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Learning Activities (1) Building blocks of a lesson plan that include before, during, and after strategies to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill.

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ARTS] THEA (3) 4 :
4) Participate in methods of investigation to devise original ideas for a drama/theatre work.

Example: Interview a grandparent to create a monologue from the perspective of someone born in another time period.

[ELA2021] (3) 32 :
32. Apply knowledge of grade-appropriate phoneme-grapheme correspondences, multisyllabic word construction, syllable division rules, and spelling rules (or generalizations) to encode words accurately.

a. Apply knowledge of multisyllabic word construction and syllable division principles to encode multisyllabic words.

Examples: VC/CV, V/CV, VC/V, CV/VC; com-mit-ment, e-vent, ev-er-y, po-et

b. Encode multisyllabic words, using common syllable patterns: open/closed, vowel-r, vowel-consonant-e, vowel teams, consonant-le, and odd or schwa syllables.

c. Encode words with two and three letter blends and previously taught digraphs, trigraphs, combinations, diphthongs, quadrigraph eigh, vowel y, hard and soft c and g, silent letter combinations, and contractions.

d. Encode words with less common prefixes, suffixes, and common Latin roots.

Examples: prefixes: fore-, pro-, intra-, inter-, trans-, non-, over-, sub-, super-, semi-, anti-, mid-, ex-, post-
suffixes: -y, -ly, -ful, -ment, -hood, -less, -ness, -er, -or, -en
Latin roots: port, form, ject, spect, dict, tend, fer

e. Encode frequently confused homophones accurately, using context to determine correct spelling.

Examples: hear/here; night/knight; tacks/tax
Subject: Arts Education (3), English Language Arts (3)
Title: Talking Pictures

Students will use a piece of visual art to write original dialogue.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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