ALEX Learning Activity


Breaking News: The Plot Unfolds

A Learning Activity is a strategy a teacher chooses to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill using a digital tool/resource.

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  This learning activity provided by:  
Author: Monique Chatman
System:Talladega County
School:Talladega County Board Of Education
  General Activity Information  
Activity ID: 2357
Breaking News: The Plot Unfolds
Digital Tool/Resource:
CNN Student News
Web Address – URL:

This authentic learning activity gives students the opportunity to become a news anchor or journalist. Students will choose any significant scene from a story/drama and present the plot/scene as a breaking news story. This activity can be used as an after activity after reading a drama, short story, or novel. It will also work great with major events in history or discoveries in science. Students will use a graphic organizer to guide them as they create their breaking news story. Students can have voice and choice and may use any medium (newspaper article, a radio announcement, or news report) to share the details and analysis of characters.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

  Associated Standards and Objectives  
Content Standard(s):
Digital Literacy and Computer Science
DLIT (2018)
Grade: 7
16) Construct content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.

Examples: Design a multi-media children's e-book with an appropriate readability level.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
Students will:
  • construct content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Students know:
  • how to select and design an appropriate medium to display designed content.
Students are able to:
  • select the best medium for the content design.
Students understand that:
  • while many mediums exist, it is best to select the one most appropriate to your intended audience.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science
DLIT (2018)
Grade: 7
17) Publish content to be available for external feedback.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
Students will:
  • publish content to be available for external feedback.
Students know:
  • that feedback is important to refine a product.
Students are able to:
  • appropriately publish content.
  • seek feedback on a product.
Students understand that:
  • feedback can be used to refine a product.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science
DLIT (2018)
Grade: 8
16) Present content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.

Example: Create and share a help video for a senior's center that provides tips for online safety.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
Students will:
  • create and share a presentation designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Students know:
  • of the many mediums available to share content, some are more appropriate than others in given circumstances.
Students are able to:
  • design and present content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Students understand that:
  • understanding your audience is as important as the content you are sharing or presenting.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 6
3. Explain how authors use setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view to contribute to the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry, using textual evidence from the writing.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Theme
  • Conflict
  • Dialogue
  • Point of view
  • Prose
  • Poetry
  • Textual evidence
3. Students know:
  • Authors of prose and poetry use literary elements, such as setting, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view, throughout a text to develop and drive the plot.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
  • Analysis of a text should be supported with text evidence from the writing.
3. Students are able to:
  • Identify the setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view in prose and poetry.
  • Explain how literary elements contribute to the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry.
  • Support their explanations of literary elements with textual evidence.
3. Students understand that:
  • Prose and poetry contain common literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
  • Literary elements contribute to the meaning of poetry and prose.
  • When they analyze a text, they should include text evidence to support their claims.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 7
3. Explain how the author's choice of setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view contribute to and/or enhance the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry, using textual evidence from the writing.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Theme
  • Conflict
  • Dialogue
  • Point of view
  • Author's purpose
  • Prose
  • Poetry
  • Textual evidence
3. Students know:
  • Authors of prose and poetry use literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view, throughout a text to develop and/or enhance the meaning of the text.
  • An author's use of literary elements can indicate the author's purpose for writing the text.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
  • Analysis of a text should be supported with text evidence from the writing.
3. Students are able to:
  • Identify the setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view in prose and poetry.
  • Explain how literary elements contribute to and/or enhance the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry.
  • Support their explanations of literary elements with textual evidence.
3. Students understand that:
  • Prose and poetry contain common literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
  • Literary elements contribute to and/or enhance the meaning and purpose of poetry and prose.
  • When they analyze a text, they should include text evidence to support their claims.
Learning Objectives:

I can:

  • explain how characters respond or change as the plot moves towards a resolution.

  • select the appropriate multimedia tool to design or produce a news story that gives audiences information about characters, setting, and plot of a story.

  Strategies, Preparations and Variations  

  1. Divide students into groups of 3-4.

  2. Students will watch a segment from CNN.

  3. Share with students the G.R.A.S.P model and explain the assignment.

  4. Students will choose a Breaking News Story from a list of scenes or major events from the story, drama, or novel read in class. (Remember this can also work with Social Studies and Science content.)

  5. The students will use the Breaking News Story Graphic Organizer to collect and organize their thoughts.

  6. Students may use one of the following tools as their final “Breaking News Story”

Assessment Strategies:

The following rubric may be used as an assessment tool.

To assess the technology goal, one of the following rubrics may be used:

Advanced Preparation:

Provide students with a paper or digital copy of the following:


  • Breaking News Story Graphic Organizer

  • List of scenes and events students may choose to write or create their Breaking News Story. For example, Romeo and Juliet might have the following options available





The teacher and/or students should be familiar with at least 2-3 of tech tools mentioned in the activity.

Canva-Free graphic design tool used for creating flyers, brochures, cards, etc. Find a template or start from scratch. The final product may be downloaded and/or printed. 

ReadWriteThink (website) -Has several interactive graphic organizers that students may use. For this activity choose the “Printing Press”.

WeVideo- Free online video editor that makes it easy to capture, create, view and share your movies at up to 4K resolution for stunning playback anywhere.

ScreenCastify-(Google Chrome Extension) Screencastify is a free online video editor that has a ton of awesome features. Students may record their desktop or use a webcam to record themselves. Students could use the Break Your Own News Generator to design the headline and information about the story.

Variation Tips (optional):

If students are overwhelmed by the tech tools, use construction paper or notebook paper for the assignment. Students may also use their phones or other recording devices if Screencastify is not available.

Notes or Recommendations (optional):
  Keywords and Search Tags  
Keywords and Search Tags: character, media, multimedia, plot, setting, summary