ALEX Resources

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Learning Activities (1) Building blocks of a lesson plan that include before, during, and after strategies to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill. Classroom Resources (2)

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (6) 11 :
11. Utilize written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to generate and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.
[DLIT] (6) 1 :
R1) Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.

[DLIT] (8) 1 :
R1) Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.

[ELA2021] (6) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[HE] (6) 1 :
6.1.1) Describe the interrelationship between social and emotional health in adolescence.

a. . Identify how positive relationships can enhance each dimension of health.

b. Explain how stress can affect personal health.

[DLIT] (7) 1 :
R1) Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.

[DLIT] (7) 20 :
14) Discuss current events related to emerging technologies in computing and the effects such events have on individuals and the global society.

[ELA2021] (7) 11 :
11. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of techniques used in a variety of digital sources to generate and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions and create new understandings.
[ELA2021] (7) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[HE] (7) 1 :
7.1.1) Summarize the interrelationship of emotional, social, and physical health.

a. Determine how peers may affect the six dimensions of health.

b. Illustrate how changing family dynamics can affect health.

Examples: divorce, relocating, death

[DLIT] (8) 20 :
14) Analyze current events related to computing and their effects on education, the workplace, individuals, communities, and global society.

[ELA2021] (8) 25 :
25. Produce research writings independently over extended periods of time which encompass research, reflection, and revision and over shorter time frames.

Examples: a day or two, a single sitting
[ELA2021] (8) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[HE] (8) 1 :
8.1.1) Explain how emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, mental, and social health affect each other.

a. Determine how social influences can affect physical health.

b. Describe how risky health behaviors affect the emotional, physical, and social health of adolescents.

[HE] (8) 8 :
8.2.3) Analyze the influences of technology on personal and family health.

Examples: screen time, video game addictions, activity trackers, diabetes monitor, heart monitor, fitness assessment tools

[DLIT] (9-12) 1 :
R1) Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.

[DLIT] (9-12) 17 :
11) Model and demonstrate behaviors that are safe, legal, and ethical while living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world.

a. Recognize user tracking methods and hazards.

Examples: Cookies, WiFi packet sniffing.

b. Understand how to apply techniques to mitigate effects of user tracking methods.

c. Understand the ramifications of end-user license agreements and terms of service associated with granting rights to personal data and media to other entities.

d. Explain the relationship between online privacy and personal security.

Examples: Convenience and accessibility, data mining, digital marketing, online wallets, theft of personal information.

e. Identify physical, legal, and ethical consequences of inappropriate digital behaviors.

Examples: Cyberbullying/harassment, inappropriate sexual communications.

f. Explain strategies to lessen the impact of negative digital behaviors and assess when to apply them.

[ELA2021] (9) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
[ELA2021] (9) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (10) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
[ELA2021] (10) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (11) 24 :
24. Evaluate the credibility of sources in terms of authority, relevance, accuracy, and purpose.

a. Assess the usefulness of written information to answer a research question, solve a problem, or take a position.
[ELA2021] (11) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (12) 24 :
24. Evaluate the credibility of sources in terms of authority, relevance, accuracy, and purpose.

a. Assess the usefulness of written information to answer a research question, solve a problem, or take a position.
[ELA2021] (12) -3 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[HE] HED (9-12) 2 :
HE.1.2) Describe the interrelationships of emotional, mental, physical, social, spiritual, and environmental health.

a. Identify symptoms and methods of treatment of mental health disorders, including depression, and stress.

b. Identify warning signs and prevention strategies for suicide.

[HE] HED (9-12) 9 :
HE.2.2) Describe the pros and cons of the use of technology as it affects personal, family, and community health.

Examples: positive and negative influences on self-esteem, addiction to technology, personal interactions and relationships

[HUM] ED07 (9-12) 2 :
2 ) Analyze cultural influences on health behaviors, including social norms, laws and regulations, family traditions, and stereotypes that impact the health and wellness of individuals and families.

Examples: knowledge, attitude, and beliefs related to family eating habits; Alabama's graduated driver license to promote safe driving

[HUM] ED07 (9-12) 4 :
4 ) Evaluate positive and negative impacts of technology on health.

Examples: positive—improved diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and disorders

-  negative—decreased level of health-enhancing physical activity, inflationary expense of health care services

[HUM] ED07 (9-12) 9 :
9 ) Analyze the relationship of dimensions of health and wellness, including emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, and spiritual factors that impact the health and wellness of individuals and families.

•  Applying decision-making strategies to achieve and improve personal health goals
Example: participating regularly in physical activity, avoiding sexual risk-taking, preventing abuse, practicing water safety, operating motor vehicles safely
[HUM] ED08 (9-12) 18 :
18 ) Assess ways technology impacts individuals and families throughout the life cycle.

Subject: English Language Arts (6 - 12), Digital Literacy and Computer Science (6 - 12), Health Education (6 - 12), Human Services (9 - 12)
Title: The Consequences of Being Too Plugged In-- Part 2 of Unplug: The Digital Diet Plan

Students will be introduced to five negative consequences of a poor "digital device diet." The teacher will lead students in utilizing the jigsaw literacy strategy, in which students will become members of a home group and an expert group as they research and discuss their assigned topic. The activity will culminate with students creating a presentation in the form of a research paper, poster, or slideshow to demonstrate their knowledge of the five consequences of a poor digital diet and their effect on all aspects of health. 

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [SS2010] USS5 (5) 11 :
11 ) Identify causes of the Civil War, including states' rights and the issue of slavery.

•  Describing the importance of the Missouri Compromise, Nat Turner's insurrection, the Compromise of 1850, the Dred Scott decision, John Brown's rebellion, and the election of 1860
•  Recognizing key Northern and Southern personalities, including Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, William Tecumseh Sherman, and Joseph Wheeler (Alabama)
•  Describing social, economic, and political conditions that affected citizens during the Civil War
•  Identifying Alabama's role in the Civil War (Alabama)
Examples: Montgomery as the first capital of the Confederacy, Winston County's opposition to Alabama's secession (Alabama)

•  Locating on a map sites important to the Civil War
Examples: Mason-Dixon Line, Fort Sumter, Appomattox, Gettysburg, Confederate states, Union states (Alabama)

•  Explaining events that led to the conclusion of the Civil War
[SS2010] US10 (10) 14 :
14 ) Describe how the Civil War influenced the United States, including the Anaconda Plan and the major battles of Bull Run, Antietam, Vicksburg, and Gettysburg and Sherman's March to the Sea. [A.1.a., A.1.b., A.1.c., A.1.d., A.1.e., A.1.i., A.1.k.]

•  Identifying key Northern and Southern Civil War personalities, including Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, and William Tecumseh Sherman
Example: President Abraham Lincoln's philosophy of union, executive orders, and leadership

•  Analyzing the impact of the division of the nation during the Civil War regarding resources, population distribution, and transportation
•  Explaining reasons border states remained in the Union during the Civil War
•  Describing nonmilitary events and life during the Civil War, including the Homestead Act, the Morrill Act, Northern draft riots, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the Gettysburg Address
•  Describing the role of women in American society during the Civil War, including efforts made by Elizabeth Blackwell and Clara Barton
•  Tracing Alabama's involvement in the Civil War (Alabama)
[ELA2021] (5) 37 :
37. Write about research findings independently over short and/or extended periods of time.
[ELA2021] (10) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
Subject: Social Studies (5 - 10), English Language Arts (5 - 10)
Title: Remembering Lincoln

This website contains 5 primary resources students can use to help write an essay on Abraham Lincoln's assassination. 

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (9) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (9) -4 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
[ELA2021] (9) 9 :
9. Compose both short and extended narrative, informative/explanatory, and argumentative writings that are clear and coherent, use an appropriate command of language, and demonstrate development, organization, style, and tone that are relevant to task, purpose, and audience.

Examples: paragraphs, constructed responses, essays

a. Write a memoir, narrative essay, or personal or fictional narrative to convey a series of events, establishing a clear purpose and using narrative techniques.

Examples: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection

b. Write explanations and expositions that incorporate evidence, using transitions and techniques that objectively introduce and develop topics.

Examples: relevant and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations

c. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning, relevant and sufficient evidence, transitions, and a concluding statement or section that follows from the information presented.
[ELA2021] (9) 12 :
12. Interpret digital texts to determine their subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
[ELA2021] (9) 20 :
20. Adapt speech to purpose and audience in a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English conventions as indicated or appropriate.
[ELA2021] (9) 22 :
22. Use a variety of search tools and research strategies.

Examples: library databases, search engines; keyword search, boolean search
[ELA2021] (9) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
[ELA2021] (10) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (10) -4 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
[ELA2021] (10) 9 :
9. Compose both short and extended narrative, informative/explanatory, and argumentative writings that are clear and coherent, use an appropriate command of language, and demonstrate development, organization, style, and tone that are relevant to task, purpose, and audience.

Examples: paragraphs, constructed responses, essays

a. Write a memoir, narrative essay, or personal or fictional narrative to convey a series of events, establishing a clear purpose, using narrative techniques, and sequencing events coherently.

Examples: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection; chronological order, reverse chronological order, flashbacks

b. Write explanations and expositions that incorporate relevant evidence, using effective transitions that objectively introduce and develop topics.

Examples: specific facts, examples, details, statistics/data, examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic

c. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning, relevant and sufficient evidence, appropriate transitions, and a concluding section that follows from and supports the information presented.
[ELA2021] (10) 12 :
12. Interpret digital texts to determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
[ELA2021] (10) 22 :
22. Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.

Examples: library databases, search engines; keyword search, boolean search
[ELA2021] (10) 24 :
24. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.
[ELA2021] (10) 27 :
27. Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to present clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a target audience and purpose.
[ELA2021] (11) -5 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (11) -4 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
[ELA2021] (11) 11 :
11. Compose and edit both short and extended products in which the development and organization are relevant and suitable to task, purpose, and audience, using an appropriate command of language.

Examples: paragraphs, constructed responses, essays

a. Incorporate narrative techniques in other modes of writing as appropriate.

Examples: flashback, anecdote, foreshadowing, story-telling, sensory details, character development

b. Write explanations and expositions that examine and convey complex ideas or processes effectively, develop the topic utilizing and citing credible sources of information or data when relevant, use intentional transitions, choose precise vocabulary, and maintain an organized structure.

c. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning supported by relevant and sufficient evidence, making rhetorical choices that convey a specific tone or style, including intentional transitions, and providing a logical conclusion that captures the larger implications of the topic or text.
[ELA2021] (11) 15 :
15. Analyze digital texts and evaluate their effectiveness in terms of subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
[ELA2021] (11) 19 :
19. Interpret how an author's grammar and rhetorical style contribute to the meaning in both fiction, including poetry and prose, and nonfiction, including historical, business, informational, and workplace documents.
[ELA2021] (11) 22 :
22. Apply conventions of standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage, including appropriate formality of language, to communicate effectively with a target audience.

a. Exhibit stylistic complexity and sophistication in writing.
[ELA2021] (11) 25 :
25. Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.

Examples: library databases, search engines; keyword search, boolean search
[ELA2021] (12) -3 :
R3. Utilize active listening skills in formal and informal conversations, following predetermined norms.
[ELA2021] (12) -4 :
R4. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
[ELA2021] (12) 11 :
11. Compose, edit, and revise both short and extended products in which the development, organization, and style are relevant and suitable to task, purpose, and audience, using an appropriate command of language.

a. Incorporate narrative techniques into other modes of writing as appropriate.

Examples: flashback, anecdote, foreshadowing, story-telling, sensory details, character development

b. Write explanations and expositions that examine and convey complex ideas or processes effectively, develop the topic utilizing and citing credible sources of information or data when relevant, use intentional transitions, choose precise vocabulary, and maintain an organized structure and style.

c. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence, making intentional rhetorical choices to convey a specific tone or style, including intentional transitions, and providing a logical conclusion that captures the larger implications of the topic or text.
[ELA2021] (12) 15 :
15. Analyze digital texts and evaluate their effectiveness in terms of subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
[ELA2021] (12) 19 :
19. Interpret how an author's grammar and rhetorical style contribute to the meaning in both fiction, including poetry and prose, and nonfiction, including historical, business, informational, and workplace documents.
[ELA2021] (12) 22 :
22. Apply conventions of standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage, including appropriate formality of language, to communicate effectively with a target audience.

a. Exhibit stylistic complexity, sophistication, and consistency in writing.
[ELA2021] (12) 24 :
24. Evaluate the credibility of sources in terms of authority, relevance, accuracy, and purpose.

a. Assess the usefulness of written information to answer a research question, solve a problem, or take a position.
[ELA2021] (12) 25 :
25. Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate and acquire credible, relevant, and useful information.

Examples: library databases, search engines; keyword search, boolean search
Subject: English Language Arts (9 - 12)
Title: Modeling Academic Writing Through Scholarly Article Presentations

Students prepare an already published scholarly article for presentation, with an emphasis on the identification of the author's thesis and argument structure, as well as an examination of source integration (the critic's engagement with primary and secondary source information). The class first analyzes a sample article of literary criticism and discusses how to annotate it for presentation. Each student then uses an online database to access an appropriate article of literary criticism connected to a work of literature they have already read as a class assignment. They then analyze the article and prepare the article for presentation by highlighting key elements of its structure and content. Finally, they present the article to their peers.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 2

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