ALEX Classroom Resources

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (11) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (11) 1 :
1. Read, analyze, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts written from various points of view and cultural perspectives, with an emphasis on works of American literature.
[ELA2021] (11) 3 :
3. Analyze how an author explicitly exhibits his/her cultural perspective in developing style and meaning.
[ELA2021] (11) 4 :
4. Analyze how an author uses characterization, figurative language, literary elements, and point of view to create and convey meaning.
[ELA2021] (11) 7 :
7. Compare and/or contrast the perspectives in a variety of fiction, nonfiction, informational, digital, and multimodal texts produced from diverse historical, cultural, and global viewpoints, not limited to the grade level literary focus.
[ELA2021] (11) 14 :
14. Participate in collaborative discussions involving multiple cultural and literary perspectives, responding to, contributing to, building upon, and questioning the ideas of others with relevant, appropriate evidence and commentary.
[ELA2021] (11) 20 :
20. Analyze the formality of language in a variety of audible sources in order to comprehend, interpret, and respond appropriately.
Subject: English Language Arts (11)
Title: Their Eyes Were Watching God: The Impact of Language | The Great American Read

How does language affect how we see each other? Does the language that characters use influence how we see them? In this lesson, work with students to investigate the preconceived notions people have about accents and dialects, and how Zora Neale Hurston uses language in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Students will engage in collaborative discourse with preconceived norms and utilize active listening skills. Students will explore the link between the cultural perspective and language the characters use and the implicit meaning of the text. This lesson also provides students with the opportunity to compare multiple formal and informal languages and draw inferences about the social implications of a specific accent or dialect in a work of literature. 

ALEX Classroom Resources: 1

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