ALEX Resources

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Classroom Resources (2)

ALEX Classroom Resources  
   View Standards     Standard(s): [ARTS] DAN (6) 3 :
3) Develop a dance study that supports artistic intent through exploration of choreographic devices and explain the goal or purpose of the dance.

Example: Use inversion to create a dance about opposition.

[ARTS] DAN (6) 11 :
11) Apply basic anatomical knowledge and spatial awareness to prepare for warm-ups and dancing.

[ARTS] DAN (7) 4 :
4) Develop artistic criteria to choreograph a dance study that communicates personal or cultural meaning and justify how the artistic criteria serve to communicate the meaning of the dance.

[ARTS] DAN (7) 11 :
11) Interpret knowledge of human anatomy to understand physical developmental stages in technical skills.

Examples: Functional alignment, coordination, balance, core support, kinesthetic awareness, clarity of movement, weight shifts, or flexibility/range of motion.

Subject: Arts Education (6 - 7)
Title: Human Body Systems Dance

In this lesson, students will research and gather information about human body systems and functions. The students will explore creative movement. The students will examine the relationship between creative movement and the human body. The students will choreograph a series of dance phrases representing the human body systems and functions and then erform a choreographed dance for an audience.

ALEX Classroom Resources: 1

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