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Dynamite Diamante Poetry

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Dynamite Diamante Poetry


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Type: Lesson/Unit Plan


This classroom resource includes engaging activities to teach basic grammar concepts while developing vocabulary and spelling proficiency. A list of several amusing and informative grammar-themed picture books supply read-aloud examples for a review of nouns and adjectives and an introduction to gerunds. Students themselves refer to the books from the list of materials, plus appropriate dictionaries and glossaries, as they engage in a word-sort activity that provides practice in the spelling changes that can occur when verbs are turned into gerunds. Diamante poems are introduced through handouts and websites, and students compose original, structured poems in this form—first as a class and then independently—using an online interactive tool.  Printable handouts and links are included.

Content Standard(s):
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 3
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Background knowledge
  • Vocabulary
  • Discussion
R3. Students know:
  • Relating experiences through discussions, reading, and writing will help build background knowledge and improve vocabulary.
R3. Students are able to:
  • Connect new concepts to prior experiences to increase background knowledge through discussions, reading, and writing.
  • Construct the meaning of words through discussions, reading, and writing.
R3. Students understand that:
  • Background knowledge can increase by relating experiences to new ideas, topics, and words while participating in discussions, reading, and writing.
  • Vocabulary will increase by constructing the meaning of words while participating in discussions, reading, and writing.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 3
36. Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of standard English grammar including punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling appropriate for third grade.

a. Use articles a, an, and the correctly.

b. Identify the role of a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, and conjunction within a sentence and explain the type of the information it conveys.

c. Form plural nouns, verbs, and possessives, including irregular plural nouns and verbs.

d. Use simple abbreviations, including days of the week, months of the year, titles, units of metric and customary measurement, street names, and state names.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Demonstrate
  • Knowledge
  • Rules of standard English grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Sentence formation
  • Spelling
  • Articles
  • Identify
  • Role
  • Noun
  • Verb
  • Adjective
  • Adverb
  • Pronoun
  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Information
  • Conveys
  • Form
  • Plural noun
  • Plural verb
  • Plural possessives
  • Irregular plural nouns
  • Irregular plural verbs
  • Simple abbreviations
36. Students know:
  • Standard English grammar and spelling conventions.
  • Punctuation marks and their appropriate usage.
  • Capitalization rules for standard English.
  • Complete sentences have a subject and predicate and end with an ending punctuation mark.
  • The articles a, an, and the come before a noun to show if it's specific or general.
  • The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns.
  • A and an are used to refer to a non-specific, general noun.
  • A is generally used before nouns that start with a consonant sound.
  • An is generally used before nouns that start with a vowel sound.
  • There are different types of words within a sentence, and each word provides a particular type of information.
  • The role of a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, and conjunction within a sentence.
  • A plural shows there is more than one of something.
  • An -s or -es suffix is added to the end of regular nouns and verbs for subject-verb agreement and to form plurals.
  • Possessives show ownership and an apostrophe is used in the formation of possessives.
  • A plural possessive is used when a plural noun has ownership, or possession, of something.
  • Some nouns and verbs do not follow the regular pattern when forming a plural.
  • An abbreviation is a shortened version of a whole word and it will usually have a period at the end of the shortened version.
36. Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of standard English grammar.
  • Use appropriate punctuation.
  • Use correct capitalization.
  • Form sentences correctly.
  • Spell third grade level words correctly.
  • Correctly use the articles a, an, and the in writing.
  • Identify a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, and conjunction in a sentence.
  • Explain the type of information nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions provides in a sentence.
  • Form plural nouns, verbs, and possessives in writing.
  • Form irregular nouns and verbs in writing.
  • Form correct abbreviations for days of the week, months of the year, titles, units of metric and customary measurement, street names, and state names in writing.
36. Students understand that:
  • There are rules to forming grammatically correct sentences in standard English.
  • When writing, they must use punctuation correctly, capitalize appropriate words, form complete sentences with subject-verb agreement, and spell the words that are appropriate for third graders.
  • Articles are a part of speech that can come before a noun to indicate if the noun is specific (Bring me the book) or general (Bring me a book.)
  • A is usually used before nouns that start with a consonant sound, while an is usually used before words that start with a vowel sound.
  • Each word in a sentence plays an important role in conveying meaning.
  • A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea and tells who or what the sentence is about.
  • A verb expresses an action or a state of being and tells what the noun is doing.
  • An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun and tells attributes of the noun.
  • An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or adverb, and provides more description about another word in the sentence.
  • A pronoun can be used in place of a noun.
  • A preposition is placed before a noun or pronoun to create a prepositional phrase that modifies (changes the meaning of) another word in the sentence.
  • A conjunction joins words, phrases, or clauses and indicates the relationship between the joined units; there are coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.
  • There are standard English grammar conventions to make nouns, verbs, and possessives plural, and following these conventions helps make their writing clear.
  • Some nouns and verbs do not form plurals in a regular way.
  • Abbreviations can be used in place of whole words when writing.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 3
42. Write poetry or prose in response to visual images to interpret their meanings.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Poetry
  • Prose
  • Visual images
  • Interpret
42. Students know:
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
  • Writing can be created in response to visual images.
  • Visual images carry meaning to viewers.
42. Students are able to:
  • Write poetry or prose after viewing visual images to explain their meaning.
42. Students understand that:
  • Visual images can inspire them to write poetry or prose to describe their feelings and explain the image's meaning.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 4
25. Explain how the form of a poem contributes to its meaning.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Poem
  • Form
25. Students know:
  • Poetry can be written in different formats.
25. Students are able to:
  • Identify the form of a poem.
  • Describe how a poem's form helps convey its meaning.
25. Students understand that:
  • Poems have varying forms that can be used to convey different meanings.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 4
39. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage.

a. Use relative pronouns who, whose, which, and that, relative adverbs where, when, and how, and irregular possessive nouns.

b. Form and use the progressive verb tenses.

Examples: I was walking, I am walking

c. Use modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions.

Examples: can, may, must
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Demonstrate
  • Command
  • Conventions
  • Standard English grammar
  • Standard English usage
  • Relative pronouns
  • Relative adverbs
  • Irregular possessive nouns
  • Progressive verb tenses
  • Modal auxiliaries
  • Convey
  • Various conditions
39. Students know:
  • Standard English grammar and usage conventions.
  • A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb that have a relationship.
  • A relative pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun in which the clause modifies or describes the noun.
  • A relative adverb is an adverb that introduces an adjective clause.
  • Common irregular nouns and conventions to form possessive nouns.
  • The progressive verb tense describes ongoing actions, and it tells about something that is, was, or will be happening.
  • Modal auxiliaries are verbs that never change forms the way most other verbs do.
  • Modal auxiliary verbs indicate possibility, capability, necessity, or willingness.
39. Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate correct standard English grammar and word usage in writing.
  • Use relative pronouns correctly in writing.
  • Use relative adverbs correctly in writing.
  • Form and use irregular possessive nouns correctly in writing.
  • Form and use the progressive verb tenses; for example, I was walking, I am walking.
  • Use modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions; for example, can, may, must.
39. Students understand that:
  • Demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing is necessary to convey meaning.
  • There are some special parts of speech that can be used to add more details to sentences, like relative pronouns and relative adverbs, that must be used correctly to clearly convey meaning.
  • There are some nouns that create their plural and possessive forms in an irregular way.
  • The tense of a verb indicates when the action occurred.
  • To form the progressive tenses, they will use a form of the helping verb to be with a main verb ending in -ing.
  • Modal auxiliaries are a type of helping verb that must be used together with the main verb of the sentence.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 5
39. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing.

a. Evaluate the usage of pronouns for the proper case.

Examples: subjective, objective, possessive

b. Identify inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.

c. Use varied pronouns and their antecedents correctly in composing and revising writing.

d. Use subject-verb agreement correctly when composing and revising writing.

e. Use verb tenses to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.

f. Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense, including subject-verb agreement.

g. Use perfect verb tenses to compose and revise writing.

h. Use correlative conjunctions correctly when composing and revising writing.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Demonstrate
  • Command
  • Conventions
  • Standard English grammar
  • Standard English usage
  • Evaluate
  • Pronouns
  • Proper case
  • Subjective
  • Objective
  • Possessive
  • Identify
  • Inappropriate shifts
  • Pronoun number
  • Pronoun person
  • Pronoun
  • Antecedents
  • Composing
  • Revising
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Composing
  • Writing
  • Verb tenses
  • Times Sequences States Conditions
  • Recognize
  • Correct
  • Inappropriate shifts
  • Verb tense
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Perfect verb tenses
  • Compose
  • Revise
  • Correlative conjunctions
  • Composing
  • Revising
39. Students know:
  • Standard English grammar and usage conventions.
  • There are three cases of pronouns: subjective, objective, and possessive.
  • The subjective case is used when the pronoun is used as a subject in a sentence.
  • The objective case is used when the pronoun is used as an object of a verb or preposition.
  • The possessive case is a pronoun that expresses ownership.
  • There are three person pronouns in English: first-person, second-person, and third-person.
  • First-person is used when an author is talking about themselves (I, me, we).
  • Second-person is used when an author is talking directly to the reader (you).
  • In the third person, there are distinct pronoun forms for male, female, and neutral gender (e.g., he, she, it).
  • In addition to person, pronouns also show the number of individuals involved; there are two numbers: singular and plural.
  • The noun or noun substitute that a pronoun refers to is called its antecedent.
  • To create engaging writing, authors should use a variety of pronouns and antecedents.
  • A subject and its verb must both be singular or both plural.
  • The tense of a verb tells you when a person did something or when something existed or happened.
  • In English, there are three main tenses: the present, the past, and the future.
  • There are regular verbs that follow a predictable pattern when changing tenses, but there are also irregular verbs that can change their entire spelling when changing tenses.
  • The tense of a verb tells you when a person did something or when something existed or happened.
  • A subject and its verb must both be singular or both plural.
  • Perfect verb tense is used to show an action that is complete and finished.
  • This tense is expressed by adding one of the auxiliary verbs have, has, or had to the past participle form of the main verb.
  • Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words, phrases, or clauses.
  • The correlative conjunctions are either, or; neither, nor; both, and; not only, but also; whether, or.
39. Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate correct standard English grammar and word usage in writing.
  • Identify pronouns in a sentence.
  • Evaluate sentences to determine if the correct case of the pronoun was used.
  • Identify inappropriate shifts in pronoun person in writing.
  • Identify inappropriate shifts in pronoun number in writing.
  • Use varied pronouns and their antecedents correctly in writing.
  • Revise writing to use a variety of pronouns and antecedents.
  • Write sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.
  • Revise writing to ensure all sentences have correct subject-verb agreement.
  • Use verb tenses to describe various times, sequences, states, and conditions in writing.
  • Identify inappropriate shifts in verb tense, including subject-verb agreement, in writing.
  • Correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense, including subject-verb agreement, in writing.
  • Use perfect verb tenses correctly in writing.
  • Revise writing for correct usage of perfect verb tenses.
  • Use correlative conjunctions correctly in writing.
  • Revise writing for correct usage of correlative conjunctions.
39. Students understand that:
  • Demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing is necessary to convey meaning.
  • To clearly convey meaning in writing, the correct case of pronouns must be used.
  • A personal pronoun indicates the viewpoint of the writing and refers to the number of individuals.
  • To clearly communicate in writing, the correct pronoun number and person must be used.
  • To compose engaging writing pieces, they should use a variety of pronouns and antecedents.
  • Revising their writing can improve it and make it more interesting to read.
  • To clearly communicate in writing, subjects and verbs must agree in number within each sentence.
  • Revising their writing can ensure it follows standard English grammar conventions.
  • They can change the tense of verbs in writing to indicate various times, sequences, states, and conditions.
  • Standard English grammar conventions require specific and cohesive verb tense usage and subject-verb agreement in writing.
  • The perfect verb tense should be used for actions that are completed and finished.
  • A perfect verb tense is created by using a helping verb and the past participle of the main verb.
  • Correlative conjunctions can be used in writing to show a strong relationship between the ideas being joined.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 5
40. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

a. Use commas to separate items in a series, separate introductory elements from the rest of a sentence, set off tag questions, and indicate direct address.

b. Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate the titles of different types of works.

c. Spell grade-level words correctly, consulting references as needed.
Unpacked Content
Teacher Vocabulary:
  • Demonstrate
  • Command
  • Conventions
  • Standard English capitalization
  • Standard English punctuation
  • Standard English spelling
  • Commas
  • Series
  • Tag questions
  • Introductory elements
  • Direct address
  • Underlining
  • Quotation marks
  • Italics
  • References
40. Students know:
  • Standard English spelling conventions.
  • Punctuation marks and their appropriate usage.
  • Capitalization rules for standard English.
  • Commas are used to separate groups of words.
  • Commas are used to separate introductory elements, which consist of phrases and words that appear before the main clause of the sentence.
  • A tag question is a question that is added at the end of a sentence; it consists of two basic elements: a verb and a pronoun.
  • A direct address means to direct a statement to a particular person, and a comma is used to separate the person's name from the rest of the sentence.
  • Underlining, quotation marks, and italics are used to indicate titles of creative works in writing.
  • Phonics skills necessary to spell words correctly.
  • Correct spellings can be located in reference materials, such as dictionaries.
40. Students are able to:
  • Use correct capitalization in writing.
  • Use appropriate punctuation in writing.
  • Spell fifth-grade level words correctly.
  • Write sentences that correctly use commas to separate words in a series, such as cat, dog, turtle, etc.
  • Write sentences that correctly use a comma to separate introductory elements from the rest of a sentence, such as In the nighttime, people have a harder time driving.
  • Write sentences with tag questions with correct comma usage, such as She didn't forget to call you, did she?
  • Write sentences with direct addresses that correctly use a comma, such as Jackie, are you leaving so soon?
  • Use the correct indicator (underline, quotation marks, italics) when writing the titles of different types of works.
  • Spell grade-appropriate words correctly.
  • Consult references for correct spellings, if needed.
40. Students understand that:
  • When writing, they must use punctuation correctly, capitalize appropriate words, and spell fifth-grade level words correctly.
  • Commas are a common punctuation mark that are used for a variety of purposes.
  • Titles of work are identified differently, either with underlining, quotation marks, or italics.
  • To clearly communicate in writing, they must use correct spellings.
  • If they do not know how to spell a word, they can consult reference materials for assistance.
Tags: Acrostic Poems, adjective, Diamante Poems, dictionary, gerund, noun, parts of speech, poetry, verb, vocabulary
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Author: Cassie Raulston
Alabama State Department of Education