ALEX Resources

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Classroom Resources (5)

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (4) 20 :
4.7.1) Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain and improve personal health.

Example: planning a daily menu based on the USDA food guidelines

[HE] (5) 1 :
5.1.1) Draw conclusions about the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

[HE] (6) 20 :
6.7.1) Critique examples of responsible behaviors that reduce health risks.

Examples: choosing healthy foods, participating in healthy activities, having regular medical and dental check-ups

Subject: Health Education (4 - 6)
Title: How Effective is Your Sunscreen?

This is a free video resource from PBS LearningMedia that teaches students about the importance of sunscreen. In this video from DragonflyTV, Aaron and Justin, who spend lots of time outdoors surfing and bike riding, test which level of sunscreen best protects their skin from the harmful effects of the Sun’s rays. The boys order a set of special water bottles designed to change color when exposed to ultraviolet rays. They then apply olive oil, shortening, and three sunscreens of different sun protection factors (SPFs) to the bottles and gauge how well the applications work.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (0) 2 :
K.1.2) Identify healthy food choices.

Example: MyPlate

[HE] (1) 20 :
1.7.1) Identify healthy practices and behaviors to maintain and improve personal health.

[HE] (2) 1 :
2.1.1) Describe behaviors that enhance physical and mental health.

[HE] (3) 17 :
3.5.1) Discuss the consequences of possible choices when making a health decision.

Examples: healthy snack vs. junk food, outdoor activity vs. video games, active vs. sedentary, implications of not following established rules

[HE] (4) 2 :
4.1.2) Compare unhealthy and healthy eating patterns, including eating in moderation.

[HE] (5) 1 :
5.1.1) Draw conclusions about the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

Subject: Health Education (K - 5)
Title: Healthy Eating

This classroom resource is a lesson plan for teaching students about healthy eating. The lesson begins with an activity in which students consider two plates of food: one composed of healthy choices and one composed of less healthy choices. Students then learn about the importance of nutrition, watch a video about healthy eating habits, and discuss the role of fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet. Next, students investigate snacks and learn about the difference between "every day" and "sometimes" foods. They watch a video about how to choose healthy snacks and then participate in an activity that challenges them to make healthy choices while preparing a plate of food for a friend. Finally, students learn about where to find both "every day" and "sometimes" foods.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (0) 1 :
K.1.1) Identify behaviors that impact personal health.

[HE] (1) 1 :
1.1.1) Explain how healthy behaviors impact personal health.

[HE] (2) 1 :
2.1.1) Describe behaviors that enhance physical and mental health.

[HE] (3) 1 :
3.1.1) Describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

[HE] (3) 17 :
3.5.1) Discuss the consequences of possible choices when making a health decision.

Examples: healthy snack vs. junk food, outdoor activity vs. video games, active vs. sedentary, implications of not following established rules

[HE] (4) 20 :
4.7.1) Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain and improve personal health.

Example: planning a daily menu based on the USDA food guidelines

[HE] (5) 1 :
5.1.1) Draw conclusions about the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

[HE] (6) 3 :
6.1.3) Describe benefits of practicing healthy behaviors.

Examples: using household products only for intended purposes, dietary choices, physical activity, drinking plenty of water

Subject: Health Education (K - 6)
Title: Arthur Weighs In

In this classroom resource from PBS LearningMedia, students watch a video about getting and keeping fit in a non-judgemental way. When Arthur doesn't fit into his costume for the play, he's shocked to learn that he's become "husky-sized." Now he's serious about getting in shape. Will he turn to an all-protein diet? Eat only herbs and berries? Or will he try something really radical... like exercise?! This is a free resource. This resource also includes links to additional activities to use with the video.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (1) 1 :
1.1.1) Explain how healthy behaviors impact personal health.

[HE] (2) 1 :
2.1.1) Describe behaviors that enhance physical and mental health.

[HE] (3) 1 :
3.1.1) Describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

[HE] (4) 1 :
4.1.1) Describe school practices that promote a safe and healthy environment.

[HE] (4) 2 :
4.1.2) Compare unhealthy and healthy eating patterns, including eating in moderation.

[HE] (5) 1 :
5.1.1) Draw conclusions about the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

[HE] (6) 3 :
6.1.3) Describe benefits of practicing healthy behaviors.

Examples: using household products only for intended purposes, dietary choices, physical activity, drinking plenty of water

Subject: Health Education (1 - 6)
Title: Serving Up My Plate: A Yummy Curriculum

Serving Up MyPlate is a collection of classroom materials that helps elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education into Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Health. This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate  icon and a variety of hands-on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity in staying healthy.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

   View Standards     Standard(s): [HE] (0) 2 :
K.1.2) Identify healthy food choices.

Example: MyPlate

[HE] (1) 1 :
1.1.1) Explain how healthy behaviors impact personal health.

[HE] (2) 20 :
2.7.1) Predict how healthy behaviors can reduce health risks.

Example: predicting how a healthy sleep routine promotes academic success

[HE] (3) 1 :
3.1.1) Describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

[HE] (4) 2 :
4.1.2) Compare unhealthy and healthy eating patterns, including eating in moderation.

[HE] (5) 1 :
5.1.1) Draw conclusions about the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

Subject: Health Education (K - 5)
Title: HealthBeat-Cut the Sugar

This is a free classroom resource from PBS LearningMedia.  Students watch a video to learn how to cut their sugar intake.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 5

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