ALEX Lesson Plan Resources

ALEX Lesson Plans  
Subject: Character Education (K - 12), or Counseling and Guidance (K - 12), or Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2), or English Language Arts (2), or Social Studies (2)
Title: What Makes a Leader?
Description: In this lesson, students will learn about various leadership qualities and historical American leaders. Each student will research an American leader of their choice and create a presentation about their life and impact on our country using the iPad app Educreations. Students will then participate in a class discussion about their thoughts on the researched leaders and how they can show leadership in their everyday lives. 

Subject: Character Education (K - 12), or Social Studies (K - 1)
Title: Martin Luther King, Jr. for Early Elementary
Description: This lesson is an adaptation of a lesson in Character Education Made Easy. It helps early elementary students (especially kindergartners) learn about the influence of Martin Luther King, Jr., why he is remembered, and the problems he worked to change.