by completing a warm-up writing prompt. Students will then move to reading texts on the subjects of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and droughts to determine if and how climate affects these weather phenomena. In groups, students will create a half-poster that describes their findings in text and pictures. At the end of the lesson, students will view a graph to extend their learning about tornadoes and hint at a future lesson while also completing an "exit ticket" as a means of summative assessment. 

This unit was created as part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Unit Plans  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [MA2019] (3) 17 :
17. Measure lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch to generate data and create a line plot marked off in appropriate units to display the data.
[MA2019] (3) 16 :
16. For a given or collected set of data, create a scaled (one-to-many) picture graph and scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories.

a. Determine a simple probability from a context that includes a picture.

b. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled graphs.
[SS2010] GHS (3) 11 :
11 ) Interpret various primary sources for reconstructing the past, including documents, letters, diaries, maps, and photographs.

•  Comparing maps of the past to maps of the present
[ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 35 :
35. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from various sources, and a conclusion.
[SC2015] (3) 15 :
15 ) Evaluate a design solution (e.g., flood barriers, wind resistant roofs, lightning rods) that reduces the impact of a weather-related hazard.*

[ELA2021] (3) -5 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (3) -2 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically for research and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (3) 1 :
1. Contribute meaningful ideas to discussions with groups and peers utilizing agreed upon rules.

a. Elaborate on responses in conversations and discussions.

Examples: use precise, descriptive language; build upon previously expressed ideas
[ELA2021] (3) 3 :
3. Apply oral literacy skills by participating in a variety of oral language activities.

Examples: plays, dramas, choral readings, oral reports
[DLIT] (3) 6 :
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

[ELA2021] (3) -2 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically for research and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 2 :
2. Present information orally using complex sentence structures, appropriate volume, and clear pronunciation.

a. Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to clarify, and to respond.
[ELA2021] (3) 3 :
3. Apply oral literacy skills by participating in a variety of oral language activities.

Examples: plays, dramas, choral readings, oral reports
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 35 :
35. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from various sources, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 24 :
24. Identify the text structures within literary and informational texts.

a. Explain how the structures, including comparison and contrast, sequence of events, problem and solution, and cause and effect, contribute to the meaning of the text, using textual evidence.

Title: Reducing the Impact of a Flood
Unit Plan Overview: In relation to science, students will evaluate a dam design that reduces the impacts of a flood. Students will describe the relationship between scientific ideas or concepts using language that pertains to cause and effect in reference to dam design. Using technology to produce and publish writing, students will interact and collaborate with others on their dam design. In math, students will draw a scaled bar graph to represent dam and flood data over time and then use rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch to measure lengths and construct their own dam. Students will also interpret various primary sources for reconstructing the past, including documents and photographs about dam designs. This unit was created as a part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.

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ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ARTS] VISA (3) 1 :
1) Elaborate on an individual or prompted imaginative idea.

Examples: Create an imaginative mask showing his/her personality.
Look at masks from different cultures such as Chinese, African and Native American.

[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: Arts Education (3), English Language Arts (3)
Title: Keith Haring Dancing Drawings

Students will read Kay Haring's picture book, Keith Haring: The Boy Who Just Kept Drawing. Students will answer questions from the text. Students will identify break dancing as his inspiration. The students will watch a few minutes of a Break Dancing video from YouTube. They will draw their own dancing figure using motion lines to illustrate movement. 

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ARTS] VISA (3) 1 :
1) Elaborate on an individual or prompted imaginative idea.

Examples: Create an imaginative mask showing his/her personality.
Look at masks from different cultures such as Chinese, African and Native American.

[MA2019] (3) 1 :
1. Illustrate the product of two whole numbers as equal groups by identifying the number of groups and the number in each group and represent as a written expression.

[MA2019] (3) 3 :
3. Solve word situations using multiplication and division within 100 involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities; represent the situation using models, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number.

Subject: English Language Arts (3), Arts Education (3), Mathematics (3)
Title: Groundhog's Garden Arrays

Students will review and solve multiplication of numbers less than 100 using word problems and arrays by creating a prompted work of art.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[MA2019] (5) 8 :
8. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationships between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division; relate the strategy to a written method, and explain the reasoning used.

a. Use concrete models and drawings to solve problems with decimals to hundredths.

b. Solve problems in a real-world context with decimals to hundredths.
[MA2019] (4) 10 :
10. Use place value strategies to fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers and connect strategies to the standard algorithm.
[MA2019] (3) 11 :
11. Use various strategies to add and subtract fluently within 1000.

[DLIT] (3) 5 :
R5) Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.

[DLIT] (5) 5 :
R5) Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.

[DLIT] (4) 5 :
R5) Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.

Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5), Mathematics (3 - 5), Digital Literacy and Computer Science (3 - 5)
Title: Digital Breakout Safari for Grades 3-5

This Digital Breakout is a perfect way to enhance a unit of study with animal standards for grades 3-5. It can be used before or after a unit of study or a field trip to the Birmingham Zoo. Students will work creatively and collaboratively to solve academic puzzles to unlock an answer. Academic puzzles are centered around a variety of Course of Study standards that engage students through the Breakout process. This activity can be done as a whole group for students that are not familiar with the Digital Breakout process. This activity can be done in small groups in grades 2-5 with students that are familiar with the Digital Breakout process.  

This Learning Activity was created in partnership with the Birmingham Zoo. 

ALEX Learning Activities: 3

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 1 :
1 ) Plan and carry out an experiment to determine the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object using one variable at a time, including number, size, direction, speed, position, friction, or air resistance (e.g., balanced forces pushing from both sides on an object, such as a box, producing no motion; unbalanced force on one side of an object, such as a ball, producing motion), and communicate these findings graphically.

[ELA2021] (2) 22 :
22. Use content knowledge built during read-alouds and independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (2) 31 :
31. Use information from a text to determine the author's purpose in different forms of informational and literary texts.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 20 :
20. Establish a purpose before reading literary and informational texts to enhance comprehension, including identifying background knowledge and generating questions about the topic or characters.

Examples: reading for pleasure, application, or information; to identify a theme or an author's purpose
Subject: Science (3), English Language Arts (2 - 3)
Title: Motion!

Beware of squirrels! Experience the science of force and motion while learning that an author’s reason to write is either to inform or entertain the reader. In this interactive lesson, write a motion story and use motion words as you practice reading with a nutty squirrel.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 15 :
15 ) Evaluate a design solution (e.g., flood barriers, wind resistant roofs, lightning rods) that reduces the impact of a weather-related hazard.*

[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: Science (3), English Language Arts (3)
Title: Protecting Against Tornadoes

The teacher will present an informational text from the website, ReadWorks. Students will interact with this non-fiction text by annotating the text digitally. The students will answer the questions associated with the article as an assessment. This learning activity can introduce students to the concept of designing weather-resistant structures, serve as reinforcement after students have already learned this concept, or be used as an assessment at the conclusion of a lesson. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 14 :
14 ) Collect information from a variety of sources to describe climates in different regions of the world.

[SC2015] (3) 15 :
15 ) Evaluate a design solution (e.g., flood barriers, wind resistant roofs, lightning rods) that reduces the impact of a weather-related hazard.*

[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: Science (3), English Language Arts (3)
Title: The Power of Hurricanes

The teacher will present an informational text from the website, ReadWorks. Students will interact with this non-fiction text by annotating the text digitally. The students will answer the questions associated with the article as an assessment. This learning activity can explain how a region's climate can result in severe weather, serve as reinforcement after students have already learned this concept, or be used as an assessment at the conclusion of a lesson. In addition, the conclusion of this text describes design solutions to prevent hurricane-related hazards.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SC2015] (3) 9 :
9 ) Analyze and interpret data from fossils (e.g., type, size, distribution) to provide evidence of organisms and the environments in which they lived long ago (e.g., marine fossils on dry land, tropical plant fossils in arctic areas, fossils of extinct organisms in any environment).

[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
Subject: Science (3), English Language Arts (3)
Title: Dino News!

The teacher will present an informational text from the website, ReadWorks. The students and teacher can interact with this non-fiction text by annotating the text digitally. The students will answer the questions associated with the article as an assessment. This learning activity can be used to explain that fossils can provide evidence about past environments and organisms. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SS2010] GHS (3) 12 :
12 ) Explain the significance of representations of American values and beliefs, including the Statue of Liberty, the statue of Lady Justice, the United States flag, and the national anthem.

[SS2010] ALA (4) 14 :
14 ) Analyze the modern Civil Rights Movement to determine the social, political, and economic impact on Alabama.

•  Recognizing important persons of the modern Civil Rights Movement, including Martin Luther King, Jr.; George C. Wallace; Rosa Parks; Fred Shuttlesworth; John Lewis; Malcolm X; Thurgood Marshall; Hugo Black; and Ralph David Abernathy
•  Describing events of the modern Civil Rights Movement, including the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, the Freedom Riders bus bombing, and the Selma-to-Montgomery March
•  Explaining benefits of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and Brown versus Board of Education Supreme Court case of 1954
•  Using vocabulary associated with the modern Civil Rights Movement, including discrimination, prejudice, segregation, integration, suffrage, and rights
[SS2010] USS5 (5) 11 :
11 ) Identify causes of the Civil War, including states' rights and the issue of slavery.

•  Describing the importance of the Missouri Compromise, Nat Turner's insurrection, the Compromise of 1850, the Dred Scott decision, John Brown's rebellion, and the election of 1860
•  Recognizing key Northern and Southern personalities, including Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, William Tecumseh Sherman, and Joseph Wheeler (Alabama)
•  Describing social, economic, and political conditions that affected citizens during the Civil War
•  Identifying Alabama's role in the Civil War (Alabama)
Examples: Montgomery as the first capital of the Confederacy, Winston County's opposition to Alabama's secession (Alabama)

•  Locating on a map sites important to the Civil War
Examples: Mason-Dixon Line, Fort Sumter, Appomattox, Gettysburg, Confederate states, Union states (Alabama)

•  Explaining events that led to the conclusion of the Civil War
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 39 :
39. Gather and evaluate information about a topic from a variety of sources, including digital sources, and utilize it to create a project, report, or presentation.

a. Avoid plagiarism by using their own words and utilizing digital sources ethically.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 37 :
37. Write about research findings independently over short and/or extended periods of time.
Subject: Social Studies (3 - 5), English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Storytelling in the Social Studies Classroom

In this unit, students tell their own stories and explore the stories of other Americans. Hearing and telling these stories helps students realize that social studies is not simply the study of history, but an exploration of real people and their lives. Students begin by telling stories about their personal experiences. They then explore the character traits that promote democratic ideals and tell stories about family members who exemplify these traits. Finally, they conduct research and share stories about famous Americans. Practiced skills include reading, researching, visually representing, writing, and presenting.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 11 :
11. Read and reread grade-appropriate poetry, practicing phrasing, rhythm, rhyme, and meaningful expression.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 42 :
42. Write poetry or prose in response to visual images to interpret their meanings.
[ELA2021] (4) 25 :
25. Explain how the form of a poem contributes to its meaning.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 5 :
5. Demonstrate fluency when independently reading, writing, and speaking in response to grade-level literary and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Creating Classroom Community by Crafting Themed Poetry Collections

Students begin by brainstorming types of poetry, then examining themed poetry collections to find examples. They create a working definition of poetry that they will revisit throughout the unit. Next students reexamine the collections, identifying what the poems have in common and generating a list of characteristics of thematic poetry collections. Students then begin work on their own poetry collection. In each session, they read, analyze, and write a different form of poetry, including diamante, cinquain, 5W, Bio, I Am, Name, Acrostic, Limerick, and Two-Voice poems. In some forms, they write about themselves, and for others, they interview and write about a classmate, but all the poems follow the theme of "getting to know each other". Throughout the process, students complete a checklist to organize and track what they learn about poetry forms and elements of poetry. Graphic organizers are included for each poetic form.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (2) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (2) 22 :
22. Use content knowledge built during read-alouds and independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 37 :
37. Write about research findings independently over short and/or extended periods of time.
Subject: English Language Arts (2 - 5)
Title: Writing Acrostic Poems with Thematically Related Texts in the Content Areas

In this unit, students will use thematically related texts, organized from least to the most complex, to gather a word bank of supporting details and content vocabulary about a concept. Then they use these words as a basis for writing acrostic poems, which support organization of information around a central idea, as the lines of an acrostic poem are held together by the topic or main idea spelled vertically.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Daily Book Boosts

Each day at the end of their independent reading time, students give Book Boosts, one-minute raves about books they've read. Students select a book that they really enjoyed and then give a one-minute talk that generates interest in the book but does not give away the book's ending. Students can boost their books in a variety of ways, including creating alternate book covers, designing posters or flyers, or making promotional bookmarks. Have students take turns giving book boosts with two students giving a Book Boost each class day. These Book Boosts are easy ways to suggest a multitude of titles to students, and they act as a way for students to have something to think about as they read.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -5 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (3) 1 :
1. Contribute meaningful ideas to discussions with groups and peers utilizing agreed upon rules.

a. Elaborate on responses in conversations and discussions.

Examples: use precise, descriptive language; build upon previously expressed ideas
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 22 :
22. Describe literary elements within a story, including setting, plot, characters, and themes.

a. Describe in detail the characters' behavior, emotions, and traits and explain how their actions influence events in the story.

b. Explain how the characters' actions and dialogue contribute to the meaning of the story.

c. Identify the central message, theme, or moral in a story, including myths, fables, and folktales, and explain the meaning conveyed in the passage.

d. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots from two texts.
[ELA2021] (4) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) 15 :
15. Analyze in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

a. Identify and explain attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.

b. Explain how the main character changes throughout the story, using explicit evidence from the text.

c. Make an inference about a character's behavior, the setting, and/or specific events, using explicit details from the story.
[ELA2021] (5) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 19 :
19. Interpret how authors use literary elements throughout a text, including character, setting, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
[ELA2021] (6) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (6) 3 :
3. Explain how authors use setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view to contribute to the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry, using textual evidence from the writing.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 6)
Title: American Folklore: A Jigsaw Character Study

Collaborative groups will read a variety of American tall tales, then report elements of their story to the whole class. Students add story information to a collaborative, whole-class character study matrix that summarizes all the stories. In a writing activity, students compare two characters of their choice. Support for English Language Learners (ELLs) is embedded in the guided collaborative process, while the content of the stories adds to all students' knowledge of American culture and history. The stories used in the lesson include well-known and lesser-known diverse characters. The lesson process is applicable to any set of related texts.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 4 :
4. Ask and answer questions using complete sentences and grade-level vocabulary.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (4) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (5) 9 :
9. Express ideas clearly and effectively to diverse partners or groups.

a. Pose and respond to explicit questions in ways that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.

b. Verbally summarize information read aloud or presented in diverse media and formats.

c. Report orally on a topic or text, sequencing ideas logically and supporting main ideas with appropriate facts and relevant details.

d. Speak clearly at an understandable rate.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: What If We Changed the Book? Problem-Posing With Sixteen Cows

A piece of math-related children's literature, Sixteen Cows, is used to demonstrate the strategy of problem-posing. After hearing the story read aloud, students are invited to brainstorm some literary and mathematical observations of the story. With the teacher's guidance, students then turn those observations into "what-if" mathematical extensions. These extensions become mathematical problems that students solve, both individually and as a whole class. Since this strategy highlights changing attributes of a story, it underscores for children the range of choices that authors have.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Book Report Alternative: Creating a New Book Cover

The proverb says, “You can't judge a book by its cover.” In this lesson plan, students are not judging what is inside the book, but what is on the cover itself. What does it include? Why? What is left off? Why do you think that is? After examining many book covers and dust jackets, students recreate a cover or dust jacket for a selected book; then, they share their creations with their classmates and explain the changes they made or what they chose to keep. Students use a checklist to make sure they have all of the needed components, and the teacher can use the checklist as an assessment piece.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (3) 34 :
34. Write informative or explanatory texts about a topic using sources, including an introduction, facts, relevant details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (4) 35 :
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 34 :
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
[ELA2021] (5) 35 :
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Blending Fiction and Nonfiction to Improve Comprehension and Writing Skills

This lesson supports the use of a text set (paired fiction and nonfiction texts on a similar topic) to increase student interest in and understanding of content area material and to develop critical writing skills. The more familiar format of narrative fiction introduces the topic and generates confidence in exploring the less familiar genre of nonfiction. Students then demonstrate what they have learned about the topic and about text genres by writing an original piece that blends together narrative and expository elements.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 42 :
42. Write poetry or prose in response to visual images to interpret their meanings.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Peace Poems and Picasso Doves: Literature, Art, Technology, and Poetry

This lesson supports third through fifth-grade students as they apply think-aloud strategies to reading, as well as to the composition of artwork and poetry. Activities include collaborative as well as individual work. Technology tools are integrated as students research symbols of peace and as they prewrite, compose, and publish their poetry.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [SS2010] LWT (0) 11 :
11 ) Identify symbols, customs, famous individuals, and celebrations representative of our state and nation. (Alabama)

Examples: symbols—United States flag, Alabama flag, bald eagle (Alabama)

customs—pledging allegiance to the United States flag, singing "The Star-Spangled Banner"

individuals—George Washington; Abraham Lincoln; Squanto; Martin Luther King, Jr.

celebrations—Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day

[SS2010] LWT2 (2) 2 :
2 ) Identify national historical figures and celebrations that exemplify fundamental democratic values, including equality, justice, and responsibility for the common good.

•  Recognizing our country's founding fathers, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, John Adams, John Hancock, and James Madison
•  Recognizing historical female figures, including Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe
•  Describing the significance of national holidays, including the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.; Presidents' Day; Memorial Day; the Fourth of July; Veterans Day; and Thanksgiving Day
•  Describing the history of American symbols and monuments
Examples: Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, United States flag, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial

[SS2010] GHS (3) 12 :
12 ) Explain the significance of representations of American values and beliefs, including the Statue of Liberty, the statue of Lady Justice, the United States flag, and the national anthem.

[ELA2021] (0) 2 :
2. Actively engage in teacher-led reading experiences and collaborative discussions with peers to build background knowledge needed to be successful as they learn to read and, later, read to learn.
[ELA2021] (0) 30 :
30. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in literary and informational texts.
[ELA2021] (2) 4 :
4. Orally answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about a text or conversation, using complete sentences to provide key ideas and details.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 22 :
22. Describe literary elements within a story, including setting, plot, characters, and themes.

a. Describe in detail the characters' behavior, emotions, and traits and explain how their actions influence events in the story.

b. Explain how the characters' actions and dialogue contribute to the meaning of the story.

c. Identify the central message, theme, or moral in a story, including myths, fables, and folktales, and explain the meaning conveyed in the passage.

d. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots from two texts.
Subject: Social Studies (K - 3), English Language Arts (K - 3)
Title: Reading The Flag Maker

In this activity, students will read The Flag Maker by Susan Campbell Bartoletti, a story about the creation of the first American flag. Students will be able to answer questions based on key details from the story. Students will explore the main character's emotions throughout the story and try to guess what she is feeling.  

ALEX Classroom Resources: 14

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