ALEX Classroom Resources

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (0) 18 :
K.6.1) Define a goal and identify several potential age- appropriate, short-term health goals.

Examples: brushing teeth daily, meeting or achieving ARI reading goal

[HE] (1) 1 :
1.1.1) Explain how healthy behaviors impact personal health.

[HE] (2) 1 :
2.1.1) Describe behaviors that enhance physical and mental health.

[HE] (3) 5 :
3.1.5) Identify symptoms which might need treatment from health care providers.

Examples: fever, sore throat, toothache

[HE] (5) 4 :
5.1.4) Develop strategies and skills used to promote personal hygiene.

[HE] (6) 18 :
6.6.1) Assess personal health practices.

Examples: food choices, physical activity, hygiene

Subject: Health Education (K - 6)
Title: Teeth: Science Trek

Take a trip to the dentist in this video segment from IdahoPTV's Science Trek. Discover why different animals have different kinds of teeth and what kinds of teeth humans have. You'll be able to answer the questions: What are the parts of a tooth? What is a cavity and how can you keep your teeth and gums healthy.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (5) 4 :
5.1.4) Develop strategies and skills used to promote personal hygiene.

[HE] (5) 20 :
5.7.1) Implement a variety of healthy practices and behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Example: executing a plan to manage academic, extracurricular, and family

[HE] (6) 2 :
6.1.2) List ways to reduce or prevent injuries and illness.

Examples: stretching techniques, regular exercise, equipment safety, flu shot, obtaining immunizations against HPV and other conditions

Subject: Health Education (5 - 6)
Title: Gross Science: How Far Do Sneezes and Vomit Travel?

Learn how far coughs, sneezes, and vomit travel, in this episode of Gross Science from NOVA. Scientists can use technology to track the liquids that fly out of noses and mouths and study how far germs can travel. Researchers at MIT used high-speed cameras to reveal that the droplets in a cough or sneeze travel in an invisible gas cloud, which can carry germs much farther than people previously thought.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 2

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