Courses of Study

Number of Standards matching query: 15
Investigate, Plan, Make
Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
1) Individually and/or collaboratively formulate and expand new ideas based on existing artwork.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
2) Make informed choices from a range of materials, methods, and techniques of traditional and/or contemporary artistic practices, following or breaking established conventions, to plan the making of multiple works of art and design based on a theme, idea, or concept.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
3) Experiment to make multiple works of art and/or design that explore a personal theme, idea, or concept and demonstrate mastery of technical skill and craftsmanship with various art media.

a. Generate an alternative design solution to a visual art problem.

b. Solve visual art problems using analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
4) Demonstrate the importance of balancing freedom and responsibility in the use of images, materials, tools, and equipment in the creation and circulation of creative work.

Reflect, Refine, Continue
Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
5) Demonstrate in works of art or design how visual and material culture defines, shapes, enhances, inhibits, and/or empowers people's lives.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
6) Reflect on, re-engage, revise, and refine works of art or design considering relevant traditional and contemporary criteria as well as personal artistic vision.

Select, Analyze, Share
Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
7) Apply and expand traditional and/or unconventional methods to prepare works for presentation and preservation.

a. Document personal work of art.

Examples: Multi-media presentation, images, and process portfolio

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
8) Investigate, compare, and contrast methods for preserving and protecting art.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
9) Curate a collection of objects, artifacts, or artwork to impact the viewer's understanding of social, cultural, and/or political experiences.

Perceive, Analyze, Interpret
Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
10) Analyze how responses to art develop over time based on knowledge of and experience with art and life.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
11) Compare and contrast universal themes and sociopolitical issues in artworks from different cultures and historical periods.

a. Explain the importance of major works of art.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
12) Analyze differing interpretations of an artwork or collection of works in order to select and defend a plausible critical analysis.

a. Evaluate artists' choices in order to interpret meanings, ideas, attitudes, views, and intentions in works of art.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
13) Construct evaluations of a work of art or collection of works based on differing sets of criteria.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
14) Appraise the impact of an artist or a group of artists on the beliefs, values, and behaviors of a society.

Arts Education (2017)
Grade(s): 9 - 12
Visual Arts: Advanced
All Resources: 0
15) Synthesize knowledge of social, cultural, historical, and personal life with art-making approaches to create and defend personal philosophies of art based on a connection to aesthetic theories and visual culture.