ALEX Learning Activity Resources

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (9) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
[ELA2021] (10) -4 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
[ELA2021] (11) -3 :
R5. Utilize a writing process which includes planning, revising, editing/peer-editing, and rewriting to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing for a specific purpose and audience.
[ELA2021] (11) 24 :
24. Evaluate the credibility of sources in terms of authority, relevance, accuracy, and purpose.

a. Assess the usefulness of written information to answer a research question, solve a problem, or take a position.
Subject: English Language Arts (9 - 11)
Title: Let's Take a Trip to Your Museum- A Virtual Museum Research Project

Knowing students learn most effectively when relevant and authentic learning opportunities such as field trips are provided, this activity challenges students to research introductory information as assigned to produce a virtual museum. Students will work collaboratively to produce such and will present to their peers in order for all students to “travel” to each other’s museums. This activity allows students to take ownership of their learning by determining the significant details of their assigned topic.  

This resource was created as a part of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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