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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (6) 2 :
2. Make inferences and draw logical conclusions from the content and structures of informational texts, including comparison and contrast, problem and solution, claims and evidence, cause and effect, description, and sequencing.
[ELA2021] (6) 10 :
10. Determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility of digital sources.

Examples: online academic journals, social media, blogs, podcasts
[ELA2021] (7) 2 :
2. Evaluate how effectively an author uses structures of informational texts, including comparison and contrast, problem and solution, cause and effect, and substantiated or unsubstantiated claims and evidence, to achieve a purpose.
[ELA2021] (7) 10 :
10. Assess subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility of various digital sources.

Examples: online academic journals, social media, blogs
[ELA2021] (8) 2 :
2. Make complex inferences from the structure and content of a text, including comparison and contrast, problem and solution, cause and effect, and substantiated and unsubstantiated claims and evidence, to draw logical conclusions about the author's perspective.
[ELA2021] (8) 11 :
11. Analyze digital texts to determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
[ELA2021] (9) 12 :
12. Interpret digital texts to determine their subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
[ELA2021] (10) 12 :
12. Interpret digital texts to determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility.
Subject: English Language Arts (6 - 10)
Title: Tune-up: Evaluating Evidence | Skills on Demand

In this short practice, students review how to determine whether the evidence that backs up a claim in a reading is sufficient, relevant, and credible and practice evaluating example passages.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 1

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