Courses of Study : English Language Arts

Number of Standards matching query: 48
Recurring Standards
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 16
Learning Activities: 2
Lesson Plans: 5
Classroom Resources: 8
Unit Plans: 1
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Classroom Resources: 4
R2. Use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar spoken or written words.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 1
Unit Plans: 1
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 20
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 18
Unit Plans: 1
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
R5. Identify and explain literary devices in prose and poetry.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
R6. Assess the formality of occasions in order to speak or write using appropriate language and tone.
Literacy Foundations
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
1. Apply knowledge of grade-appropriate phoneme-grapheme correspondences, syllable types, and morphological structure to read unfamiliar multisyllabic words accurately, both in context and in isolation.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
2. Determine and use the correct syllable type(s) to decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words, including open, closed, vowel-consonant-e, r-controlled, vowel team (including diphthongs), consonant-le, and "leftovers" including odd and schwa syllables.

Examples: dam-age, ac-tive, na-tion
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
3. Apply knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
4. Apply knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes to encode unfamiliar multisyllabic words.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
5. Demonstrate fluency when reading grade-level text and when responding through writing or speaking.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
6. Read grade-level text orally with appropriate pauses, phrasing, stress, intonation, rate, and integration to support comprehension.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
7. Read words with irregular and regular spelling patterns accurately and automatically.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
8. Write routinely and independently in response to text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 3
9. Accurately interpret general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 18
Learning Activities: 2
Classroom Resources: 16
10. Interpret words and phrases, including figurative language, as they are used in a text.

a. Explain how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

b. Explain how figurative language contributes to the meaning of text, including simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, and idioms.

c. Use the relationships between synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to increase understanding of word meanings.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
11. Use commonly misused words correctly in writing.

Examples: accept/except; effect/affect; racket/racquet; its/it's; your/you're; our/are; quiet/quit/quite
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
12. Consult reference materials to find the pronunciation of unknown words and phrases.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
13. Use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in presentations and discussions.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 22
Learning Activities: 4
Lesson Plans: 8
Classroom Resources: 9
Unit Plans: 1
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 18
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 16
15. Analyze in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

a. Identify and explain attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.

b. Explain how the main character changes throughout the story, using explicit evidence from the text.

c. Make an inference about a character's behavior, the setting, and/or specific events, using explicit details from the story.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 3
16. Describe how authors use literary devices and text features to convey meaning in prose, poetry, and drama.

a. Identify clues in the text to recognize implicit meanings.

b. Apply prior knowledge to textual clues to draw conclusions about the author's meaning.

c. Make an inference about the meaning of a text and support it with textual evidence.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 2
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
17. Identify the narrator's point of view in a literary text and explain how it differs from a character's perspective.

a. Explain the difference between first person and third person narration, including omniscient and third person limited.

b. State an opinion of the author's use of narration, supporting reasoning with examples from the text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 3
18. Identify the point of view in a narrative and describe how the narrative would be different if told from the perspective of a different character or narrator.

a. Compare and contrast firsthand and secondhand accounts of the same event or topic, describing the differences in focus and the information provided.

b. Compare the perspectives of different characters within a text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 3
Classroom Resources: 3
19. Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures.

a. Determine and state an implied theme, explicit theme, or life lesson from a myth, story, or other traditional literature.

b. Analyze a common or shared theme and its development in stories, myths, and/or other traditional literature.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 12
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 6
Classroom Resources: 5
20. Use details and examples from a text to indicate what the text explicitly states.

a. Interpret facts from an informational article, using details and examples from the text to explain the interpretation.

b. List the main questions answered by an informational article.

c. Categorize statements in an article or other informational text as fact or opinion and give reasons for each choice.

d. Explain the differences between primary and secondary sources, giving examples from texts.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 10
Learning Activities: 3
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 5
21. Explain how relevant details support the implied or explicit main idea of a text.

a. Determine the central idea or theme of a text.

b. Explain the difference between implied and explicit details.

c. Summarize the key supporting details by citing evidence from a text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 12
Learning Activities: 3
Lesson Plans: 8
Classroom Resources: 1
22. Analyze events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in informational texts, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.

a. Cite evidence to explain the author's perspective toward a topic in an informational text.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 3
23. Evaluate how text features and structures contribute to the meaning of an informational text.

a. Identify and describe the structures within a text, including description, comparison and contrast, sequence, problem and solution, and cause and effect.

b. Interpret information from text features in both print and digital formats.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
24. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points and claims in an informational text or argument.

a. Make text-based inferences to determine possible reasons for an author's stance.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 7
Classroom Resources: 7
25. Explain how the form of a poem contributes to its meaning.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
26. Analyze how rhythm and rhyme in poetry contribute to meaning.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
27. Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 2
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
28. Write clear and coherent responses to texts, using explicit or implicit evidence that supports a particular point.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
29. Add audio recordings to presentations, when appropriate, to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
30. Synthesize information on a topic in order to write or speak knowledgeably about the subject.

a. Make complex inferences within and across texts to determine the importance of information.

b. Use evidence to explain information across texts including different perspectives and/or points of view.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Learning Activities: 1
31. Orally paraphrase portions of a text or information presented in diverse media when collaborating and/or presenting.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 17
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 4
Classroom Resources: 12
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 7
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 5
33. Use research to produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

a. Introduce a research topic clearly and group related ideas.

b. Integrate and cite evidence to present research findings in written form.

c. Paraphrase portions of texts or information presented in diverse media and formats.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 0
34. Write fluently and legibly in cursive, using correctly formed letters with appropriate spacing.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 27
Lesson Plans: 4
Classroom Resources: 23
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 12
Lesson Plans: 3
Classroom Resources: 8
Unit Plans: 1
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 4
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
Classroom Resources: 2
37. Write an argument to persuade the reader to take an action or adopt a position, using an introduction, logical reasoning supported by evidence from relevant sources, and linking words to connect their argument to the evidence.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 19
Classroom Resources: 19
38. Compose complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and usage.

a. Order adjectives within sentences according to conventional patterns.

Example: a small red bag rather than a red small bag

b. Form and use prepositional phrases and conjunctions.

c. Recognize and correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

d. Use commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks correctly.

e. Use correct capitalization, including familial relations and proper adjectives.

f. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 13
Learning Activities: 1
Classroom Resources: 12
39. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage.

a. Use relative pronouns who, whose, which, and that, relative adverbs where, when, and how, and irregular possessive nouns.

b. Form and use the progressive verb tenses.

Examples: I was walking, I am walking

c. Use modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions.

Examples: can, may, must
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Classroom Resources: 1
40. Compose friendly and formal letters using appropriate elements, including date, greeting, body, and a signature.

a. Write return address and mailing address in the proper locations on an envelope.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 1
Lesson Plans: 1
41. Present an opinion orally, sequencing ideas logically and using relevant facts.

a. Express appropriate and meaningful responses to questions posed by others.
English Language Arts (2021)
Grade(s): 4
All Resources: 5
Learning Activities: 1
Lesson Plans: 2
Classroom Resources: 2
42. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes, and speaking clearly with adequate volume, appropriate pacing, and clear pronunciation.

a. Articulate ideas, claims, and perspectives in a logical sequence, presenting information, findings, and credible evidence from multiple sources and modalities to enhance listeners' understanding.