ALEX Learning Activity


ABC Dialectical Journal for Characterization

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  This learning activity provided by:  
Author: Leann Bryan
System:Calhoun County
School:Calhoun County Board Of Education
  General Activity Information  
Activity ID: 2335
ABC Dialectical Journal for Characterization
Digital Tool/Resource:
ABC Dialectical Journal for Characterization
Web Address – URL:

In this learning activity, students can use the ABC Dialectical Journal to analyze a particular character from a text. It will guide students to make an assertion, support it with text evidence, and further explain their thinking. 

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

  Associated Standards and Objectives  
Content Standard(s):
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 8
3. Analyze how authors use key literary elements, including setting, plot, theme, characters, internal and external conflict, dialogue, and point of view, to contribute to the meaning and purpose of a text, using text evidence as support.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Literary elements
  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Characters
  • Internal conflict
  • External conflict
  • Dialogue
  • Points of view
  • Text evidence
3. Students know:
  • Authors of prose and poetry use literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view, throughout a text to develop and/or enhance the meaning of the text.
  • An author's use of literary elements can indicate the author's purpose for writing the text.
  • Analysis of a text should be supported with text evidence from the writing.
3. Students are able to:
  • Identify the setting, plot, characters, theme, internal and external conflict, dialogue, and point of view in literary text.
  • Analyze how literary elements contribute to the meaning and purpose of literary text.
  • Support their analysis of literary elements with textual evidence.
3. Students understand that:
  • Prose and poetry contain common literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
  • Literary elements contribute to the meaning and purpose of literary text.
  • When they analyze a text, they should include text evidence to support their claims.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 9
R2. Read and comprehend a variety of literary texts to develop a literal and figurative understanding as appropriate to the type of text, purpose, and situation.

Examples: short and long prose texts, poetry, dramas
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Literary texts
  • Literal understanding
  • Figurative understanding
  • Text
  • Purpose
  • Situation
R2. Students know:
  • Necessary skills to read and comprehend a variety of literary texts.
  • Strategies to analyze literary text to develop a literal and figurative understanding.
  • Literary texts have different intended meanings depending on the genre, purpose, and situation.
R2. Students are able to:
  • Read and comprehend a variety of literary texts.
  • Develop literal and figurative understanding of literary texts appropriate to the text, purpose, and situation.
R2. Students understand that:
  • Literary texts can be understood on both a literal and figurative level.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 9
4. Analyze how authors use characterization, connotation, denotation, figurative language, literary elements, and point of view to create and convey meaning in a variety of texts.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Characterization
  • Connotation
  • Denotation
  • Figurative language
  • Literary elements
  • Point of view
4. Students know:
  • Authors choose to write from a particular point of view and use specific literary elements and vocabulary words to convey their intended meaning.
4. Students are able to:
  • Identify characterization, connotation, denotation, figurative language, literary elements, and point of view in a variety of texts.
  • Analyze how characterization, connotation, denotation, figurative language, literary elements, and point of view creates and conveys meaning in a variety of texts.
4. Students understand that:
  • Authors select particular literary elements and devices to create and convey meaning within their written work.
Learning Objectives:

Students will cite strong textual evidence to support their assertions made about a character.

Students will draw evidence from literary texts to support their analysis of a character. 

  Strategies, Preparations and Variations  

To complete this activity, students should choose a teacher-provided text (from the textbook or class chapter book).

Students are provided with the ABC Dialectical Journal for Characterization. As students read a text, they will complete the journal to analyze a character. In box A, students will assert a character from the text. In box B, students will provide strong textual evidence to support their assertion. Lastly, in box C, students will provide commentary to support boxes A and B. 

After completing this journal, students will be ready to write a character analysis essay following the ABC format. 

Assessment Strategies:

Teachers can read ABC journals to determine if a student has mastered citing evidence to support a claim and analysis. 

Advanced Preparation:

Provide students with the ABC Dialectical Journal for Characterization 

Provide students with instructions on citing textual evidence. 


Variation Tips (optional):

After completing the journal, students would be ready to write a character analysis essay. 

Notes or Recommendations (optional):

Students can complete one chart per chapter of an assigned text. Teachers would need to provide multiple copies of the journal.

  Keywords and Search Tags  
Keywords and Search Tags: annotate, character analysis, cite, dialectical journal, textual evidence