ALEX Learning Activity Resources

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (9) 5 :
5. Analyze the impact of context and organizational structures on theme, tone, and the meaning of the work as a whole.
[ELA2021] (9) -3 :
R5. Utilize a writing process which includes planning, revising, editing/peer-editing, and rewriting to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing for a specific purpose and audience.
[ELA2021] (9) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
Subject: English Language Arts (9)
Title: Odysseus: Noble Leader or Arrogant Risk Taker

This activity is an introduction to Homer's "Odyssey". Students will be introduced to the great poet Homer and his epic poem The Odyssey. Students will have an understanding of King Odysseus and the battles he faced while trying to return home to his family. This activity will also introduce students to terms such as epic, epic poem, hubris, and tragic hero.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (9) 9 :
9. Compose both short and extended narrative, informative/explanatory, and argumentative writings that are clear and coherent, use an appropriate command of language, and demonstrate development, organization, style, and tone that are relevant to task, purpose, and audience.

Examples: paragraphs, constructed responses, essays

a. Write a memoir, narrative essay, or personal or fictional narrative to convey a series of events, establishing a clear purpose and using narrative techniques.

Examples: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection

b. Write explanations and expositions that incorporate evidence, using transitions and techniques that objectively introduce and develop topics.

Examples: relevant and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations

c. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning, relevant and sufficient evidence, transitions, and a concluding statement or section that follows from the information presented.
[ELA2021] (9) -3 :
R5. Utilize a writing process which includes planning, revising, editing/peer-editing, and rewriting to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing for a specific purpose and audience.
[ELA2021] (9) 6 :
6. Compare and/or contrast the perspectives in a variety of fiction, nonfiction, informational, digital, and multimodal texts produced from diverse historical, cultural, and global points of view, not limited to the grade-level literary focus.
Subject: English Language Arts (9)
Title: Determining a Mother's Love Through Music and Poetry

This activity is designed to allow students to write a comparison-contrast essay comparing song lyrics dealing with a mother's love. Students will analyze multiple literary texts and engage in each step of the writing process.

 This activity was developed as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 2

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