De Bello Gallico - Gallic Wars by Julius Ceasar

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De Bello Gallico - Gallic Wars by Julius Ceasar


Content Source:

The Project Gutenburg
Type: Informational Material


The provided link is a full-text English version of Julius Ceaser's 'De Bello Gallico.' While students are expected to study the Latin version of this literary work, the AP College Board suggests that students also be familiar with the English version, especially books 1, 6, & 7. Students and teachers are provided multiple download options. Students and teachers of Latin levels 1 and 2 will find this English companion a useful tool in completing the following tasks: reinforcing student investigations into elements of Roman daily life; explaining the significance of people, events, social structures, and comparing the actions of Julius Ceaser and other historical figures.

Content Standard(s):
LAT (2017)
Grade: 7-12
Level I
5) Investigate and describe elements of Roman daily life.

Examples: Calendar, household gods, government, family, social organization, Roman games, and holidays like Saturnalia.

LAT (2017)
Grade: 7-12
Level II
4) Explain the significance of people, events, social structures, and political terms in Roman history.

Examples: Heroes of the early Roman Republic, Scipio, Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Antony, Octavian, Constantine, and Justinian.
Events include the founding of Rome, the secession of the Plebs, Punic Wars, and civil wars.
Patrician and plebeian classes, the role of women in Roman society, and slavery in the ancient world.
Monarchy, republic, populares, optimates, cursus honorum, First and Second Triumvirates.

LAT (2017)
Grade: 7-12
Level II
5) Compare the actions of Roman heroes and historical figures and explain the differences.

Examples: Compare the actions of Marius, Sulla, Caesar, or Cicero to Cincinnatus, Camillus, or Regulus.

Tags: Culture, Gallic War, Julius Caesar, Latin, Literary Style and Genre, War and Empire
License Type: Public Domain
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Author: Chrissy Roe