Courses of Study

Number of Standards matching query: 11
Interpersonal Mode
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
1) Communicate and share using American Sign Language on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the past time frame.

a. Use ASL to meet basic survival needs.

b. Participate in expressive and receptive conversations on familiar topics using a variety of phrases and simple sentences.

c. Ask and answer questions on factual information.

d. Talk about their daily activities and personal preferences.

e. Describe in the past time frame.

Interpretive Mode
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
2) Comprehend and interpret live or recorded American Sign Language on familiar topics using the past tense.

a. Restate information from viewed ASL presentations.

b. Locate key information from live or recorded announcements and messages connected to daily activities in ASL.

Presentational Mode
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
3) Present information on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in American Sign Language using past or present time frame.

a. Present basic information about people and activities.

b. Recite brief memorized anecdotes using target vocabulary and grammar.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
4) Identify perspectives through practices of the Deaf culture.

a. Use appropriate gestures, such as attention getting techniques and eye gaze, in common interactions.

b. Demonstrate an understanding of various communication strategies used by Deaf individuals in their daily lives.

c. Describe perspectives related to celebrations in the Deaf community.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
5) Identify perspectives through products of the Deaf culture.

a. Identify and observe tangible products of the Deaf culture.

b. Describe arts, crafts, or graphic representations of the Deaf culture.

c. Recognize fundamental themes of Deaf culture.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 1
Learning Activities: 1
6) Use American Sign Language to connect with other disciplines.

a. Use ASL vocabulary to refer to concepts from other subject areas.

b. Identify family members, relationships, and community information.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
7) Describe information related to distinct perspectives that are only in ASL and Deaf culture.

a. Watch age-appropriate short stories, folktales, and jokes that foster positive images of being Deaf.

b. View folktales and stories in ASL that reflect cultural practices and historical figures.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 2
8) Compare characteristics of American Sign Language and their own language.

a. Demonstrate an understanding of parameters including location, movement, and non-manual markers.

b. Experiment with forming appropriate use of non-manual markers.

c. Use examples of personal and possessive pronouns in ASL.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
9) Compare products, practices and perspectives of the target culture and their own.

a. Demonstrate awareness between mouth/ear and hand/eye communication and how different people communicate in different ways.

b. Observe and compare games and toys produced mainly for Deaf children.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
10) Interact using American Sign Language within the classroom and globally.

Examples: Interact with speakers of American Sign Language in person or virtually.

American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): 7 - 12
Level II
All Resources: 0
11) Describe opportunities to use American Sign Language beyond the classroom environment.

Examples: Participate in recreational activities that reflect Deaf culture.
Participate in art activities centered on Deaf culture.