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Cover to Cover: Comparing Books to Movies

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Cover to Cover: Comparing Books to Movies


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Type: Lesson/Unit Plan


Movies can be an integral part of the language arts classroom when they are used in ways that encourage and develop students' critical thinking. In this activity, students explore matching texts—novels and the movies adapted from them—to develop their analytical strategies. They use graphic organizers to draw comparisons between the two texts and hypothesize about the effect of adaptation. They analyze the differences between the two versions by citing specific adaptations in the film version, indicating the effect of each adaptation on the story, and deciding if they felt the change had a positive effect on the overall story. Students then design new DVD covers and a related insert for the movies, reflecting their response to the movie version.

Content Standard(s):
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 6
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Active listening
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Rules
  • Participation
R1. Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • How to engage in discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.
  • Agreed-upon rules for participation.
R1. Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
  • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
  • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.
R1. Students understand that:
  • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules which help us actively listen and gain understanding.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 6
1. Identify and explain an author's rhetorical choices, including point of view, purpose, anecdotes, and figurative, connotative, and technical word meanings, to develop central and supporting ideas.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Rhetorical choices
  • Point of view
  • Purpose
  • Anecdotes
  • Figurative word meaning
  • Connotative word meaning
  • Technical word meaning
  • Central idea
  • Supporting idea
1. Students know:
  • Authors make specific rhetorical choices in their writing to convey meaning.
  • Rhetorical devices include point of view, purpose, personal anecdotes, and word choice.
  • Authors develop the main idea of the text by including supporting details to further elaborate on the text's central meaning.
1. Students are able to:
  • Identify an author's rhetorical choices related to point of view, purpose, anecdotes, and figurative, connotative, and technical word meanings.
  • Explain why an author made particular rhetorical choices related to point of view, purpose, anecdotes, and figurative, connotative, and technical word meanings.
  • Explain how an author's rhetorical choices developed the central and supporting ideas of the text.
1. Students understand that:
  • When writing a text, authors make specific decisions about the structure, format, and vocabulary to accurately convey their central idea.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 6
9. Participate in collaborative discussions about literary devices and elements found in prose and poetry.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Collaborative discussions
  • Literary devices
  • Literary elements
  • Prose
  • Poetry
9. Students know:
  • The purpose of collaborative discussions related to prose and poetry.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.
  • Literary text often includes literary devices, such as personification, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, symbolism, metaphor, and simile.
  • Literary elements within a story include the theme, plot, and point of view.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
9. Students are able to:
  • Engage in a collaborative discussion.
  • Identify and discuss literary devices and elements in poetry and prose.
9. Students understand that:
  • Comprehension of poetry and prose can be demonstrated by engaging in a collaborative discussion about a text.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 7
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Active listening
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Rules
  • Participation
R1. Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • How to engage in discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.
  • Agreed-upon rules for participation.
R1. Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
  • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
  • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.
R1. Students understand that:
  • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules which help us actively listen and gain understanding.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 7
3. Explain how the author's choice of setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view contribute to and/or enhance the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry, using textual evidence from the writing.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Theme
  • Conflict
  • Dialogue
  • Point of view
  • Author's purpose
  • Prose
  • Poetry
  • Textual evidence
3. Students know:
  • Authors of prose and poetry use literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view, throughout a text to develop and/or enhance the meaning of the text.
  • An author's use of literary elements can indicate the author's purpose for writing the text.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
  • Analysis of a text should be supported with text evidence from the writing.
3. Students are able to:
  • Identify the setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view in prose and poetry.
  • Explain how literary elements contribute to and/or enhance the meaning and purpose of prose and poetry.
  • Support their explanations of literary elements with textual evidence.
3. Students understand that:
  • Prose and poetry contain common literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
  • Literary elements contribute to and/or enhance the meaning and purpose of poetry and prose.
  • When they analyze a text, they should include text evidence to support their claims.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 7
9. Participate in collaborative discussions about prose and poetry by evaluating the use of literary devices and elements.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Collaborative discussions
  • Prose
  • Poetry
  • Literary devices
  • Literary elements
9. Students know:
  • The purpose of collaborative discussions related to prose and poetry.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.
  • Literary text often includes literary devices such as personification, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, symbolism, metaphor, and simile.
  • Literary elements within a story include the theme, plot, and point of view.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
9. Students are able to:
  • Participate in discussions about prose and poetry.
  • Identify and discuss literary devices and elements in poetry and prose.
  • Evaluate how prose and poetry use literary devices and elements for an intended purpose.
9. Students understand that:
  • Comprehension of poetry and prose can be demonstrated by engaging in a collaborative discussion about a text.
  • A reader must evaluate the use of literary elements and devices in prose and poetry to understand the literal and figurative meaning of the text.
  • Active participation in discussions requires students to listen and respond to others' thoughts and ideas.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 8
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Active listening
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Rules
  • Participation
R1. Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • How to engage in discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.
  • Agreed-upon rules for participation.
R1. Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
  • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
  • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.
R1. Students understand that:
  • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules which help us actively listen and gain understanding.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 8
3. Analyze how authors use key literary elements, including setting, plot, theme, characters, internal and external conflict, dialogue, and point of view, to contribute to the meaning and purpose of a text, using text evidence as support.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Literary elements
  • Setting
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Characters
  • Internal conflict
  • External conflict
  • Dialogue
  • Points of view
  • Text evidence
3. Students know:
  • Authors of prose and poetry use literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view, throughout a text to develop and/or enhance the meaning of the text.
  • An author's use of literary elements can indicate the author's purpose for writing the text.
  • Analysis of a text should be supported with text evidence from the writing.
3. Students are able to:
  • Identify the setting, plot, characters, theme, internal and external conflict, dialogue, and point of view in literary text.
  • Analyze how literary elements contribute to the meaning and purpose of literary text.
  • Support their analysis of literary elements with textual evidence.
3. Students understand that:
  • Prose and poetry contain common literary elements, such as setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
  • Literary elements contribute to the meaning and purpose of literary text.
  • When they analyze a text, they should include text evidence to support their claims.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 8
10. Engage in coherent and collaborative discussions about prose and poetry by evaluating the use of literary devices and elements.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Coherent discussion
  • Collaborative discussion
  • Prose
  • Poetry
  • Literary devices
  • Literary elements
10. Students know:
  • The purpose of collaborative discussions related to prose and poetry.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.
  • Literary text often includes literary devices such as personification, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, symbolism, metaphor, and simile.
  • Literary elements within a story include the theme, plot, and point of view.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
10. Students are able to:
  • Participate in coherent and collaborative discussions about prose and poetry.
  • Identify and discuss literary devices and elements in poetry and prose.
  • Evaluate how prose and poetry use literary devices and elements for an intended purpose.
10. Students understand that:
  • Comprehension of poetry and prose can be demonstrated by engaging in a collaborative discussion about a text.
  • They can discuss the use of literary elements and devices in prose and poetry to better understand the literal and figurative meaning of the text.
  • Active participation in discussions requires students to listen and respond to others' thoughts and ideas.
Tags: books, collaborate, comparing, create, movies
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Author: Cassie Raulston
Alabama State Department of Education