ALEX Resources

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ALEX Lesson Plans  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
Subject: English Language Arts (4)
Title: Five Paragraph Expository Essay: What was the Social, Political, and Economic Impact of the Great Depression on the Lives of Alabamians?

Students will work in collaborative groups to analyze and interpret research information from their previous reading assignment on the social, political, and economic impact of the Great Depression on the lives of Alabamians. Next, students will use a graphic organizer to collect information needed to develop and write a five paragraph expository essay on the social, political, and economic impact of the Great Depression on the lives of Alabamians. Finally, students will present their expository essay to the class.

This unit was created as part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.

ALEX Unit Plans  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (4) -4 :
R3. Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[SS2010] ALA (4) 12 :
12 ) Explain the impact the 1920s and Great Depression had on different socioeconomic groups in Alabama.

Examples: 1920s—increase in availability of electricity, employment opportunities, wages, products, consumption of goods and services; overproduction of goods; stock market crash

Great Depression—overcropping of land, unemployment, poverty, establishment of new federal programs

•  Explaining how supply and demand impacted economies of Alabama and the United States during the 1920s and the Great Depression
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.

Title: The Impact of the Great Depression on the Lives of Alabamians
Unit Plan Overview:   The unit will incorporate research and investigation into the impact the 1920s and the Great Depression had on different socioeconomic groups in Alabama. After exploring various texts related to the topic, students will determine the causes and effects of the Great Depression on the social, political, and economic impact on the lives of Alabamians.  As a culminating activity, students will write a five-paragraph essay explaining their findings. This unit was created as part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 35 :
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 34 :
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
[ELA2021] (6) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (6) 7 :
7. Produce clear, coherent narrative, argument, and informative/explanatory writing in which the development, organization, style, and tone are relevant to task, purpose, and audience, using an appropriate command of language.

a. Write narratives incorporating key literary elements, including characters, plot, setting, point of view, resolution of a conflict, dialogue, and sensory details.

b. Write informative or explanatory texts with an organized structure and a formal style, incorporating a focused point of view, a clear purpose, credible evidence, and technical word meanings.

c. Write an argument to convince the reader to take an action or adopt a position, stating a claim and supporting the claim with relevant, well-organized evidence from credible sources.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 6)
Title: The Houdini Box: What Did Houdini Hide? Writing Creative Endings

This lesson comprises five lessons that students love. During the first session, read aloud The Houdini Box by Brian Selznick to the class. Students then follow the steps of the writing process to create a new ending for this book. Students gain experience brainstorming, drafting, editing, and polishing their writing. Because their story endings must flow well with the rest of the book, students must understand what the book is about. The goal is for them to understand what they're reading and to demonstrate their knowledge of the book's content and their own creativity through a writing piece.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 39 :
39. Gather and evaluate information about a topic from a variety of sources, including digital sources, and utilize it to create a project, report, or presentation.

a. Avoid plagiarism by using their own words and utilizing digital sources ethically.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 33 :
33. Use research to produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

a. Introduce a research topic clearly and group related ideas.

b. Integrate and cite evidence to present research findings in written form.

c. Paraphrase portions of texts or information presented in diverse media and formats.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 38 :
38. Gather information on a topic or question, and share the results through various modes of writing, including projects and presentations.

a. Locate information in print and digital sources.

b. Summarize, quote, and paraphrase information in notes and finished work, providing a list of sources.

c. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic into presentations of research.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Zines for Kids: Multigenre Texts About Media Icons

Students get to flex their writing muscles as they use a variety of writing genres to create a zine of their own: letter writing, persuasive writing, narrative, acrostic poetry, comic writing, and biography/autobiography. Each student chooses a prominent figure from popular culture as the focus for a multigenre zine and then plans the project using the Facts–Questions–Interpretations method. Students then write in each of the listed genres about their chosen subjects, using a variety of tools. Finally, students design covers for their projects, and the teacher binds all the printed documents into individual zines.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Leading to Great Places in the Elementary Classroom

A story's lead begins the reader's adventure, yet it can just as likely end that odyssey if those opening words do not immediately interest the reader. This lesson examines examples of leads in children's literature, focusing on strategies such as setting, action, character, reflection, event, and dialogue in a shared reading experience. Students rank several leads from novels as they are read aloud and discuss their rankings. They then generate different leads for a read-aloud book in the classroom, using different strategies for each. Finally, they write or revise a lead in one of their pieces of writing.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 22 :
22. Describe literary elements within a story, including setting, plot, characters, and themes.

a. Describe in detail the characters' behavior, emotions, and traits and explain how their actions influence events in the story.

b. Explain how the characters' actions and dialogue contribute to the meaning of the story.

c. Identify the central message, theme, or moral in a story, including myths, fables, and folktales, and explain the meaning conveyed in the passage.

d. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots from two texts.
[ELA2021] (3) 26 :
26. Use text comparisons (text to text, text to self, and text to world) to make meaning.

a. Use prior knowledge to determine similarities between texts they are reading and texts they have previously read.

b. Compare different versions of the same story.
[ELA2021] (3) 38 :
38. Compose and develop a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence, details to support, and a concluding sentence.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 15 :
15. Analyze in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

a. Identify and explain attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.

b. Explain how the main character changes throughout the story, using explicit evidence from the text.

c. Make an inference about a character's behavior, the setting, and/or specific events, using explicit details from the story.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 19 :
19. Interpret how authors use literary elements throughout a text, including character, setting, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Examining Plot Conflict Through a Comparison/Contrast Essay

Students explore picture books to identify the characteristics of four types of conflict: character vs. character, character vs. self, character vs. nature, and character vs. society. Next, students write about conflict in their own lives and then look for similarities among all the conflicts shared by the class, ultimately classifying each conflict into one of the four types. Finally, after investigating the compare and contrast format, students conclude with a compare and contrast essay that focuses on two conflicts—one from their own experience and one from a picture book or story that they have read.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 40 :
40. Use grade-level and domain-appropriate vocabulary in writing.

a. Use specific vocabulary to develop a story.

b. Use specific vocabulary to explain or inform on a topic.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 41 :
41. Write using grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases accurately, including those that signal contrasting ideas, additional information, and other logical relationships.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Descriptive Video: Using Media Technology to Enhance Writing

This lesson helps students improve their writing abilities and their attention to detail while experiencing a new technology called Descriptive Video. Also known as described programming, Descriptive Video refers to programming with an additional audio track that narrates a film's visual elements. Students watch the opening scene of the standard version of the Disney film The Lion King and write a description of it. They then watch the same opening scene with the descriptions and captions available online at the National Center for Accessible Media. They will write another descriptive summary of this scene. Students share their two writing samples aloud and compare their pre- and post-audio descriptions.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 13 :
13. Utilize new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary to make connections to previously learned words and relate new words to background knowledge.

a. Make connections to a word's structure using knowledge of phonology, morphology, and orthography of the word to aid learning.
[ELA2021] (3) 34 :
34. Write informative or explanatory texts about a topic using sources, including an introduction, facts, relevant details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (4) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 9 :
9. Accurately interpret general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (5) -6 :
R1. Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 14 :
14. Write using grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases accurately, including those that signal contrasting ideas, additional information, and other logical relationships.
[ELA2021] (5) 35 :
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Our Classroom: Writing an Owner's Manual

There are many back to school activities that take place to help create a classroom community. It is important for students to feel that they own the space and the learning that takes place in their classroom. Foster such ownership for students by collaboratively writing an owner's manual that describes the classroom's areas and procedures. Students begin by sharing thoughts and feelings about school so far and brainstorming a list of important classroom places, routines, and events. Next, they select an item from the brainstormed list and write a draft description of how their topic “works” in the classroom and after peer-review, make appropriate revisions. Then students use interactive tools to create their piece of the classroom owner's manual. Finally, students share their work and decide as a class how to share the information with others, such as an Open House or when new students join the classroom.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 13 :
13. Utilize new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary to make connections to previously learned words and relate new words to background knowledge.

a. Make connections to a word's structure using knowledge of phonology, morphology, and orthography of the word to aid learning.
[ELA2021] (3) 17 :
17. Use grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary in writing.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 14 :
14. Write using grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases accurately, including those that signal contrasting ideas, additional information, and other logical relationships.
[ELA2021] (5) 41 :
41. Write using grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases accurately, including those that signal contrasting ideas, additional information, and other logical relationships.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Using Word Storms to Explore Vocabulary and Encourage Critical Thinking

During this lesson, students are introduced to the concept of working dogs and how they help society. Students read a variety of texts, learn relevant vocabulary, participate in purposeful writing, and are encouraged to share their perspectives. An inquiry model called POWER is used, in addition to a vocabulary strategy called Word Storms, which is designed to help students speak and write critically about the texts they read. Most of the resources for the lesson are found online.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 34 :
34. Write informative or explanatory texts about a topic using sources, including an introduction, facts, relevant details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 35 :
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: How-To Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose

What do students need to know to succeed in fourth grade (or third or fifth)? What supplies are needed? What rules and steps should be followed? These and many other questions provide the framework for students to write how-to essays for a specific audience—future fourth graders. Although this lesson focuses specifically on the fourth grade, it can be easily adapted for third- or fifth-graders. Students first learn about the how-to writing genre by reading an assortment of instruction manuals. This also demonstrates how how-to writing relates to their everyday lives. The teacher then models each step of the writing process as the students write about how to be successful fourth graders. After students publish their writing, the final drafts are saved for the following year's fourth graders to read at the beginning of the next school year.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 34 :
34. Write informative or explanatory texts about a topic using sources, including an introduction, facts, relevant details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 35 :
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Teaching the Compare and Contrast Essay Through Modeling

Together, the students and teacher use charts and Venn diagrams to brainstorm and organize similarities and differences between two objects. The teacher then models the beginning of the first draft, inviting students to help rephrase, clarify, and revise as the draft is written. Finally, students take what they have learned to complete the draft independently.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 34 :
34. Write informative or explanatory texts about a topic using sources, including an introduction, facts, relevant details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (3) 39 :
39. Gather and evaluate information about a topic from a variety of sources, including digital sources, and utilize it to create a project, report, or presentation.

a. Avoid plagiarism by using their own words and utilizing digital sources ethically.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 33 :
33. Use research to produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

a. Introduce a research topic clearly and group related ideas.

b. Integrate and cite evidence to present research findings in written form.

c. Paraphrase portions of texts or information presented in diverse media and formats.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 35 :
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
[ELA2021] (5) 37 :
37. Write about research findings independently over short and/or extended periods of time.
[ELA2021] (5) 38 :
38. Gather information on a topic or question, and share the results through various modes of writing, including projects and presentations.

a. Locate information in print and digital sources.

b. Summarize, quote, and paraphrase information in notes and finished work, providing a list of sources.

c. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic into presentations of research.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Writers' Workshop: The Biographical Sketch

While engaging in the processes of researching, writing, and evaluating short biographical sketches, students can master essential writing skills and enhance their content area learning. In this unit, students discuss standard elements in a biography and examine the characteristics of the genre in a workshop setting. After selecting and researching a contemporary or historical figure using online databases, students practice writing short biographies. They then offer feedback on others' compositions and publish final drafts for reading aloud and displaying in class.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 22 :
22. Describe literary elements within a story, including setting, plot, characters, and themes.

a. Describe in detail the characters' behavior, emotions, and traits and explain how their actions influence events in the story.

b. Explain how the characters' actions and dialogue contribute to the meaning of the story.

c. Identify the central message, theme, or moral in a story, including myths, fables, and folktales, and explain the meaning conveyed in the passage.

d. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots from two texts.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 15 :
15. Analyze in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

a. Identify and explain attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.

b. Explain how the main character changes throughout the story, using explicit evidence from the text.

c. Make an inference about a character's behavior, the setting, and/or specific events, using explicit details from the story.
[ELA2021] (4) 35 :
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 19 :
19. Interpret how authors use literary elements throughout a text, including character, setting, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
[ELA2021] (5) 34 :
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Once Upon a Time Rethought: Writing Fractured Fairy Tales

In this free resource from ReadWriteThink, students work together to craft a list of common fairy tale elements in order to determine what makes a fairy tale a fairy tale. They then explore and analyze a variety of tales, recording their information using a story map. The story map becomes a launching point for students' own fairy tales. Students use the characteristics of a known tale and change one of the literary elements to create a new tale, which includes a different set of characters, has a new setting, or includes a changed conflict or resolution. Finally, students publish and illustrate their new “fractured fairy tales” for others to enjoy.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 18 :
18. Demonstrate content knowledge built during independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (3) 34 :
34. Write informative or explanatory texts about a topic using sources, including an introduction, facts, relevant details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 14 :
14. Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (4) 35 :
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) 36 :
36. Write informative or explanatory text about a topic using sources, incorporating academic vocabulary, and including an introduction, facts, details with elaboration, and a conclusion.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 16 :
16. Demonstrate comprehension of varied literary and informational texts by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 34 :
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
[ELA2021] (5) 35 :
35. Write informative or explanatory texts using multiple sources to examine a topic, conveying ideas and information clearly and incorporating a strong organizational structure, relevant details, and elaboration.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Blending Fiction and Nonfiction to Improve Comprehension and Writing Skills

This lesson supports the use of a text set (paired fiction and nonfiction texts on a similar topic) to increase student interest in and understanding of content area material and to develop critical writing skills. The more familiar format of narrative fiction introduces the topic and generates confidence in exploring the less familiar genre of nonfiction. Students then demonstrate what they have learned about the topic and about text genres by writing an original piece that blends together narrative and expository elements.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 1 :
1. Contribute meaningful ideas to discussions with groups and peers utilizing agreed upon rules.

a. Elaborate on responses in conversations and discussions.

Examples: use precise, descriptive language; build upon previously expressed ideas
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 25 :
25. Explain how the form of a poem contributes to its meaning.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Building Classroom Community Through the Exploration of Acrostic Poetry

Building classroom community is one of the most challenging yet most important tasks for any teacher, and it needs to be reinforced frequently throughout the year. This lesson gives students the opportunity to be innovative, creative, and expressive while building a sense of community. In this lesson, students explore the genre of acrostic poetry and participate in a shared writing experience with acrostic poems. Using the Internet, students explore and investigate the characteristics of acrostic poetry. They then brainstorm positive character traits about one of their classmates using an online thesaurus and compose an acrostic poem. Students use an interactive online tool to write and print the final draft and then share their poems with the class.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 35 :
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 34 :
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Writing ABC Books to Enhance Reading Comprehension

Comprehension requires more than knowledge of the basic facts in a reading. Instead, readers need to actively engage in their readings to move toward critical thinking. After reading a piece of literature, students explore their text, searching for literary elements such as characters, setting, figures of speech, and themes. They use the alphabet to organize their findings. Finally, they publish their work in ABC books, using the Alphabet Organizer student interactive.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Q Is for Duck: Using Alphabet Books With Struggling Writers

Think alphabet books are just for kindergarten? Think again! In this lesson, students examine a variety of alphabet books, some with rather complex structures, specifically Mary Elting and Michael Folsom's Q Is for Duck: An Alphabet Guessing Game. Students begin the lesson with a read-aloud of the story in which they guess why the authors chose to represent each letter with a particular word and then summarize the pattern of the book. Using "patterned" or "structured" writing can be very effective with struggling writers, and it also allows advanced students to extend their writing capabilities. Students use the pattern of Q Is for Duck to create their own class alphabet book in which students make clever associations for each letter of the alphabet. This experience will assist even the most reluctant writer in becoming an author.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -3 :
R3. Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through discussion, reading, and writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 14 :
14. Describe word relationships and nuances in word meanings, including relating them to their opposites and distinguishing shades of meaning in similar or related words, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

a. Determine meaning of words using synonyms in context.

b. Determine meaning of words using antonyms as a clue.

c. Describe the similarities and differences between related words.

d. Use knowledge of homophones to determine appropriate use of words.

e. Interpret figurative language.

f. Identify relationships and nuances in word meanings to determine real-life connections between words and their use.
Examples: Discuss relationships in words related to home (house, residence, habitat) and give reasons for choosing a particular word in speaking or writing.
Distinguish shades of meaning in words related to bad (terrible, awful, horrible) and give reasons for choosing a particular word in speaking or writing.
Distinguish shades of meaning in words related to talk (yell, scream, bellow) and give reasons for choosing a particular word in speaking or writing.
[ELA2021] (3) 17 :
17. Use grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary in writing.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 10 :
10. Interpret words and phrases, including figurative language, as they are used in a text.

a. Explain how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

b. Explain how figurative language contributes to the meaning of text, including simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, and idioms.

c. Use the relationships between synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to increase understanding of word meanings.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 12 :
12. Interpret the meaning of words, phrases, and patterns as they are used in texts, including domain-specific and academic vocabulary and figurative language.

a. Locate similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and idioms and interpret their meanings in context.

b. Explain the meanings of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.

c. Use the relationships between synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to increase understanding of word meanings.

d. Explain how an author's vocabulary and style influence the tone and mood of a text and support his/her purpose for writing.

e. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meanings of words.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Delicious, Tasty, Yummy: Enriching Writing With Adjectives and Synonyms

Students' vocabulary is expanded and their writing is enriched when they are encouraged to use a variety of adjectives to help readers "see, taste, and feel" what they've written. In this unit for grades 3 through 5, picture books are used as a springboard for helping students define, identify, and practice using adjectives and synonyms. They develop webbed lists and then put their new vocabulary skills to use by writing form poems.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 42 :
42. Write poetry or prose in response to visual images to interpret their meanings.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 25 :
25. Explain how the form of a poem contributes to its meaning.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Theme Poems: Writing Extraordinary Poems About Ordinary Objects

Writing poetry enables students to reflect on their everyday experiences, express their perceptions and observations, and craft powerful images. In this lesson, students write theme poems using their content knowledge and sensory awareness of a familiar object. Students first learn about the characteristics and format of a theme poem. They then engage in an online interactive activity in which they select a graphic of a familiar object (e.g., the sun, a heart, a balloon), build a word bank of the content area and sensory words related to the object, and write poems within the shape of the object. Finished poems are printed and displayed in class.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 33 :
33. Write personal or fictional narratives with a logical plot (sequence of events), characters, transitions, and a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 35 :
35. Write personal or fictional narratives using a logical plot, transitional words and phrases, sensory details, and dialogue, and providing a sense of closure.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 34 :
34. Write personal or fictional narratives incorporating literary elements (characters, plot, setting, conflict), dialogue, strong voice, and clear event sequences.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Writing and Assessing an Autobiographical Incident

In this lesson, students read and discuss several biographies and autobiographies. They analyze two autobiographical incidents, identifying the structure, organization, and style of the pieces. After talking with family members and brainstorming possible topics, students select a focus for their autobiographical incident and use an online tool to organize the events in chronological order. Students then draft their autobiographical incident and complete the writing process by conferencing, revising, editing, publishing, and sharing with the class. They assess their writing with a rubric. They have the opportunity to use a graphic map and an interactive timeline in the lesson. 

ALEX Classroom Resources: 18

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