ALEX Learning Activity


Is This a Good Source?

A Learning Activity is a strategy a teacher chooses to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill using a digital tool/resource.

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  This learning activity provided by:  
Author: Erin Meacham
System:Homewood City
School:Homewood Middle School
  General Activity Information  
Activity ID: 1951
Is This a Good Source?
Digital Tool/Resource:
Website Evaluation Check
Web Address – URL:

This activity, used in conjunction with any research or project in which the students are using the Internet to gather information, will help students become more aware of the importance of evaluating sources. This activity will also aid students in determining whether a source is credible and appropriate for the topic they are researching. 

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.

  Associated Standards and Objectives  
Content Standard(s):
Digital Literacy and Computer Science
DLIT (2018)
Grade: 6
R3) Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
Students will:
  • examine a grade
  • level appropriate text.
  • identify the point of view contained in the text.
  • identify possible bias contained in the text.
  • examine validity of the information contained in the text.
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • validity
Students know:
  • not all information shared is valid; some information is skewed to sway readers' opinions.
Students are able to:
  • research information to confirm whether the given information is true and unbiased.
Students understand that:
  • individuals and/or groups can manipulate information to meet an agenda.
  • it is important to verify information.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science
DLIT (2018)
Grade: 6
11) Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate digital content and the use of that content.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
Students will:
  • differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate content.
  • demonstrate what actions to take should they encounter inappropriate content.
Students know:
  • at times they may encounter appropriate and inappropriate content.
  • what actions to take should they encounter inappropriate content.
Students are able to:
  • distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate digital content.
Students understand that:
  • not all digital content is appropriate to access and/or use.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 6
11. Utilize written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to generate and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Written text
  • Visual text
  • Digital text
  • Interactive text
  • Literal questions
  • Interpretive questions
  • Applied questions
11. Students know:
  • There are a variety of text sources, including written text, visual text, digital text, and interactive text.
  • Text sources can be used to create and answer questions.
  • Literal questions are those that can be answered using information directly from the text.
  • Interpretive questions are those that can be answered by inferring information from the text.
  • Applied questions are those that can be answered using information inferred from the text and a reader's background knowledge and experience.
11. Students are able to:
  • Use written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to create and answer questions.
  • Create and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.
11. Students understand that:
  • There are three levels of questions that can be generated: literal, interpretive, and applied.
  • They can use written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to create and answer all three levels of questions.
Learning Objectives:

Students will assess the validity of digital content and differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate use of that content.

Students will conduct a short research project to answer a question.

  Strategies, Preparations and Variations  
Before/Engage, During/Explore/Explain

To begin this activity, have students think-pair-share the following question: How do you know if a website is credible?

After the time is up, have the students share their answers, as the teacher writes them down on the board. Once the list is complete, watch the following video to reinforce the strategies the students have already listed while also adding new strategies for evaluating sources: "Assess Source Credibility".

Once the video is completed, show the students the Website Check form that they will be using throughout their research project. Teachers could even sample how it could be used by finding a website and walking through the steps.

After the students have been introduced to the form and how to evaluate websites, teachers can then have the students use this tool throughout the research process and with any research project in the future. This form can be transferred to any type of project or research in any discipline.

Assessment Strategies:

Teachers could look at the lists the students made at the beginning of the activity to determine their initial knowledge about evaluating digital content.

Students will turn in their assessments of each website to show their understanding.

Students will also submit/present their research projects to show their understanding and mastery of ELA standards.

Advanced Preparation:

-Since this activity involves evaluating online information, students will need computers. If resources are limited, students could work as partners or a group of three.

-The teacher should pre-watch the video to ensure that it is working properly and would work for their students.

-Teachers can copy the "Website Check" to their own Google Drive accounts by clicking the links provided.

-Teachers can print the "Website Check" and have their students complete it by hand, or they can share the document with them virtually.

Variation Tips (optional):

If your students have access to Google Drive, they could simply fill out the forms online. If they do not have access, teachers could simply print the evaluation tool and have them fill it out as they research.

Notes or Recommendations (optional):
  Keywords and Search Tags  
Keywords and Search Tags: