ALEX Resources

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Classroom Resources (3)

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [PE] (8) 22 :
8-3.3) Create a plan for physical activity outside class, based on options available in the community.

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] (8) 28 :
8-3.9) Apply concepts of physical fitness to adjust physical activity intensity.

Examples: RPE, FITT formula

APE accommodation suggestions: Visual aids and cues

[PE] BK1 (9-12) 13 :
BK-3.6) Participate several times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance, or fitness-related activity outside school hours.

[PE] BK1 (9-12) 17 :
BK-3.10) Research and design a comprehensive personal fitness program to enhance a healthy, active lifestyle to develop lifelong health habits based on the components of health.

[PE] BK2 (9-12) 11 :
BK-3.4) Participate in physical activities learned from home and community.

[PE] BK2 (9-12) 15 :
BK-3.8) Demonstrate movements associated with static and non-static exercises.

[PE] AK2 (9-12) 9 :
AK-4.1) Develop a personal action plan that includes social interaction, cooperative activities, and personal fitness goals.

[PE] SO1 (9-12) 10 :
SO-5.2) Evaluate personal level of fitness readiness to officiate different sports.

[PE] SC1 (9-12) 1 :
SC-1.1) Describe physical fitness activities that contribute to the improvement of specific fitness components.

[PE] SC2 (9-12) 2 :
SC-1.2) Exhibit proper fitness component techniques in strength and conditioning to achieve a desired level of health enhancement.

[PE] LS1 (9-12) 2 :
LS-1.2) Identify skills and components needed to design an individualized health-enhancing fitness program.

[PE] VA1 (9-12) 2 :
LS-1.2) Identify skills and components needed to design an individualized health-enhancing fitness program for varsity athletics.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 1 :
LS-1.1) Demonstrate necessary components of physical fitness to achieve a desired level of individual success while participating in varsity athletics.

[HE] (8) 19 :
8.6.2) Analyze how keeping an activity record will help an individual to attain a personal health goal.

Examples: using food journal to track nutritional intake, My Fitness Pal, Fitbit, digital tracking device, track daily activity with activity log

[HE] HED (9-12) 27 :
HE.6.1) Assess personal health status and health practices to establish a baseline for setting health and fitness goals.

Examples: blood pressure, resting heart rate, BMI, vaccination status

Subject: Physical Education (8 - 12), Health Education (8 - 12)
Title: Darebee

This is a comprehensive website full of strength, conditioning, fitness, flexibility, and self-care activities. These resources can be used by the physical educator to create fitness-type workouts or students can use this website to develop their own workouts. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [PE] BK1 (9-12) 15 :
BK-3.8) Identify components of a personal fitness plan.

Examples: strength exercises, stretching exercises, cardiovascular exercises, and nutritional balance

[PE] BK2 (9-12) 3 :
BK-1.3) Exhibit competency in two or more specialized skills in health-related fitness activities.

Examples: aerobics, movement education, strength and conditioning activities

APE accommodation suggestions: Shorten distance; remove time restraints; remove cadence.

[PE] VA1 (9-12) 2 :
LS-1.2) Identify skills and components needed to design an individualized health-enhancing fitness program for varsity athletics.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 1 :
LS-1.1) Demonstrate necessary components of physical fitness to achieve a desired level of individual success while participating in varsity athletics.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 2 :
LS-1.2) Exhibit proper fitness component techniques in varsity athletics to achieve a desired level of health enhancement.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 3 :
LS-2.1) Demonstrate safe and appropriate use and care of equipment and facilities in varsity sports.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 5 :
LS-3.1) Apply skills learned to attain a higher level of physical fitness while participating in varsity athletics.

Subject: Physical Education (9 - 12)
Title: Strength Training

This strength training resource provides a week-long lesson plan that includes using free weights and cardiovascular components. The lesson plan includes daily assessments and evaluation for each student.  

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [PE] VA1 (9-12) 4 :
LS-2.2) Identify skills and components for the individual to participate successfully in varsity athletics.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 1 :
LS-1.1) Demonstrate necessary components of physical fitness to achieve a desired level of individual success while participating in varsity athletics.

[PE] VA2 (9-12) 5 :
LS-3.1) Apply skills learned to attain a higher level of physical fitness while participating in varsity athletics.

Subject: Physical Education (9 - 12)
Title: Athletics Teaching Cards

This is a learning activity for varsity athletes. Picture and teaching points for track skills in athletics are attached. Cards are attached with proper skill progression listed on each one for track skills. 

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 3

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