ALEX Classroom Resources

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ARTS] VISAN (9-12) 10 :
10) Identify and compare ways in which art influences cultural values and trends.

Examples: World War II propaganda, advertising, or political comics.

[DLIT] (6) 3 :
R3) Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.

[DLIT] (6) 6 :
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

[DLIT] (7) 3 :
R3) Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.

[DLIT] (7) 6 :
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

[DLIT] (9-12) 3 :
R3) Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.

[DLIT] (9-12) 6 :
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

Subject: Arts Education (9 - 12), Digital Literacy and Computer Science (6 - 12)
Title: Creating Comics

Reading and creating comic strips and comic books are engaging ways to promote literacy at any grade level and across content areas. The students in this video are members of a high school comic book club and have access to drawing tablets and Adobe Photoshop, so they can achieve sophisticated results. Even without such software, however, teachers can still integrate digital comics into a wide range of teaching situations. This video comes with several support materials that include video discussion questions and project suggestions.

There are a number of comic books, especially contemporary ones, that are not “school appropriate,” so you might want to guide students’ web research on comic books. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [DLIT] (9-12) 6 :
R6) Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

[DLIT] (9-12) 11 :
5) Design and iteratively develop computational artifacts for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue by using current events.

[DLIT] (9-12) 31 :
25) Utilize a variety of digital tools to create digital artifacts across content areas.

[DLIT] (9-12) 37 :
31) Create interactive data visualizations using software tools to help others understand real-world phenomena.

[DLIT] (9-12) 38 :
32) Use data analysis tools and techniques to identify patterns in data representing complex systems.

[DLIT] (9-12) 43 :
37) Evaluate the ability of models and simulations to test and support the refinement of hypotheses.

a. Create and utilize models and simulations to help formulate, test, and refine a hypothesis.

b. Form a model of a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis by the collection and analysis of data generated by simulations.

Examples: Science lab, robotics lab, manufacturing, space exploration.

c. Explore situations where a flawed model provided an incorrect answer.

Subject: Digital Literacy and Computer Science (9 - 12)
Title: Computer Science Principles Unit Post AP Chapter 1 Lesson 7: Practice PT - Tell a Data Story

For this Practice PT students will analyze the data that they have been collecting as a class in order to demonstrate their ability to discover, visualize, and present a trend or pattern they find in the data. Leading up to this lesson, students will have been working in pairs to clean and summarize their data. Students should complete this project individually but can get feedback on their ideas from their data-cleaning partner.

Note: This is NOT the official AP® Performance Task that will be submitted as part of the Advanced Placement exam; it is a practice activity intended to prepare students for some portions of their individual performance at a later time.

Students will be able to:
- create summaries of a dataset using a pivot table.
- manipulate and clean data in order to prepare it for analysis.
- explain the process used to create a visualization.
- design a visualization that clearly presents a trend, pattern, or relationship within a dataset.
- create visualizations of a dataset in order to discover trends and patterns.
- draw conclusions from the contents of a data visualization.

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