ALEX Resources

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Learning Activities (2) Building blocks of a lesson plan that include before, during, and after strategies to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill. Classroom Resources (2)

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 5 :
5. Express ideas, opinions, and feelings orally in a logical sequence clearly, accurately, and precisely, using appropriate volume, clear pronunciation, and standard English grammar.
[ELA2021] (3) 38 :
38. Compose and develop a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence, details to support, and a concluding sentence.
Subject: English Language Arts (3)
Title: Weak or Strong Statements: That Is the Question

The students will listen to a read-aloud of "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs," and jot down opinion sentences they hear as they listen. They will learn how to write strong introductions and conclusions for their paragraphs. They will write a paragraph summarizing the wolf's opinions in the book.

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 5 :
5. Express ideas, opinions, and feelings orally in a logical sequence clearly, accurately, and precisely, using appropriate volume, clear pronunciation, and standard English grammar.
[ELA2021] (3) 38 :
38. Compose and develop a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence, details to support, and a concluding sentence.
Subject: English Language Arts (3)
Title: Opinions, Opinions, Opinions, Oh My!

Students will share opinions on topics digitally by using They will orally share opinions with a partner as they brainstorm reasons they hold the particular opinion. Students will choose from a given list of prompts to provide them with a topic for their opinion writing paragraph. They will use a graphic organizer to plan their writing for the opinion paragraph.

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.

ALEX Learning Activities: 2

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ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) -1 :
R5. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (3) 22 :
22. Describe literary elements within a story, including setting, plot, characters, and themes.

a. Describe in detail the characters' behavior, emotions, and traits and explain how their actions influence events in the story.

b. Explain how the characters' actions and dialogue contribute to the meaning of the story.

c. Identify the central message, theme, or moral in a story, including myths, fables, and folktales, and explain the meaning conveyed in the passage.

d. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots from two texts.
[ELA2021] (3) 26 :
26. Use text comparisons (text to text, text to self, and text to world) to make meaning.

a. Use prior knowledge to determine similarities between texts they are reading and texts they have previously read.

b. Compare different versions of the same story.
[ELA2021] (3) 38 :
38. Compose and develop a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence, details to support, and a concluding sentence.
[ELA2021] (4) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (4) 15 :
15. Analyze in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

a. Identify and explain attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.

b. Explain how the main character changes throughout the story, using explicit evidence from the text.

c. Make an inference about a character's behavior, the setting, and/or specific events, using explicit details from the story.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) -3 :
R4. Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.
[ELA2021] (5) 19 :
19. Interpret how authors use literary elements throughout a text, including character, setting, conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Examining Plot Conflict Through a Comparison/Contrast Essay

Students explore picture books to identify the characteristics of four types of conflict: character vs. character, character vs. self, character vs. nature, and character vs. society. Next, students write about conflict in their own lives and then look for similarities among all the conflicts shared by the class, ultimately classifying each conflict into one of the four types. Finally, after investigating the compare and contrast format, students conclude with a compare and contrast essay that focuses on two conflicts—one from their own experience and one from a picture book or story that they have read.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (3) 24 :
24. Identify the text structures within literary and informational texts.

a. Explain how the structures, including comparison and contrast, sequence of events, problem and solution, and cause and effect, contribute to the meaning of the text, using textual evidence.
[ELA2021] (3) 38 :
38. Compose and develop a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence, details to support, and a concluding sentence.
[ELA2021] (4) 23 :
23. Evaluate how text features and structures contribute to the meaning of an informational text.

a. Identify and describe the structures within a text, including description, comparison and contrast, sequence, problem and solution, and cause and effect.

b. Interpret information from text features in both print and digital formats.
[ELA2021] (4) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.
[ELA2021] (5) 24 :
24. Determine and evaluate the effectiveness of digital and print text features and structures, including comparison and contrast, problem and solution, and cause and effect.

a. Identify various text features used in diverse forms of text.

b. Compare and contrast the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in multiple texts.
[ELA2021] (5) 32 :
32. Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, independently and with grade-level proficiency.
Subject: English Language Arts (3 - 5)
Title: Exploring Cause and Effect Using Expository Texts About Natural Disasters

Expository texts are a key component of literacy but often do not get introduced to students until the later grades. This lesson helps third- through fifth-grade students explore the nature and structure of expository texts that focus on cause and effect. Students begin by activating prior knowledge about cause and effect; the teacher then models discovering these relationships in a text and recording in a graphic organizer the relationships that the class finds. Students work in small groups to apply what they learned using related books and then write paragraphs outlining the cause-and-effect relationships they have found.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 2

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