ALEX Resources

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Learning Activities (1) Building blocks of a lesson plan that include before, during, and after strategies to actively engage students in learning a concept or skill.

ALEX Learning Activities  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ELA2021] (7) 5 :
5. Evaluate rhetorical strategies used to develop central and supporting ideas in recorded or live presentations, including point of view, purpose, comparison, categories, and word meanings (figurative, connotative, and technical).
[ARTS] THEA (8) 13 :
13) Rehearse and perform a formal drama/theatre work for an audience.

Subject: English Language Arts (7), Arts Education (8)
Title: Monologues and Main Ideas

Through this activity, students will take a monologue that they have been working on and select an image that represents the main idea of the monologue. The images will be projected while each student performs to serve as the backdrop for their performance.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit

ALEX Learning Activities: 1

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