ALEX Resources

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [PE] BK2 (9-12) 17 :
BK-3.10) Create and maintain a fitness portfolio which includes assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, and timeline for improvement.

[HE] (5) 18 :
5.6.1) Create a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement.

[HE] (7) 18 :
7.6.1) Assess current personal health practices and set a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve one or more health practices.

[HE] (8) 18 :
8.6.1) Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.

[HE] HED (9-12) 28 :
HE.6.2) Set long-term goals for achieving optimal health and implement short-term steps to reach the goals.

Examples: assess current health and fitness status, develop plans based on assessment results, implement and monitor plans

Subject: Physical Education (9 - 12), Health Education (5 - 12)
Title: SMART Goal Check

This visual organizer breaks down the acronym for setting a SMART Goal and allows students to put their goals on paper. While a simplistic worksheet, this resource can be printed and used during goal-setting activities. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [PE] BK2 (9-12) 17 :
BK-3.10) Create and maintain a fitness portfolio which includes assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, and timeline for improvement.

[HE] (6) 19 :
6.6.2) Describe how setting goals to increase time for physical activity and academic study may reduce stress.

a. List activities that can improve physical and mental health.

[HE] (7) 18 :
7.6.1) Assess current personal health practices and set a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve one or more health practices.

[HE] (7) 19 :
7.6.2) Describe changing abilities, priorities, and responsibilities that impact personal health goals.

Examples: age, injuries, changing jobs, leaving active school life to work, sedentary to walking, walking to jogging, jogging to running; eating poorly to making healthy food choices leading to weight loss or weight gain

[HE] (8) 18 :
8.6.1) Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.

[HE] (8) 19 :
8.6.2) Analyze how keeping an activity record will help an individual to attain a personal health goal.

Examples: using food journal to track nutritional intake, My Fitness Pal, Fitbit, digital tracking device, track daily activity with activity log

[HE] HED (9-12) 28 :
HE.6.2) Set long-term goals for achieving optimal health and implement short-term steps to reach the goals.

Examples: assess current health and fitness status, develop plans based on assessment results, implement and monitor plans

Subject: Physical Education (9 - 12), Health Education (6 - 12)
Title: Student SMART Goal Planner

This planner offers a structured guide to help students set meaningful and productive SMART goals. This 7-page document can be printed and copied for student use or assigned digitally for students to complete the fillable pdf. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [PE] (6) 24 :
6-3.5) Identify the components of health-related and skill-related fitness.

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] (6) 25 :
6-3.6) Set and monitor an individual goal for health-related fitness based on current fitness level.

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] (6) 30 :
6-3.11) Identify a variety of ways to track fitness and nutrition.

Examples: apps, spreadsheets, journals

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] (7) 30 :
7-3.11) Compare and contrast the various methods of tracking fitness and nutrition.

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] (8) 24 :
8-3.5) Analyze the benefits of health-related and skill-related fitness components.

Examples: stress reduction, body composition, self-esteem, less anxiety

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] (8) 30 :
8-3.11) Utilize one method of tracking fitness and nutrition.

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] BK1 (9-12) 15 :
BK-3.8) Identify components of a personal fitness plan.

Examples: strength exercises, stretching exercises, cardiovascular exercises, and nutritional balance

[PE] BK2 (9-12) 8 :
BK-3.1) Analyze the relationships among physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.

APE accommodation suggestions: Physical activity knowledge, engagement in physical activity, participation in fitness activity, fitness knowledge, assessment and program planning, nutrition, stress management- Refer to the IEP or special education teacher for academic and testing accommodations.

[HE] (8) 19 :
8.6.2) Analyze how keeping an activity record will help an individual to attain a personal health goal.

Examples: using food journal to track nutritional intake, My Fitness Pal, Fitbit, digital tracking device, track daily activity with activity log

[HE] HED (9-12) 27 :
HE.6.1) Assess personal health status and health practices to establish a baseline for setting health and fitness goals.

Examples: blood pressure, resting heart rate, BMI, vaccination status

[HE] HED (9-12) 28 :
HE.6.2) Set long-term goals for achieving optimal health and implement short-term steps to reach the goals.

Examples: assess current health and fitness status, develop plans based on assessment results, implement and monitor plans

Subject: Physical Education (6 - 12), Health Education (8 - 12)
Title: Keep Your Body in Motion

Learn the difference between strength, endurance, and power in this lesson. This lesson can be organized as self-paced for students to enjoy on their own or teachers could use the slide presentation to pace the instruction of this content. Students will find out how body fat impacts both fitness and health, the different types of exercise, and how to create an activity plan.  

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] HED (9-12) 27 :
HE.6.1) Assess personal health status and health practices to establish a baseline for setting health and fitness goals.

Examples: blood pressure, resting heart rate, BMI, vaccination status

[HE] HED (9-12) 28 :
HE.6.2) Set long-term goals for achieving optimal health and implement short-term steps to reach the goals.

Examples: assess current health and fitness status, develop plans based on assessment results, implement and monitor plans

Subject: Health Education (9 - 12)
Title: Goal Setting

The health skill, Goal-Setting, empowers students to strive for self-improvement.  The Goal-Setting health skill supports students in creating and achieving both short and long-term goals. Students gain confidence in their abilities to set and achieve goals by following clear steps over short periods of time. Students learn to identify areas of growth before creating goals that support their success.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] HED (9-12) 28 :
HE.6.2) Set long-term goals for achieving optimal health and implement short-term steps to reach the goals.

Examples: assess current health and fitness status, develop plans based on assessment results, implement and monitor plans

Subject: Health Education (9 - 12)
Title: Future Self: Social-Emotional Learning

Learn to help children think about what kind of a person they want to be in the future, to see themselves in the future, to set and achieve their goals and to understand that they have control over their future self.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 5

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