How Are Video Games Made?

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How Are Video Games Made?


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Type: Learning Activity


Students will read about how video games are created.  They will read that computer programmers have to write in a computer language called code to control the game.  They will read that video games have a story, characters, and an environment.  They will begin writing a scenario for a new video game.    

Content Standard(s):
Arts Education
ARTS (2017)
Grade: 4
Media Arts
1) Conceptualize original media arts products, utilizing a variety of creative methods.

a. Use brainstorming and modeling.

Example: Draw a design of a multi-purpose tool and create it out of foam or cardboard.

Arts Education
ARTS (2017)
Grade: 4
Media Arts
15) Examine and use personal and external resources to create media arts productions.

a. Involve interests, research, and cultural understanding.

Example: Create paper bag puppets to tell a story based on a topic of character education, such as bullying.

Arts Education
ARTS (2017)
Grade: 4
Media Arts
17) Explain verbally and/or in media arts productions how media art productions and ideas relate to everyday and cultural life.

Examples: Fantasy, reality, and technology use.

Arts Education
ARTS (2017)
Grade: 5
Media Arts
1) Present original ideas and innovations for media arts products, utilizing personal experiences and/or the work of others.

Arts Education
ARTS (2017)
Grade: 5
Media Arts
17) Research and show how media arts productions and ideas relate to personal, social and community life.

a. Focus on commercial and information purposes, history, and ethics.

Example: Create a video to explore the myths of the Native Americans.

Tags: character, code, environment, programmer, story, video game
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Author: Tiffani Stricklin