ALEX Learning Activity Resources

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ARTS] VISA (3) 6 :
6) Refine artwork in progress by adding details to enhance emerging meaning.

Example: Decide what details need to be added to make their artwork clearer.

Subject: Arts Education (3)
Title: Van Gogh's Bedroom-Part 2: Refine and Revise

This activity is designed to be presented after Van Gogh's Bedroom-Part 1: Discuss and Create.

In this activity, students will refine their artwork created in the prerequisite activity by examining their actual bedroom. Students will make a list of items they need to add to their artwork to embellish their finished product. Lastly, students will revise their artwork by adding details to enhance the meaning of their artistic expression.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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