ALEX Learning Activity Resources

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 2 :
2) Demonstrate an understanding of simple spoken or written language presented through a variety of media resources on familiar topics.

a. Recognize key words and phrases in the target language.

Examples: colors, numbers, animals, weather, days of the week

b. Identify people and objects in their environment.

Examples: clothing, classroom items, family members

c. Understand basic instructions.

Examples: turn on lights, look at board

d. Interpret the meaning of gestures, intonation, and other auditory cues.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 3 :
3) Present material in oral and written form.

a. Present information about selves with one word or simple learned phrases.

Examples: I'm tired. I have a headache. I'm thirsty, hungry, and sleepy.

b. Sing songs in the target language.

c. Label familiar people, places and objects.

Subject: World Languages (K - 8)
Title: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Students will draw a snowman and identify colors, clothing, and body parts of the snowman. Students will answer simple questions about the drawing.

This activity was created as a result of the World Language COS Resource Development Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 7 :
7) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native cultures.

a. Compare gestures used to greet family, friends, and acquaintances.

b. Compare and contrast tangible products of the native and target cultures.

Examples: Food, clothing, toys, and children's stories

c. Compare simple behavior patterns in the native and target cultures.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 6 :
6) Investigate, analyze, and reflect on similarities and differences between the target and native languages.

a. Identify cognates.

b. Differentiate formal and informal forms of language.

c. Compare sound systems of the native and target languages.

[WLAN] WNLP (0-8) 1 :
1) Exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

a. Communicate on some very familiar topics using single words or learned phrases.

Examples: likes/dislikes, sports, hobbies

b. Answer simple questions.

Examples: What is your name? What day is today? What is the weather?

c. Greet peers and introduce selves.

Subject: World Languages (K - 8)
Title: Texting in French

Prior to this activity, students should have learned to spell basic words. They’ve also more than likely recently learned various greetings and basic questions. In this activity, they put these skills together using a medium with which they are very familiar. It also enables them to discover that teenagers in other countries also text and use abbreviations. Although this activity is about writing, it is communicative because it takes two people to make it happen.

This activity was created as a result of the World Languages Course of Study Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Learning Activities: 2

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