ALEX Classroom Resource


Project ALERT Core Lesson 4: Introduction to Pressures

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Project ALERT Core Lesson 4: Introduction to Pressures


Content Source:

Project ALERT
Type: Lesson/Unit Plan


Each day, America’s teenagers are bombarded with misleading messages about drugs. Glamorized by media and endorsed by peers, the consequences of drug use and experimentation are dangerously disguised, and often hidden altogether. The reality is that drug use can alter a teen’s life forever. That’s why every student should be given the tools to make a decision against using drugs - and the best place to give them those tools is your classroom.

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Content Standard(s):
Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 6
6.7.2) Describe practices to avoid to reduce health risks to self and others.

Examples: smoking or vaping, drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs, texting while driving

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 7
7.1.2) Predict the risk of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

Examples: riding in the bed of a pick-up truck, biking without a helmet, riding without a seat belt

a. Give examples of dangers associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 7
7.2.2) Explain how communities can affect personal health practices and behaviors.

Examples: public policies regarding water pollution, air quality, tobacco use

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 7
7.2.3) Describe how the media can send mixed messages about health.

Examples: advertisements concerning tobacco, alcohol, and nutrition

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 7
7.2.5) Discuss how risky choices influence the likelihood of unhealthy behaviors, including tobacco use increasing the risk of using other drugs and peer pressure to consume alcohol.

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 8
8.1.3) Create a plan for eliminating personal unhealthy behaviors.

Examples: inappropriate use of needles, tobacco use, physical inactivity, sexual contact, alcohol consumption, inadequate sleep

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 8
8.2.4) Explain how societal perceptions influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

Examples: acceptance of teenage smoking and teenage pregnancy by peers, certain communities, and cultures

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 8
8.2.5) Give examples of how substance abuse can increase the likelihood of other health risk behaviors.

Examples: alcohol consumption lowering inhibitions, e-cigarettes or vaping leading to smoking

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 8
8.5.2) Critique the positive and negative outcomes of a health-related decision.

Examples: positive -- keeping calendar to manage time, reading food labels, getting adequate sleep
negative -- tobacco use, eating disorders, drug use

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 9-12
Health Education
HE.7.1) Analyze the role of individual responsibility for enhancing health.

a. Describe healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others.

Examples: effective communication skills and safety techniques, reading and understanding medicine labels, immunizations, wellness checkups and compliance

b. Identify negative behaviors that increase health risks to self and others.

Examples: distracted driving, drinking and driving, illegal drug use, vaping, smoking, unprotected sex, behaviors resulting in intentional or unintentional injuries, poor eating habits, physical inactivity

c. Compare and contrast the responsibilities of both parents in teen parenting.

Examples: shared responsibilities; social, financial and educational challenges

Health Education
HE (2019)
Grade: 10-12
Leaders in Health Advocacy
HA.5.1) Identify decision-making skills used in situations that put adolescents and teens at risk.

Examples: recording a fight and posting it on a social media; seeing a friend smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol; hearing a friend talk about shoplifting; hearing plans about a weekend party that will include drugs and/or alcohol; pressure to have sexual relations

a. Identify consequences of making poor decisions to join in or ignore risky situations.

b. Recognize the differences between situations in which one has control vs. a lack of control.

c. Review the importance of successfully managing decision-making skills when confronted with uncomfortable, risky, or dangerous situations.

Tags: cigarettes, drugs, ecigarettes, healthy choices, smoking, tobacco, vaping
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Partnered Event: ALEX Resource Development Summit
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Author: Ginger Aaron-Brush
The event this resource created for:ALEX Resource Development Summit
Alabama State Department of Education