ALEX Resources

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Learning Activities (1) Building blocks of a lesson plan that include before, during, and after strategies to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill. Classroom Resources (1)

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 19 :
19. Determine the explicit or implied main idea and supporting details of a text.

a. Explain how supporting details contribute to the main idea, using textual evidence.

b. Recount or summarize the key ideas from the text.

[ARTS] VISA (3) 9 :
9) Identify and explain how and where different cultures record and illustrate stories and history through art.

Examples: Discuss Chauvet cave paintings, Diego Rivera's mural, The History of Mexico, or the Bayeux Tapestry depicting the events of the Norman Conquest.

Subject: English Language Arts (3), Arts Education (3)
Title: Recording Culture Through Illustrations

Students will use a text's illustrations to gain information about the character's culture.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ARTS] VISA (3) 1 :
1) Elaborate on an individual or prompted imaginative idea.

Examples: Create an imaginative mask showing his/her personality.
Look at masks from different cultures such as Chinese, African and Native American.

[ARTS] VISA (3) 9 :
9) Identify and explain how and where different cultures record and illustrate stories and history through art.

Examples: Discuss Chauvet cave paintings, Diego Rivera's mural, The History of Mexico, or the Bayeux Tapestry depicting the events of the Norman Conquest.

[ARTS] VISA (4) 2 :
2) Collaboratively design and create artwork that has meaning and purpose.

Examples: Create a logo for a school or activity.

[ARTS] VISA (4) 14 :
14) Create works of art that reflect community and/or cultural traditions.

Examples: Create a quilt in the style of the Gee's Bend Quilters.

[ARTS] VISA (5) 1 :
1) Combine ideas to develop an innovative approach to creating art.

Subject: Arts Education (3 - 5)
Title: Quilt Block Collage

Students will explore the history of quilts, uses of quilts, and quilt block patterns.  They will create a pattern for a collage quilt block.  Each student will complete one block to be used in the class quilt.  

ALEX Classroom Resources: 1

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