ALEX Lesson Plan Resources

ALEX Lesson Plans  
Subject: Mathematics (5), or Mathematics (5), or Science (5)
Title: My Gummy Bear is Bigger than Your Gummy Bear!
Description: Students will develop an understanding of volume and density by analyzing, calculating, and measuring a gummy bear. The students will determine the cause and effect of a water-soaked gummy bear. Students will measure water and gummy bear with accuracy, record data, and communicate their results. This lesson results from collaboration between the Alabama State Department of Education and ASTA.

Subject: Science (5)
Title: Density Sink or Float Lab
Description: This lesson will allow students to experiment with different objects to predict and explain the results of their experiments on the objects as they relate to density. Through this experiment, students will be able to understand the cause and effect relationship to explain the objects sinking or floating.  This lesson results from a collaboration between the Alabama State Department of Education and ASTA.

Subject: Science (5)
Title: Diving into Density
Description: This inquiry-based lesson provides an introduction to density allowing students to explore density and its relation to objects floating and sinking.  This lesson results from a collaboration between the Alabama State Department of Education and ASTA.