Let's Talk About Stories: Shared Discussion With Amazing Grace

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Let's Talk About Stories: Shared Discussion With Amazing Grace



Content Source:

Type: Lesson/Unit Plan


This lesson gives second-grade students opportunities to interact with a thought-provoking story, as they also develop comprehension and critical-thinking skills. Students begin by listening to a read-aloud of Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman, with teacher modeling of the thinking process at key points. They then participate in partner, small-group, and whole-class discussions to revisit and respond to the text. Students finish by using the interactive Doodle Splash to visually represent the ideas they want to remember from the book. Helpful tips are embedded within the lesson for discussing difficult themes and guiding students to make respectful and thoughtful comments in a group setting.

Content Standard(s):
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
4. Orally answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about a text or conversation, using complete sentences to provide key ideas and details.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
12. Read and reread grade-appropriate text accurately, automatically, and with meaningful expression at a rate which supports comprehension.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
13. Read grade-appropriate poetry, noticing phrasing, rhythm, and rhyme.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
23. Identify the main story elements in a literary text.

a. Explain the plot of a narrative, using textual evidence to list the major events in sequence.

b. Describe the characters' traits, feelings, and behaviors in a story.

c. Describe the setting of a narrative, using textual evidence.

d. Identify the central message or moral of a story.

e. Identify the theme in myths, fables, and folktales.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
25. Identify and use various text features to locate ideas, facts, or supporting details in both written and digital formats.

a. Identify and locate captions, bold print, subheadings, indexes, graphs, maps, glossaries, and illustrations.

b. Explain how specific features can clarify a text or enhance comprehension.
English Language Arts
ELA2021 (2021)
Grade: 2
27. Identify the text structures within literary and informational texts, including cause and effect, problem and solution, and sequence of events.
Tags: Amazing Grace, collaboration, comprehension, critical thinking skills, Doodle Splash, Mary Hoffman, read aloud
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Author: Cassie Raulston