Courses of Study

Interpersonal Mode
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
1) Exchange simple information in American Sign Language.

a. Converse on familiar topics connecting basic sentences to provide information on familiar topics.

b. Ask and answer questions on factual information familiar to the student.

c. Retell information with details about what is viewed.

d. Create and express a series of sentences on familiar topics.

Unpacked Content
Modes Of Communication:
Interpersonal Mode
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • converse on familiar topics using basic sentences.
  • ask and answer simple questions on factual information familiar to the student.
  • retell information with basic details on what is viewed.
  • create and express a series of basic sentences on familiar topics.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • the signs for ASL vocabulary taught.
  • to use eye gaze for viewing ASL.
  • NMMs for asking simple questions.
  • basic conversational turn taking rules in ASL.
  • combinations of vocabulary to help create and express basic sentences in ASL.
Students are able to:
  • converse on familiar topics using basic sentences.
  • ask and answer simple questions on factual information familiar to the student.
  • understand viewed basic ASL statements and questions.
  • retell information with basic details on what is viewed.
  • create and express a series of basic sentences on familiar topics.
Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Interpretive Mode
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
2) Demonstrate an understanding of live and recorded American Sign Language information presented on familiar topics.

a. React to signed news clips, articles, or VLOGs on current issues.

b. Describe main themes with significant details on topics of current interest.

c. Find basic information in a recorded announcement, video article, or other VLOG.

Unpacked Content
Modes Of Communication:
Interpretive Mode
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • react to signed information on a current issue.
  • describe with some details main themes of viewed ASL about a topic of interest.
  • find basic information in recorded ASL.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • strategies for understanding taught ASL vocabulary in a video or live presentation.
  • strategies to describe with some details the main theme of viewed ASL.
  • strategies to find basic information in recorded ASL.
Students are able to:
  • react to signed information on a current issue.
  • describe with some details main themes of viewed ASL about a topic of interest.
  • find basic information in recorded ASL.
Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Presentational Mode
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
3) Present information to an audience of viewers in American Sign Language.

a. Present information on familiar topics using a variety of simple sentences.

b. Present stories, jokes, or dramatic readings.

c. Present about topics of interests.

Unpacked Content
Modes Of Communication:
Presentational Mode
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • present information to an audience of viewers.
  • present information on familiar topics using a variety of simple sentences.
  • present a basic story, joke, or dramatic reading.
  • present in a basic way about topics of interest.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • appropriate use of eye gaze for a presentation.
  • correct production of ASL vocabulary on familiar topics.
  • correct ASL grammar for simple sentences.
  • a basic story or joke in ASL.
Students are able to:
  • present information to an audience of viewers.
  • present information on familiar topics using a variety of simple sentences.
  • present a basic story, joke, or dramatic reading.
  • present in a basic way about topics of interest.
Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
4) Investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the Deaf culture.

a. Engage in conversation demonstrating culturally respectful behavior.

b. Identify and research an area of interest in the Deaf culture.

c. Participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as voice off activities or TV viewing with closed caption only.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • engage in conversation demonstrating culturally respectful behavior.
  • identify and research an area of interest in the Deaf culture.
  • participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as voice off activities or TV viewing with closed caption only.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • points of culturally respectful behavior.
  • strategies to identify and research an area of interest in the Deaf culture.
  • age-appropriate cultural practices such as voice off activities or TV viewing with closed caption only.
Students are able to:
  • engage in conversation demonstrating culturally respectful behavior.
  • dentify and research an area of interest in the Deaf culture.
  • participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as voice off activities or TV viewing with closed caption only.
Students understand that:
  • an ability to communicate in ASL fosters a better.
  • understanding of the Deaf culture and his/her own language and culture.
  • custom and tradition vary within Deaf cultures.
  • Deaf culture differs from hearing culture in many ways.
  • Deaf culture is similar to hearing culture in many ways.
  • certain days are celebrated or observed by people in the Deaf culture.
  • Deaf culture produces tangible products.
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
5) Link American Sign Language and other subject areas to acquire information and diverse cultural perspectives.

a. Acquire, expand and apply vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content using simple sentence structures.

b. Use materials intended for same-age Deaf peers.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • acquire, expand and apply learned vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content using simple sentence structures.
  • use or simulate use of materials intended for same-age Deaf peers.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • strategies to acquire, expand and apply learned vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content using simple sentence structures.
  • how to use materials intended for same-age Deaf peers.
Students are able to:
  • acquire, expand and apply learned vocabulary related to age-appropriate school content using simple sentence structures.
  • use or simulate use of materials intended for same-age Deaf peers.
Students understand that:
  • proficiency in ASL is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
  • ASL can be used to learn all school subjects.
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between American Sign Language and English.

a. Identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.

b. Hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of iconicity and handshapes.

c. Analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.
  • hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of iconicity and handshapes.
  • analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • strategies to identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.
  • strategies to hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of iconicity and handshapes.
  • ways to analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.
Students are able to:
  • identify words in the target language that have no translation in English.
  • hypothesize about the similarities of language based on awareness of iconicity and handshapes.
  • analyze idiomatic expressions in the target language.
Students understand that:
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
7) Students investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between Deaf and hearing cultures.

a. Demonstrate an ability to recognize and correctly use non-manual markers that are distinctive to ASL.

b. Analyze the role of family in hearing and Deaf cultures.

c. Critique the role of social networking in the Deaf culture.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • demonstrate an ability to recognize and correctarget languagey use non-manual markers that are distinctive to ASL.
  • analyze the role of family in hearing and Deaf cultures.
  • critique the role of social networking in the Deaf culture.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • how to recognize and correctarget languagey use non-manual markers that are distinctive to ASL.
  • strategies to analyze the role of family in hearing and Deaf cultures.
  • strategies to critique the role of social networking in the Deaf culture.
Students are able to:
  • demonstrate an ability to recognize and correctarget languagey use non-manual markers that are distinctive to ASL.
  • analyze the role of family in hearing and Deaf cultures.
  • critique the role of social networking in the Deaf culture.
Students understand that:
  • custom and tradition vary within the Deaf culture, as well as between Deaf and hearing cultures.
  • by studying another culture, one can better understand and appreciate their own.
  • other understanding will depend on theme being taught.
  • there are products specifically designed for Deaf people.
American Sign Language (2017)
Grade(s): K - 8
Intermediate Low Proficiency Range
All Resources: 0
8) Acquire the ability to interact in the Deaf culture beyond the classroom and set goals for life-long learning.

Examples: Travel (real or virtual) to an event in the Deaf community.
Prepare a group performance for a school or community celebration.
Participate in club activities that benefit the Deaf community.

Unpacked Content
Evidence Of Student Attainment:
  • acquire the ability to interact in the Deaf culture beyond the classroom in real or virtual ways.
Performance Descriptors:
Students know:
  • there are places where Deaf people and hearing signers meet for social interaction.
Students are able to:
  • interact with members of the Deaf culture beyond the classroom in real or virtual ways.
Students understand that:
  • ASL is used daily by Deaf people as their primary and preferred mode of communication across all parts of their lives.
  • ASL can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of ASL expands one's opportunities.
  • ASL is a tool to connect with the world.